Chapter 164

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April 2nd
Harry (5 months)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

Harry's POV

I sit up from bed immediately clutching my stomach which was definitely noticeable by now. I hop off the bed leaving my husband to sleep while trudging out the door.
Walking straight to the nursery I open the door surprised that Atlas is still sleeping. I quickly got him an outfit out before walking over to his crib.
The toddler was sleeping with his arms over his head as soft snores came from his mouth. As much as I didn't want to wake him up I had to.
I grabbed Atlas out of his crib, and hugged him to my chest, bouncing slightly as I walked around. "Wakey wakey" I whispered kissing his head.
He turns his head the other way snuggling into me more which just makes waking him up even harder. "Baby we gotta get up, some people are coming over to see you," I say a little louder, poking his side gently.
His eyes flutter open a bit and he sits up rubbing his eyes immediately crashing back onto me "Papa!" He yawns. I continue to hug him, and rub his back as he tries to wake up.
"So how's my handsome birthday boy," I ask while he yawns again sitting up in my arms. Atlas claps his hands together before pressing them on my cheeks. "Hi" he giggles while I take him to the changing table. "Hello" I giggle back.
I sit him down and he whines wanting back up. "Let's get you dressed first then you can go up," I tell him, grabbing a new diaper. We've been working on potty training, but it's not exactly going the best. He hates being alone so he's scared to go to the bathroom anyways.
The only place Atlas is okay being alone in is his nursery, but that's probably because we are right across from him, and he has Wolfie. I go back to changing his diaper and quickly dressed him afterward. Once I was done he stood himself up on the changing table, and practically jumped onto me.

  "Yeah your daddy wanted you in jeans, but sweats are way more comfortable, aren't they" I coo at him as he hugs onto my sweater

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"Yeah your daddy wanted you in jeans, but sweats are way more comfortable, aren't they" I coo at him as he hugs onto my sweater. "Papa?" He questions me leaning away. "What's up bud," I ask, and he smiles leaning back into my chest "no wakey" he whispers yawning. "Yeah?" I say with a laugh while he sits back up turning around. "Wolfie" The baby gasps trying to reach for his cradle. I step back over to it grabbing Wolfie from the corner.
I hand the wolf to the boy, and he happily hugs it before letting his head lay on my chest again. I smile rubbing his back while walking back over to my room. Laying Atlas on our bed he quickly crawls over to Draco cuddling up on his chest as I go to the closet to change.
When I'm satisfied with how I look which doesn't take long because at the moment I could care less about how I look. Sighing into my hand when I walk out and notice both blondes are snoring away. Walking past the two boys I head for the kitchen. Once I walk in I'm immediately hit by the smell of breakfast foods.
Looking up, George was cooking something, as Fred pretended to hit him with a pan. Honestly, if I was Fred... I would have done it. "Thanks for making the food guys" I speak up, scaring George as Fred pulls the pan back pretending he was cooking with it.
"No problem" they grin at me. George's smile drops while looking at Fred. "Plus mums here" "It has to be good" they shiver to themselves while I roll my eyes leaving the kitchen. So I'm guessing, everybody is asleep except the twins and me. More than likely Molly will be down with Arthur soon then she will force Ron up because he 'sleeps too much'.
I start back down the hallway almost bumping into Blaise as he steps in front of me. We both jump back, making us laugh. "Sorry" he mutters quickly glancing at the nursery. "Oh it's fine" I assure him.  He keeps making eyes over to nursery "I've got to go... they aren't very happy" he groans, sprinting through the nursery door.
I just nod continuing back to my room. Pushing open the door I don't even try to be quiet. Once it hits the wall both boys shoot up with looks of fear. "Yeah I'm not happy now get up, and help me get ready" I warn mostly Draco while Atlas crawls back over to him after getting thrown off.
Dray scoops the child up bringing him over to me. "Good morning... I'm gonna get dressed now... okay love you" He rambles on kissing my forehead while giving me the child. I take Atlas back into my arms bouncing him up and down. "How are you still holding that stuffed animal" I laugh as he pats its head.
A few minutes later Draco comes out his pants barely on as he struggles to pull them up while walking. I bite my lip holding in a laugh. Once he gets to me he stops and pulls them the rest of the way up. Looking up with a big smile before taking Atlas back "Happy Birthday my little prince" he coos at the toddler.
   Atlas doesn't seem to care and just hugs Draco enjoying the affection.  Turning around I walk back through the door as a hand hits my arse. I let out a yelp turning to glare at Draco. "Really?" I say rubbing the definite red spot on my butt. "The way you've been acting the last few weeks you have no room to talk'' He whispers, kissing my head.
I feel my face heat up and I continue forward pretending the words he had just said hadn't come out of his mouth.
Like I had thought earlier Molly was already in the common room having a conversation with Arthur. Once she saw us she gasped her hands going to her mouth. "Oh my he's already two look at him" she cooed at the child who was attempting to get Wolfie to sleep.
"He didn't get any bigger than he was yesterday" I chuckle as she waves me off. "But he's already two," She tells me as if I didn't cry all last night because he's so old. Atlas turns away from his dad reaching out for Molly while still trying to cradle his sleeping Wolfie.
  Molly gladly takes him "well good morning to you" she whispers kissing his head. Atlas giggles turning back to us. "What's wrong bud?" I ask him leaning forward to get closer. "Ehhh" He pokes Molly's cheek signaling he wanted to kiss her back.
"Go for it buddy" Dray steps in wrapping his arm around my waist. The toddler sits back up forgetting about his 'sleeping' stuffed animal and gives Molly a small kiss on the cheek. Her face lights up while he sits back down giggling at his toy.
A knock at the door startled us all as Herb sprints to the door apologizing. He opens it for Sirius and Remus, and I quickly run over to them. "Well hello," Remus chuckles pulling me into a hug.
I pull away from him and go to Sirius next while he ruffles my hair. "How's the little girl?" he asks, placing a hand on the side of my stomach. I giggle before answering "rambunctious, already kicking" I inform him as he nods "I see" he whispers looking up when Draco comes over.
"Oh you still live here" Sirius scoffs moving his hand from his stomach. Dray flips him off, turning me to kiss my head, his eyes never breaking contact with my godfather. "Yeah I still live here all right" he shoots back as Remus groans into his hand.
"You want to start with me Blondie!" Sirius shouts making the small child gasp. "Wolfie!" Atlas shouts wiggling to get out of Molly's grip. She sets him down and he runs over almost tripping over himself.
Once he reached Sirius he lifted his arms ready to get picked up. "Wolfie" he cheers while bouncing up and down. "Well hello, little pup" he whispers, picking him up. Sirius tickles his stomach, making him giggle and turn.
"I'm going to go get Ronald," Molly cheers, clasping her hands together as the twins come out snickering after hearing what their mom said. "Well, anyways foods ready" the twins cheer holding the door open.
"Dogs stay out here" Draco chimes in glaring at Sirius who quickly sticks his tongue out at him l. "Snakes too" he spits back just as Blaise comes walking down the hall with both girls holding one of his hands. "Well not him just you" Sirius adds making us all roll our eyes.
"You both are literal children"

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