Chapter 85

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Atlas (6 months)
Ron (16 weeks)

Draco's POV

I wake up as usual for another day at work "too early" I mumble not wanting to leave the warm bed. Harry's arm is draped across my chest and his legs are intertwined with mine.
I sigh and slowly scoot my way out of his embrace until I'm free... sadly.  Lifting the blanket to cover him more before going to get dressed. My robe is draped over the chair so I just need under clothes.
I look through everything, finding a white button up and I tug at the cuffs loosening them before rummaging around to find some pants preferably black... finally I find a pair that had some rips in them at this point I'm only wearing them with rips to piss people off.
I slip on some ankle-high black socks and slide on my shoes before heading to the bathroom to manage my hair which I usually just brush and let it do what it wants after... Harry says my hair is hot when it's messy. I compliment myself a few times and then brush my teeth.
After all that I walk over to the crib to find Atlas on his stomach now with his head up waiting for me. I chuckle and put my finger on his chin tickling him. He giggles a little and a great idea comes to my head.
"Wanna come to work with Dada," I ask him and his eyes go wide before rolling to his back and lifting his legs and hands. That's a yes to me. I shrug my shoulders and grab Atlas out of his crib putting him on the little changing table before going to grab him some clothes.
I change his diaper before putting some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt onto him I think for a minute before putting a red and black flannel over the shirt and clap my hands together. "See your papa's wrong I'm not that bad at dressing you" I cheer to myself as a smile grows on the baby's face.
Slipping my robe on, I put Atlas in his small fluffy coat before walking over to Harry. I shake him awake "I'm taking... Atlas with me" I say hesitantly realizing how bad of an idea this was.
He groans before grabbing my face and pulling me into a heated kiss. After a minute I pull back flustered as he smiles "don't do anything stupid" he whispers before falling back asleep... "heh ok love" I whisper back kinda shocked... that was weird... weird, but hot.
I grab Atlas and head for the door stopping in the kitchen to grab formula, food, and to leave something for Harry. After that I stop in the common room to grab Atlas's baby bag.
The child's eyes widen at the sight of his bag as he lifts his head from my chest to see it. I kinda don't want him to grow up anymore... just put your head back down child and pretend you can't lift it...
The ride there was peaceful Atlas fell asleep on my chest immediately. Once we got there I slung my bag over my shoulder basically running to my class only a few students were in the halls as most were either still sleeping or getting ready.
I open the door turning the light on as I go behind my desk in the corner and set Atlas's play blanket out. It's thick enough that he won't be cold from the ground as I lay him onto the blanket putting his smaller baby blanket over his bottom half. I just don't want it anywhere near his face.
I sigh happily as I get his toys out now so I won't have to do it later, putting them on the opposite end of the big play blanket. Once everything is set up I prepare some formula for him once he wakes up.
The thing is my desk turns so he's completely concealed and he doesn't get bothered. I could care less what the students think. 
   Taking my robe off, and putting it over my chair as I wait for the 7th years to pile in. So first I have 7th years then 5th.  The students and teachers then get a break before lunch and, then resume classes I then get 4th and 3rd years together and Merlin is it a handful...
After that, it goes 6th and last I have 2nd and 1st which is pretty easy because they are so timid about everything they don't really talk.
Finally, students start coming in and I chuckle to myself I am not professional at all my legs are kicked up on my desk as I pick at my nails, yet these kids are either terrified of me or in love me... no I'm not being full of myself... not that I ever am.
They sit down wherever as I close my eyes waiting for the clock in my room to chime. Once it does I stand, immediately closing and locking the door with a spell.
Sitting on my desk "good morning" I smile, waving to them as some relax a bit realizing I'm in a good mood today... I get replies such as "morning" "good morning" "good morning Mr. Malfoy"
Nodding my head, I start the lesson...
Atlas ended waking up in the middle of the 5th year class and man did I get a lot of stares. He began crying not use to his surroundings so I jogged to the front of the class bending over to pick him. His crying softens before coming to a stop once he saw someone he knew.
"Daddy's here" I whispered kissing his head as I grabbed the formula from my desk. This kid in the back his name is Griffon I believe chuckled as I gave Atlas his formula.
"Need something," I asked smiling at the kid as he shivered and laughed nervously... "no I-I'm just so happy that's for a baby I thought you just drank baby formula from a bottle and I was honestly worried for your mental health," he stammered, raising his hands in defense.
I laugh as he sighed in relief "yeah this is my child Atlas Raye Malfoy". I smiled proudly as some of the kids let out awes and others just enjoyed the distraction from class.
Before I could say anything else the door was blown open and I quickly tighten my grip on Atlas throwing his bottle to the side as I grabbed my wand pointing it at the door.
The kids scattered to the opposite side of the room most with their wands out as McGonagall, Snape, Hagrid, Remus, and many other professors walk into the room.  McGonagall clapped as she saw me holding Atlas "you're right Hagrid he is here" she cheered and Hagrid scratched his beard "I knew I er' saw the lital guy" he laughed as they all made their way closer to us. I mentally facepalmed.
  I realized now Atlas was crying so I picked his bottle up and wiped it off before giving it back to him to finish I still have to mostly hold it for him though.  "Don't you guys have classes?"  I asked and they all kinda nervously laughed "yeah we're giving them time to study right now" Snape joined in as he stares at the baby and then at me "he looks just like you" he whispers brushing some of the blonde fuzz on his head.
   I laughed as the professors all watched in awe, but I grabbed his blanket from behind my desk.  "Watch this". I said proudly and I sat him on the blanket in a sitting-up position.  I held onto him until he was for sure balanced and let go. He wobbled for a minute but ultimately stayed up.
  I smiled as they all clapped in awe "and watch thissss" I sang showing off my little prince. "Atlas" I called . He turned his head to me falling onto his hands.  He then fell to his stomach and attempted to wiggle over to me.
  "Not quite there bud, but your close" I whispered as I rub his head.  He started giggling and letting out small coos before making grabby hands. I picked him up as he looked around at everyone and mumbled random words.
  "Someone is very talkative today aren't they, my little prince" I whispered kissing his head as he kept babbling in his own baby language.  I looked up to realize they were still all there and laughed.
I let them take turns holding him as I looked over to see most students talking and some studying "nerds" I whispered to myself before putting my hand to my mouth and laughing silently... I'm such a bad teacher.
   The class ended and students rushed out as teachers and professors said their goodbyes.  I took Atlas back and trust me it was a struggle. Finally I was able to close the door.  We are just gonna enjoy this break and then I'll go get some lunch after.
  "Did you enjoy meeting all those people?" I asked in a baby voice letting him sit up on my desk. He grabbed my hand holding my finger while continuing to ramble.
   All of a sudden the door opens to what I assumed was the professor forgetting something but really it was so much worse... "Well Atlas Daddy is dead"

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-4

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -25
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 18
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -13

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang