Chapter 62

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A/N ok so I'm fine with tips and ideas to make my story better but when I full-on just had to delete a comment that said "if your ability to write this type of shit you should be able to kill yourself" 1. That barely makes any sense 2. That's just not ok 3. How are you able to just say something like that!  What if I really did it or somebody else you told to kill themselves did it how would you feel!!!
   I'm trying not to take all of this personally but it went from one comment like that to me getting 3 comments saying stuff just like that a week!  I haven't been complaining about it and I've been trying to ignore them. Would you guys please stop telling me to kill myself and please stop hating on me and my story! Thank you💙💙💙😁

Draco's POV (week 36)

I leave the hall that our new room was currently in and reach my arms up over my head, yawning. I'm the first one up like usual, so I head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Before I get to the door I see movement in the corner of my eye.
I quickly flip around aiming my wand at the common room. There is Ron curled up on a couch sleeping. I was gonna leave him alone until I saw him shiver so I put my wand back into my pocket and walked over to him.
"Hey wake up" I whisper-shout shaking his shoulder slightly. He surprisingly woke up quickly and turned to face me his eyes puffy and he looked exhausted. "Why don't you go to your room," I ask pointing up the stairs. He flops back onto the couch and looks the other way.
"He d-doesn't want me there" he whispers with a slight crack in his voice as he tried not to cry. My eyes go wide at the thought of Blaise saying something like that. "Did he really say that?" I ask sitting down on the open spot of the couch.
Ron sits up now and looks at me tears forming in his eyes. "Noo.. but whenever we go to bed he sleeps as far to his side as he can and doesn't even try to cuddle me no matter how close I scoot over to him.... he completely ignores me" Ron started ranting to me his voice breaking once or twice.  
He sucked in a deep breath and bit his lip attempting to hold back tears. As he finishes a weird noise escapes his throat and he bursts into a full-on sob.
I take a deep breath and pull him into a hug. He sucks in another breath and tightens up before hugging me back and crying into my shoulder "I'll talk to him if you want and you can go sleep in Harry and I's old room" I suggest.
He looks at me and wipes his nose "I would like that, thank you very much" he whispers standing from the couch.
I start walking back towards the kitchen just to stop and turn back towards Ron who was also staring at me from the bottom of the stairs. "We're not telling anybody about this Uh.... moment right," Ron says a bit of sarcasm and happiness in his voice.
"Of course not, people can't know that I helped a weasel" I snicker and he chuckles "I wouldn't want your help anyways ferret" he whisper-shouts back before going up the stairs.
As I walked back to the kitchen I could hear him laughing and I started to laugh too. Ron and I don't hate each other. Our relationship is just making fun of each other nonstop and as I said before once Blaise wakes up I'll talk to him.


Fred ended up coming to help me with breakfast and George came trudging in a few minutes later with a yawning Herb on his shoulders. It looked quite adorable.
I set the last two plates down in the dining room as the door is slammed open. "Where is Ron!" Blaise shouts looking around the room not waiting for an answer as he runs into the kitchen.
"Blaise" I call after him as he slumps to the floor "he left didn't he.... I can't believe he just left" he sobs into his hands as I feel my heart break for him. I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it in a comforting way "let's go somewhere private to talk" I whisper helping him up off the floor.
He nods his head and we slowly walk out of the kitchen. I lead him to one of the study rooms and he sits down, just to start crying again. I sit down next to him and wrap him in a hug. Man, I feel like a therapist today.
"He didn't leave," I tell him bluntly and he pulls his head up from his hands. "He's in Harry and I's old room upstairs, sleeping" I continue pulling back from the hug to look him in the eyes.
His eyes go wide and he jumps up to go to him I assume. I don't let it happen as I pull him back down onto the couch getting a hurt and questioning look from Blaise "when I came to start breakfast he was on the couch freezing in his sleep" I explain, waiting for Blaise's reaction. He stares at the ground with a sad expression written on his face.
Blaise then looks back up to me with the same expression "why" he asks simply and I give him a confused look "why what" I question him, reassuringly grabbing his shoulder. "Why did he leave the bed.... d-does he want to be away from me that bad" Blaise chokes out, his eyes going wide in disbelief while his breathing gets heavier.
"Blaise" I shout snapping him out of the trance. I help to steady his breathing. "Breathe in..... Breathe out" I repeat a few times before I think he should be fine.
"He thinks you hate him something about whenever you're in bed you stay as far away as you can and no matter how close he gets to you.... you never want to cuddle him anymore" I rack my brain trying to remember everything Ron had said.
Blaise let out a groan and looks at me with a guilty face "I was trying to give him space and every time he moved closer I assumed he was already sleeping and I didn't want to bother him if he didn't want me touching him" Blaise scowls his voice full frustration, irritation at himself.
"I'm so stupid" he shouts and I tap his cheek lightly getting his attention. "No, you're not stupid! you both just had a misunderstanding it will be ok" I assure him as he goes back to crying into my chest.


After about 10 minutes Blaise had finally composed himself and we made our way back to the dining room. Halfway there I realize my shirt was now covered in snot and tears. I let out a huff  "so this is what being a dad is like" I mutter to myself.
I take my shirt off and throw it onto the corner of a table in the common room. That way I will see it and wash it later. Once we reach the dining room I see that Harry is now in his usual seat yawning and Ron was sitting next to him.
I kiss Harry on the head and sit in my usual spot. Looking at Harry with a smile, he stares at me wide eyes and drops his fork. Getting up from his seat just to move over to me. I raise an eyebrow giving him a look, but he doesn't say anything while he sits on my lap.
"Where's your shirt" he whispers as I kiss his head again. "It needs to get washed let's just say Blaise had a little crying session on me" I explain quietly and he nods his head.
"I can move if I'm too big for you," he continues turning back to me as he places a hand on his stomach. "No you're fine don't worry love, I would tell you," I assure him kissing his nose. Yeah, I definitely wouldn't tell him, but that's fine.
Blaise goes to sit in the spot he usually does which means he's right across from Ron and I watch as he stares at Ron with a look of hopelessness. I'm cut out of my thoughts of the messed-up couple in front of me by Harry. "So are they gonna be ok," he pries and I look in between the two both with looks of sadness.
"As soon as they talk to each other they should be fine.... hopefully"

If you have already voted don't vote again but the votes are still on for whether or not Atlas should call Harry and Draco- Mom and Dad or Dad and Papa-

•Dad and Papa- 12 votes
• Mom and Dad- 11 votes
You can message me privately if you don't want to vote in the comments thanks everybody see you next chapter ❤️😁

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