Chapter 108

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(Atlas- 11 months)
(Iris, Ivy, Asher- 1 week)

Ron's POV

  I turn to my side and hug Blaise from behind. Cringing at a high pitch noise.  What is that? My eyes shoot open as I realize I'm hearing soft cries and sit up in bed immediately.  I rub my eyes trying to get rid of my exhaustion. Still not used to this at all.  I quickly kick the blanket off of me and jump out of bed.
   "Hey, babies what's wrong" I whisper leaning over the crib. Ivy was crying while Iris seems to be sleeping right through it. I chuckle at this as I pick Ivy up and hold her to my chest.
  I tiptoe to the other side of the room not wanting to wake Blaise. Plus if I can keep Iris asleep it will save me some more sleep.  I bounce her up and down whispering soft words, and she eventually calms down. 
    "Are you alright now baby" I whisper.  I get a small yawn in response as she closes her eyes and drifts off in my arms.  "Merlin I love you both so much" I mumble kissing the top of her head.
  I tear up at just the thought of it... I didn't want them at first, but now I know I wouldn't be able to live without them.
  Arms wrap around my waist and I flinch back into the person. Only relaxing when I realize it's Blaise. "You know you're suppose to wake me up" he grumbles in a groggy voice as he places his chin on my head.
  "It's fine Iris sleeps through everything and it's usually easy to calm Ivy," I say under my breath as he lets out a tired chuckle.  "Sleeps through everything you say? Kinda reminds me of someone" he laughs obviously picking on me.
  "I'll have you know I woke up right away when Ivy started crying" I pout starting to walk Ivy back to her crib.  "Yeah and I'm so proud of you... you're already such a good parent" he lets out a groggy chuckle walking over to the crib with me.
   I set the baby in the crib slowly and carefully not wanting her to wake again. Once she is set on her back her arm flops to her side searching for her twin. Her eyes struggling to open.  I smile at the two as Ivy finally manages to reach her sister's hand. Only holding each other by the pinky.
Ivy's body relaxes and she falls right back to sleep.  I turn around and stumble into Blaise.  He smiles and begins kissing my cheek "are" "we" "still" "going" "to" "your" "moms" "next" "week" he mumbles in between each kiss as I become a blushing mess.
"Mhmm" I reply as he leaves small pecks down to my neck. "Buttercup let's go back to bed now" He breathes into my neck as I shiver. "Okay" I smile nervously. "Sleep sounds nice" I add as he chuckles taking his head out of my neck.
My boyfriend picks me up and sets me on the bed laying on top of me "mmm I love you" he chuckles tiredly as his head drops onto my chest.
"I love you too" I yawn falling asleep to his even breathing.

George's POV

"He hasn't cried at all should we be worried," I ask standing over Asher's crib. Fred looks at me his eyes wide "I don't know... maybe it has to do with him being small" Fred whispers as we watch the baby intently.
Fred put his hand on the baby's stomach for the 3rd time in the last 10 minutes. "Still breathing," I ask and he nods his head "still breathing" he answers.
"Are we too paranoid?" we asked at the same causing us to laugh. Ophelia had told us that Asher had minor health issues, and sure enough three days after taking him home we noticed he was having trouble breathing.
We had him checked up by Ophelia and he has some sort of heart murmur due to all the unhealthy habits... our sister had when she was pregnant.
"Nah" we laugh looking at each other. "What time is it," Fred asked me as I look around the room. "No idea" I murmur walking over to my wand. I cast a quick charm displaying the time for us. "4:00 am," I say my mouth dropping.
"We've been watching him all night!?!" Fred whisper-shouts as I nod my head in shock. "We should probably go to sleep now" we laugh embarrassed that we had spent the whole night watching him... again.
We both turn around and head to bed when we hear a small sneeze and run back to the crib. "Awe" Fred coos putting a hand over his heart. We stare at the child... no our child in silence for a few minutes. He's so little and too cute!
"We really need to go to sleep now," we say simultaneously as we take a step the other way once again making our way to bed. We stop a few steps away from it "are you sure he will be okay" Fred whispers his voice dripping with worry. I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, but at the same time we do need to sleep" I groan not wanting to leave Asher alone.
"Let's just do it" "we're going to bed now" we cheer jumping onto the bed with a flop. I put my head into the nearest pillow and start to doze as Fred basically lays over top of me.
"Night" I whisper patting Fred's head as he smacks my hand away, but he replies with "Night" I close my eyes once again and start to drift off.
A small sniffle comes from the corner of the room... was that Asher? Is he- my thoughts are cut off as the baby begins to cry. I sit up throwing Fred off of me. "Bloody Hell" Fred balances himself and gets back onto his knees.
"yes!" We shout in unison! "Now we have an excuse!" Fred laughs as we walk back over to the cradle. I scoop the baby up and bring him to my chest "hey my little blessing" I coo at the baby who seems like nothing in my arms.
"What's wrong" Fred joins in brushing a hand over his head. The baby opens his eyes and stares at us intently.  Lifting his hand to his face. 
   Asher continues to cry keeping eye contact with both of us.  Fred boops his nose and the baby stares turn into ones of awe.  Like he couldn't believe we had just done that.
  We both chuckle as I hand the baby to Fred... may I add not willingly.  He continued to beg and pester me before I finally gave in and handed the baby to him. He laughs in triumph as he cradled the baby in both arms.
   We both continue to coo at the baby, and he settles down quickly... too quickly. Which means we're gonna have to go to bed soon. Fred kisses the baby's forehead and his crying begins to become even softer until it was only a low whimper.
I reach my arms out signaling I wanted the baby back and he growls at me. The twat literally growled at me so I did the reasonable thing and hit him on top of the head.
He groans and hands the baby over to me "good little pumpkin" I joke as he rubs his head. The baby let out the tiniest giggle but stopped almost immediately when his breathing started to become unstable.
"Hey, baby breathe" Fred whispers blowing on his face. This is what Ophelia told us to do when he starts to lose his breath. He flinched at the contact but was able to catch his breath again.
"Oh I'm so sorry little one" I apologize to Asher feeling like I could have done something to help him out of this mess, which he didn't deserve.
"We promise we will take care of you"
"And we promise you will always be loved"
                   "No matter what"

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