Chapter 98

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Atlas (8 months 3 weeks)
Ron (27 weeks)
Draco's POV

I woke up without the sound of the clock chiming loudly in my ear... it was just perfect- fucking perfect. I sit up and stretch as a yawn escapes my lips. My first class doesn't start until 1 today so I have... I squint to look at the clock.
"I should pry get there at 12.... so errr I'll leave at 11:30..... so I've got 4 hours and 30 minutes" I mumble to myself, throwing the blanket off of me.
I should probably shower but, I don't want to... I really should though. I turn back and nudge Harry trying to wake him up. He refuses, rolling away from me and I chuckle kissing his cheek. "Babyyy" I whine as he swats me lightly.
I pout but stay persistent as I continued kissing the side of his head. "Wake up pleaseeeee" "I wanna hang out before I leaveeee" "I'm gonna misssss you" I continue to whine and complain.
He quickly turns around and kisses my cheek before slamming a pillow over his head. I exhale through my nose taking the hint as I crawl out of bed.
"Fine then I was gonna take a shower, I wanted you to join me, but suit yourself" I sigh dramatically shrugging my shoulders as I start to walk to the bathroom. I hear a loud thump and I turned around confused and see the pillow that was once on Harry's head all the way across the room against the wall.
"I'm up! I'm up!" a very groggy and tired Harry shouts, as I smirk to myself. "So glad that actually worked" I whisper letting out a nervous chuckle.
Harry completely takes the covers off of him as he swings his legs to the side and hops off the bed. He limps over to me and my heart breaks at the sight. "Does it feel any better?" I ask rubbing the light purple bruise on his cheek. It's the only one left.... on his face at least. "Yeah it just hurts a little bit" he smiles somehow being able to stay positive after all of it.
As much as I want to just carry him everywhere I know he needs to restrengthen his legs and straighten them back out. I bite my lip every time he winces in pain as we walk to the bathroom.
I give him my arm and it seems to help a little as his pained expression became softer. As we got into the bathroom I ended up starting the water for a bath instead because I'm not gonna make him stand that long.
Once the water was at a good temperature I grabbed some towels from the cabinet underneath the sink and set them near the bath before I begin to strip. Harry stands up and does the same putting all his weight on one foot.
I help him into the bath before getting in behind him. He lays against me as I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss the back of his head. "How you feeling," I ask putting my forehead against the back of his head.
"Right now I definitely feel relaxed it's nice" he chuckles a bright smile on his face. "You know I can always just take a day off work" I add as he sighs "you've been saying that since I got hurt and for the hundredth time no" he laughs as I squeeze his waist. "Fine" I grumble putting my chin on his shoulder. I grab the cup we use to wash and fill it with water before pouring it over Harry.
I laugh as he jumps with a surprised expression on his face. He turns to me his wet hair now covering his face "funny" he says bluntly as he takes the cup from me and pours the rest of the water over my head.
He starts laughing as I scrunch up my face and, move the hair out of my eyes "yeah you're right it is funny" he giggles as I tickle his sides lightly.
"Ok now don't move I'm gonna wash your hair," I kiss his forehead as he turns back around giving me a quick "ok". I grab the shampoo and spread it through his hair massaging his scalp in the progress. "Ok tilt your head back" I instruct him as I fill the cup and dump it over his head, washing out the shampoo. I do it a second time to get rid of any leftover suds.
I repeat this with the conditioner and when I'm done I start to rinse and clean my hair as Harry uses the soap to wash his body. He turns back to me as I'm putting the conditioner in my hair. "What time are you leaving," he asks pursing his lips.
I smile at his adorable face and, I drop my hands to my side "I think I'm gonna leave at 11:30 but I can always leave later because I don't actually have to be there till 1" I explain as he nods his head trying to understand it.
"If Atlas wakes up in time do you want to help me bathe him?" He asks grabbing my hand I run my thumb in circles across his palm. He watches me with curious eyes waiting for an answer... as if I'd ever say no. "I'd love to help with whatever I can" I chuckle before going back to washing my hair.
Harry begins to clean my chest with the soap as I pour the water over my head. "Here," he giggles handing me the soap after I had set the cup down. I clean off the rest of my body as we joke around about random stuff.
   Once I'm finished I climb out of the bath wrapping a towel around my waist.  I then help Harry up and out of the tub before drying him off as much as I could with a towel.
   I ended up just carrying him back to our bed and setting him down before grabbing my wand and performing a wordless charm to quickly dry us off.  I go to the closet and just pull some boxers and sweats on knowing I'll have to change anyway for work.
  I grab Harry, one of my sweatshirts, and some clean boxers.  I set them in front of him as he quickly puts on the hoodie.  "I'm gonna need actual pants," he says with a laugh a he gets up to get them. 
  "But you look so cute in just boxers" I whine putting him back on the bed.  I walk into the closet grabbing him some sweats as well.  He happily takes them as I walk over to get Atlas.
   The baby is awake, his hands holding on to the bars keeping him up.  "Hey, little prince wanna go take a bath," I ask picking him up. He smiles and starts to ramble as we make our way back to our room to get Harry.
  Once we get over there Harry hobbles out of the bathroom with a dry towel and I'm assuming stuff for the baby.  "Let's go," he cheers taking my other arm to put less weight on his leg.
   We slowly make our way to the kitchen and Harry fills the sink up about 4 inches with warm water.  He then asks for the baby as I hand Atlas to him.  Harry sets Atlas in the water.  The baby happily slaps his hands on the surface of the water creating tiny ripples and splashes.
  "Hey will you grab me a cup," he asks pulling a stool up to the sink so he can sit.  I walk over to the cabinet and pull one out giving it to Harry as he fills it with water. He slowly only using a little at a time pours the water over Atlas.
  Handing me a scrub and the baby soap I begin washing his body.  "I feel weird washing a baby in a sink" I laugh as Harry follows along.  "Actually since Atlas can crawl, sit up by himself and, is already practicing standing this is gonna be one of his last baths in the sink," he whispers  rubbing the hairs on the little boy's head. 
  I rub the scrub over his arms. Putting my hand out for the cup and Harry hands it to me as I rinse all the bubbles and suds off of him. He continues splashing around unbothered by us.
  The kitchen door opens suddenly and somebody walks in "Woah why is there a baby in the sink" Fred shouts completely, shocked.  I chuckle to myself and turn back to him, seeing George walk in behind him. His mouth drops open as his eyes give us a questioning and worrying look.
"Listen I know I said we weren't able to cook breakfast today.... but that doesn't mean you have to cook your baby"

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-10

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -32
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 19
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -19

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

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