Chapter 154

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December 22nd
Harry (10 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (11 months 2 weeks)

Draco's POV

"Okay... do we have everybody," Blaise asked stepping in as we let out murmurs of "yes" and "yeahs" Ron steps in front of Blaise sending me a glare as he begins calling out the kid's names. Which has become a regular thing whenever we leave the house together.
"Asher" he calls looking to the twins. Fred proudly holds up Asher who was hugging on to his hand. "Got him!" They both cheer. "Ok, I have Ivy... Iris?" He asks looking back to Blaise who was holding Iris up on his shoulder. "Yup," Blaise says causally before Ron turns back to me.
"Got it... now Atlas," he asks one eyebrow going up as I roll my eyes. "Got him," I say looking down at the baby on my hip. "So Draco do we have everybody?" He asks again and I look around the twins snickering to themselves.
"Yes, Ron we have everybody!" I mumble getting kind of annoyed with him. He groans as the twins burst into laughter. "Fine then! is baby number 5 here?" He questions me as I scrunch up my face.
"Baby number... oh Harry yeah he is..." I turn to look at Harry who was definitely not behind me. I do a quick search before my face drops and I race back to our room.
"Harry are you in here!" I shout getting my answer when I hear a thump in the bathroom. I set Atlas on the ground and he stares at me confused putting a hand to his mouth "stay here for daddy okay" I tell him before rushing into the bathroom.
"Harry are you okay?" I whisper in a panic. Sighing when I notice why he was there. "Morning sickness?" I ask squatting next to him. He groans in response and I put my hand on his back rubbing it softly.
Harry lurches forward and vomits into the toilet as I continue rubbing his back. Only after he was done did I stand up and grab him a towel. He lifts his head and I wipe his mouth before handing him the towel.
Grabbing his glasses off of the floor I wipe them off, handing them to him. Just as I did the door was pushed the rest of the way open as a very worried Atlas stumbled in.
He waddled over to Harry hugging his arm as small sniffles escape the child. "It okie" he whispers as Harry lets out a low and tired chuckle. "You know we can just stay here" I reassure him as he shakes his head. "No, we're going" his voice turning to a more serious tone which meant that was his final answer.
"When we pass the kitchen I'll get you some water," I coo, he closes his eyes probably just taking a quick break. "Hey little prince you have to let go for a second I need to get up and brush my teeth again" Harry whispers opening his eyes to look down at the child.
Atlas giggles before making his way over to me.  I give Harry my arm helping him stand up and he uses the sink to stable himself before waving me off.
   I sigh and start to walk away when I turn back to grab Atlas.  Finding him already hugging onto Harry's leg.  Who was looking down at him with a huge smile. "I'll just leave him with you" I chuckle as he sends me a thumbs up and goes back to brushing his teeth.
I ignore the stares of the others wanting to know what was keeping us from leaving just because I knew it would make Ron irritated. I pass them and go into the kitchen getting Harry a small glass of water.
As I leave the kitchen I'm bombarded by a now worried Ron. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Ron asked. I chuckled because I knew he would freak out. "He is brushing his teeth, morning sickness," I explain, getting a sigh "poor Harry"
A few seconds later Harry appears down the hall leaning over a bit so Atlas could hold his hand.
I meet them halfway to give him the glass of water and to take Atlas's hand because I could tell Harry still wasn't feeling the best.
I give my hand to Atlas and he takes it letting go of Harry who sends me a thankful look. Once Harry had finished his glass of water Herb opened the door for us and I helped Harry into the carriage, grabbing both of Atlas's hands as he hopped up each step mostly me just lifting him though. Fred and George joined us with Asher. Ron and Blaise with the twin girls in their own carriage.
Harry leaned his head onto my shoulder and Atlas had somehow made his way over to the side with the twins playing with Asher who was now in his lap. I let it slide knowing Harry just wanted rest as I wrapped my arm around him.
He fell asleep quickly and didn't even wake up when the carriage jolted to a stop due to the terrain around the burrow. George threw his hand over the two boys keeping them in place so they didn't fly forward.
"Thanks George" I let out a heavy breath as he grabs Asher from Atlas and Fred follows him out of the carriage. "Hey Fred" I call before he can get too far. He turns back popping his head into the carriage "yeah?" He asks and I look to Atlas "can you grab him" I plead and he nods his head "totally" the twin laughs putting his arms up for Atlas who giggles jumping into his grip.
Once he left with him I slide out of Harry's grip turning to grab him. He stirs a bit and looks around while I try to get his attention. "Put your arms around my neck," I say and he does burying his head into my neck.
I carefully go down the steps and walk toward the burrow just as Fred and Atlas were going in. I could tell Harry was already asleep again while Molly opens the door for us "Merry Christmas you two!" She cheers putting a hand over her mouth once she sees Harry.
"Merry Christmas Molly... You know you could have just told me on Christmas though" I chuckle making my way over to their living room. Molly closing the door behind us.
"She knows, but mum is a very cheerful person if you haven't noticed" Ron pipes in getting a glare from Molly. "Nothing wrong with that!" He shouts stepping behind Blaise.
I lay Harry on the couch grabbing a blanket from the armrest laying it over him as he turns to the side his arms wrapping around his stomach the other clutching the blanket to his chest.
"I!" I hear Atlas shout so I look up to see him making his way to Molly, arms up. She lets out an excited gasp before picking the baby up and giving him a big kiss on the head.
"Everybody has the same rooms as before," she tells us with a nod. I look around the house and it seems that Arthur is still at work. I have work off because of winter break which is why we are spending Christmas here.
"So I have a question" Molly whispers turning to me. She lets Atlas back down and he waddles over to the couch Harry was on climbing onto. He just sits next to Harry, and I focused on Molly.
"I've heard from some people that Harry... is er... pregnant... is it true?" she asks and I nod my head. "Yes, actually we planned on telling you today... Surprise!?!? Before you ask he is almost 10 weeks so no gender yet" I tell her and she claps her hands together! "Oh, how wonderful!" She cheers giving me a big hug.
She pulls away from the hug "I'm so happy for you all!" She laughs just to pull me in for another hug. I chuckle hugging her back "thank you, Molly!" I thank her before she pulls back her smile even brighter than before.
Molly then walks over to Ron and Blaise taking one of the girls in her arms letting the child lay on her chest. The twin pushes away and climbs to play with Molly's hair making me sigh "that's Ivy for sure" I then look back to Blaise who had a sleeping child on his chest. Chuckling I bring my gaze back over to Molly again "for sure Ivy" I whisper to myself.
    Taking a good look around the now very decorated burrow. Apparently, we were here to help decorate, but I'm not sure what else we are going to put up.   There were presents under the tree some of them I brought over earlier after work one day.  A few for Atlas and some for Harry. 
  I see some addressed to me from Harry and laugh meaning he did the same thing probably when I was at work.  I feel alone so I go over to Harry and stifle a laugh at Atlas who had somehow crawled underneath the blanket and was cuddled up to Harry's chest.
    "They are way too cute"

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