Chapter 117

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April 30th
Atlas (1 year)
Ivy, Iris, and Asher (3 months)

Harry's POV

    "Dada" Atlas gurgles to himself as he makes a break for the door.  "If your dad would have heard you say that he would have died" I laugh swooping the baby up before he can get there.
   He squirms and attempts to get down, but I hold him close to my chest causing him to start tearing up.  "How about we go eat!" I say distracting him. As I begin walking us to the kitchen.  Atlas sits up getting over his small self-pity party at the idea of food.
   I move him to my hip as I squat down looking through the fridge for something easy for Atlas to snack on.  "Baybey" he mumbles reaching for the fridge.
   "What's that?" I ask because I couldn't really understand what he had said. "Bubey" he repeats and I nod my head "ohhh" I look through the fridge and sigh "we don't have any blueberries baby... I'm sorry" I apologize as he turns into my side hiding his face.
   "Do you want some strawberries?" I ask still wanting him to eat something.  He looks up with a hurt expression, but nods before hiding in my chest again.
   I grab the strawberries and gently kick the fridge close before setting them on the counter.  "Can you stay still and sit here for papa?" I ask setting him on the counter in front of me.
  He playfully hits the counter with his hands and mumbles some random words. I take a few strawberries and cut them up into reasonably sized pieces setting them in a small bowl. 
  Once I was finished I hand the bowl to Atlas and he begins eating them as I clean off the knife and put the strawberries away.
   Turning back around, Atlas has already made a messed. His face covered in mashed-up strawberries. His hands sticky and pink. Yet the kid has the audacity to look at me giggle and then smile while shoving another strawberry in his mouth.
   I shake my head, but wait for him to finish grabbing a towel next to the sink. Once he eats the last strawberry I dampen the towel and wipe his face as he attempts to pull away from me. 
  "I" he cries trying to get away!  "Atlas you have to be clean for when daddy gets back," I say trying to persuade the child. He stops and turns back to me sitting on his butt.  "Dada?" He asked and I nod my head.
   I go back to washing his face with little protest before moving onto his hands.  It takes a bit but I'm able to make it so they aren't sticky.  "Thank you" I smiled kissing his now clean hands.
  He giggles and gets onto his knees making grabby hands for me. I throw the dirty rag into the sink and take the child into my arms. He plays with the collar of my shirt, while I start to walk to Ron's room.
   Just as I get to the door to knock, it opens revealing Blaise and Ron who was holding both of the twins. I stare awkwardly as Blaise kisses the top of Ron's head mumbling a small "thank you"
   I take a step back as the two noticed me.  "Oh sorry mate" Ron gasps taking a step out of their room.  Blaise closing the door. Leaving us now standing awkwardly in the hallway.
  "He has to read through his book so I offered to take the girls so he can have some quiet," he huffs answering basically any questions I had.
"Mmm, that makes sense" I reply shifting my weight to one side.  "Would you want to hang out in the nursery with us?" I ask pulling a piece of hair off of Atlas's face.
  "That would be nice" he chuckles as we make our way over to Atlas's room. I open the door for Ron closing it behind us.  Walking straight to Atlas's toy corner I sit down on the ground letting Atlas run free to grab what toys he wants.
   Of course, he crawls straight to his favorite wolf plushie as Ron sits in the chair next to me.  Ron then sets the two girls up next to each other on his lap.  Their backs against his stomach.  He wraps a hand on each of their stomachs holding them in place so they wouldn't fall forward.
   I feel like crying as I turn to see Atlas standing over his toy bin.  He use to be like that barely able to sit up on his own.  Now he's practically walking we all know he can. 
    As if he read my mind he turns towards me letting go of his toy bin.  I smile wondering if he will do it this time or not. It's been his thing lately where he will just stand up not using anything to support him but once he goes to take a step he just lets himself fall.
    "Come on baby! You can do it" I cheer while he places his arms out in front of him "dwen" he begins mumbling random words, lifting his foot for a bare second before taking a step forward.
   "Merlin wait he's actually doing it!" Ron cheers sitting up a bit more causing the girls to get cranky.  Ron lets out a small curse word before attempting to calm them.
  I just focus on Atlas who is staring at the ground with a focused face besides the fact that he had his tongue sticking out.  "Come on Atlas come to papa," I coo scooting a bit closer so the walk wasn't as far.
  He takes another step tipping around a bit almost falling on his butt before he steadies himself.  "You're almost here" I basically shout as he takes a few more steps getting a little bit faster as momentum makes him tumble forward.
  I reach my arms out and he takes a final step before jumping into my arms. I begin squealing like a girl standing and hugging the life out of the boy.  Ron claps before returning his hands to the girls who were messing with his fingers. 
  "Who knew I would get so excited over somebody walking 5 ft" I laugh spinning Atlas around.  He squeals along with me before I pull him into another hug. 
  He pushes away from my chest and looks up at me sticking his tongue out once again.  "Yes, I know you're adorable" I whisper rubbing our noses together. 
   He yawns and his body going limp in my arms as his head falls against my chest. I laugh at his laziness and Ron begins to stand up.  "I should probably feed them soon before they eat my fingers off" he jokes trying to get the girls both situated in his arms.
  He struggles for a minute but gets them both comfortable with some of my help. I ended up setting Atlas back down as he clung to my leg. I bend over more and give him my hand so he can practice walking more. Not gonna lies it's painful constantly hunching over.
I'll just force Draco to rub my back again I chuckle evilly to myself as we walk out to the nursery. I let Ron go ahead of us because it's gonna be a bit with Atlas. When we finally get to the common area Atlas lets go and hobbles to the couch before attempting to get himself on to it.
He failed because he was totally burned out so he laid there with half of his body on the couch and the other half hanging off.  Herb suddenly runs by startling me as I go to grab Atlas.
Knowing the child would either lay there the rest of the day or fall. The door was opened and I whip my head around to see Draco. Wow already "hello love," he immediately flirts with a smile, coming over to hug me.
Atlas hears his dad's voice and his head whips up causing him to fall. I quickly reach for him setting him up straight on the ground. "Can you go see dada and show him what you showed me?" I ask... basically begging the child in my head as he grips onto my leg. "Dada" Atlas shouts starting to wobble over to him already better than earlier.
I clap my hands together with glee as Draco stares with wide eyes. "What! Since when" he shouts. Atlas now clinging onto his leg looking up to him.
He yawns again and Draco picks him up kissing his forehead. "You did so well!" He was shocked, and I gush at how cute the two are.
"Are you ready for a nap?" I ask walking towards the two. He lets out a small cry for a response and Draco takes him over to the couch. I follow sitting next to the two, and Draco sighs grabbing some stuff out of his pocket and throwing it onto the table in front of us.
I paid no attention to it grabbing his cheek, and giving him a small kiss. He smiles and I lean my head against his shoulder as Atlas curls up to his dad. Draco wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.
"I love you guys so much"

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