Chapter 121

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   May 21stAtlas (1 year)Asher, Iris, and Ivy ( 3 months 3 weeks)

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   May 21st
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Iris, and Ivy ( 3 months 3 weeks)

Draco's POV

  Herb ran past me to the door as I looked over notes trying to figure this mess out.  I felt awful locking Harry in our room, but I need to protect him.  Maybe we can make a plan and I can save them both, but we really need to save Atlas...
    I drop the notes in my hands when I hear crying.  Somebody's actually here! I shoot up and run to the door. "Harry he needs our help! Address here's the address!" Aspen? Shouts handing Ron a slip of paper.
"What do you mean Harry! He is in our room" I blurt out, confused, yet with a stern tone not liking where any of this is going. She takes the bundle of blankets out of her chest revealing Atlas to all of us.
   My knees buckle when I see him "Harry traded places" she cried as I ran over taking Atlas from her grasp. I unwrapped the blanket completely wanted to see what had happened to my baby.
   He was fast asleep but looked awful.  "Bloody hell I love you so much" I cried holding the child to my chest.  My eyes shoot open when I understand what Aspen had said.  "Harry" I mumble before running to our room.
  Blaise was sitting at the door where I had left him. I quickly unlock it and take a quick look around the room.  "He really is gone" I mutter taking the note from Ron. I crumple it up while handing Atlas to him.
  "Can you either take him to Ophelia or find someone to do it... Blaise you're coming with me again" I shout taking one last look around the room. I smooth out the note, taking a look at the address.  Holding it to my chest before putting my robe on.
  That's when an exhausted Aspen hobbles into the room "H-Harry said to tell you that he loves-" she stutters as my eyes go wide knowing what she was about to say.
  "Save it he can tell me himself" I grunt grabbing Blaise and apparating us not caring about the questions everyone was asking.  We land in a pretty open area Blaise falling straight to his face because I had just randomly grabbed him.
   We stand and looked around this open area, which eventually leads into a forest.  Did I go to the wrong place? Blaise taps my shoulder "over here" he whispers and I turn to see a small old house. I'm surprised it's still standing.
   "Let's go," I murmur running towards the house pulling my wand from my pocket. Once we get to the porch we slowly take the steps flinching every time there's a creak.
  Loud voices could be heard from the house "what do you mean you want me to leave!" A girl I'm assuming Ginny screams as we make it up the last step. 
   I peer through the door and see Kingsley's back to us as he throws his hands in the air while Ginny screams at him.  "I have no use of you now" he yells as she stamps her foot.
I peer around the room until I notice another head on the couch. I could only see his hair, but I would remember those messy locks of hair no matter what.
  "What about the potions!?!? You know I'm good with potions!" She shouts at him as he drops his arms.  "You're gonna need an heir to your little business eventually and you clearly didn't want it to be with me" she snorts, getting a groan from Kingsley "fine you can stay, but get the potion going as soon as possible" he snaps as she shrugs her shoulders, a grin on her face.
  At this Harry's head snaps back to look at the "no please no" he pleads his face tear-stained.  He didn't have a shirt on and I'm praying he still has pants on.
  "Don't worry my love" Kingsley chuckles sitting next to the shaking boy.  I tighten my fist as he places his hand on MY boyfriend's cheek.  "Shall we continue what we had started"
  I lost it at those words the door was damaged enough I just kicked it off the hinges letting it slam down to the ground.  "You get the bitch I got this one" I shout with pure rage running towards the now shocked man.
  He stands lifting his wand to fight "I've gotten stronger" he shouts ready to cast a spell, but all I cared about was knocking that smug look off his face. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. 
  He becomes startled when I don't pull out my wand and get closer, so I take the opportunity to grab the man by his collar and headbutt him.  He stumbles backward and I kick him to the ground.  Kingsley lets out a grunt and I straddle his stomach punching him in the face over and over. 
  He lets out screams of protest. I could care less though. I was so blinded by tears of anger I ended up punching the floor half the time.  I heard a commotion next to me and seen Blaise dragging a knocked-out Ginny from the room she was in. 
  "McGonagall's coming with some people from the Ministry" he yells letting the girl drop to the floor. I nod my head and stare at Kingsley's bloody face.  "Stronger... funny! You better hope they get here in time or I'll kill you myself" I shout raising my bloody fist to continue beating the shit out of this guy.
     My arm was restrained and I see Harry with teary eyes.  He had nothing, but boxers on, and his neck and chest were covered with marks.  There's probably some lower, but I refuse to look.
   My face softens as he starts to cry "please don't kill him" he whispers meekly and I nod getting off of the bastard.  With my heart racing and the adrenaline rushing through my veins.
  I begin blinking back tears as I take my robe off and wrap it around Harry.  "D-Diffindo" Kingsley stutters and there's a sharp pain in my back. I gasp and hunch over as Harry begins screaming for Blaise who had just gone outside to wait for the others.  Blaise bursts back through the door as I fall to my knees, and Harry ran to another room probably for safety.
  Kingsley stuttered, yet the spell worked almost perfectly.  I could feel blood seeping out and could tell the cut was long and deep.  I grunt and stand back up raising my trembling arm with my wand ready. 
  He smirks at me his smile missing a few teeth and bloody.  "T-there is- nothing y-" he stutters just as Blaise began readying his wand, before either of us can do anything Harry comes running back "leave me and my family alone y-you bitch" he shouts swinging and hitting Kingsley in the head with a pan.
  A shout of agony comes from Kingsley's mouth as his eyes roll back and he falls to the ground.  Harry lets the pan drop and rushes over to me out of breath clutching the robe to his body.
   The adrenaline started to wear off and my knuckles stung. I started groaning from the pain in my back as I fell forward landing on my chest.  I began coughing as Harry tore the back of my shirt and bundled it up pressing it against the wound.
  I hiss at the pain and Blaise crouches next to me "come on Dray stay with us a bit longer" he whispers with a joking tone, but I could tell he was worried.  I smile feeling a new wave of exhaustion hit me out of nowhere. 
  My eyes begin to droop and Harry presses harder against the gash mark.  "No falling asleep yet... ok...  Atlas still needs... I need you" he cries.  I wanted to answer and I felt tears slip down my cheeks as I tried to answer him.
   Nothing came out and my mouth refused to open. I blinked multiple times trying my best to stay awake, but I'm just so tired. I'm sure if I took a little nap until the Ministry got here. It wouldn't be that bad right?  My eyes flutter as I go into another coughing fit making the pain in my back 100x times worse. 
  I lift my head and let out a shout of pain before letting it fall back to the ground.  I stared at Harry's beautiful face even when if it was puffy, pink, and tear-stained... handsome as ever.
  I continued staring at him until my eyesight started becoming blurry and then it went.... black. 
   "DRACO NO!!! please no...."

A/N sorry I know I usually do a chapter a day and this one was kinda 2 days, it's not really an excuse I'm just exhausted my insomnia has been getting the best of me.  So I've been struggling with writing and stuff, and I feel like my chapters are just getting worse because I'm not awake enough to put tons of effort in.  So I took a day to see if this would be any better?! It probably won't be though 😂

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