Chapter 93

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Atlas (7 months 3 weeks)
Ron (23 weeks)

Harry's POV

  I feel small kisses on my face and I cringe. "Draco get awayyyy" I whine pushing him off of me.  He gasps dramatically before flopping onto me.
I let out a big "oof" as his body crushes me "get off you fat oaf" I shout as my eyes shoot open. "Ouch that hurted a bit" he whines shoving his head into my neck.
  He pretends to pout as I play with his hair "I'm just kidding, babe you're not fat" I smile as he snuggles closer to me.  "No I get it I'm fat" he cries once again dramatically flopping over onto his back next to me.
  "Fat right" I joke sitting up and poking his obvious abs. He nods his head and sticks his bottom lip out continuing to pout. I shake my head no and laugh. See like I know I'm skinny even after being pregnant, but Draco is skinny and incredibly fit.
  Like the amount of working out he does... I could never. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by more kisses on the face. I giggle as I attempt to push him away. 
  "Drayyy stop" I laugh as he finally stops and puts his forehead to mine.  "Now why did you wake me up" I sigh looking into his stormy eyes.
  "They have an extra chair for you and I don't know where they got it but they have this weird baby chair for Atlas," Draco explains scratching his head in confusion.  
  If you hadn't been able to guess we stayed at Hogwarts in Draco's room they had a little crib set up and everything.  Today is the start of the week so Draco has to teach and Atlas and I get to just wander around and do whatever.
  I've started to notice that basically, all the professors have a soft spot for Atlas. Like to the point they'd let him do anything and it scares me for when he gets older.... imagine all the stuff he's gonna get away with.
   "They seriously set chairs out for us at the table with like all the teachers," I ask getting up from the bed. He nods his head and I rub my shoulder nervously.
  "That means a lot of people are gonna be looking at us" I whisper shyly as Draco stands up from the bed as well. "You'll be fine I think they'll be more preoccupied with the food" he whispers back pulling me into a hug.
  I hug back as a groan escapes my lips "that means I have to actually get dressed" I whined as he pats my back sympathetically "I'd say welcome to my world but half the time I just wear my robes over my pajamas" he whispers with a laugh as I roll my eyes "of course you do" I whisper not surprised at all as he throws on a gray t-shirt.  He puts his robe on the bed before going to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth.
  I however want to be a little more presentable so I put on some black khakis and a pastel yellow shirt. Walking over to the crib that's against a wall, close to our bed and may I mention it is in the same room... not some stupid unnecessary nursery.
    Atlas is still sleeping peacefully and as much as I don't want to I have to wake him up.  I watch his chest rise and fall slowly as a soft gurgle comes from his mouth.
  I put my fingers on his chest and softly run them up and down his tummy.  He moved around a bit before rolling onto his stomach.  "Hey, Atlas time to get up" I whisper tracing my finger down his back now.
  His eyes open slowly and he sits himself up looking around until he finds me. He gives me big doe eyes as they start to become teary. "No baby it's ok" I whisper scooping him up.  He starts crying and I kiss his nose "Atlas baby don't cry" I whisper running a hand over his hair that was growing pretty fast now.
  He blinks his eyes slowly as the tears stop coming, his eyes were still blue but you could tell they were lightening up into more of a gray color.  "Just like Draco" I whisper putting my forehead against his.
   He giggles as I quickly change his diaper and put him into a onesie so he would be comfortable especially since it was kinda earlier for him.  I grab his pacifier off the nightstand next to his crib and he happily takes it from me as he sits on the bed and looks around waiting for daddy. 
   I brush his hair to the side a bit the way Draco use to have it until he gave up. Now he just brushes it and lets it do whatever. Don't get me wrong he's hot with messy hair.

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