Chapter 143

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October 6th
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (8 months 2 weeks 6 days)

     Harry's POV

"Fudge" I mumble to myself as a sharp pain wakes me up. I open my eyes to notice how light it is and sigh only for it to be replaced by a smile as I remember the wedding and what followed after it.
  I must have slept most of the day away jeez... mini knocks on the door make me sit up with a hiss Draco's arm draped over me.  "Papa!" Atlas shouts as my eyes go wide.  I shoot out of bed realizing I'm naked and a mess as I run to the bathroom quickly taking a towel to wipe myself off.
  "Good enough" I shout throwing the towel back and ignoring the pain in my darn arse.  "Clothes clothes clothes" I mumble running for the closet.  I just grab the nearest pants throwing them on.  As I run for the door.
  "I'm coming baby!" I cry just as I realize the silencing charm is still up... I open the door slowly just to make sure he isn't leaning on it.  He was sitting on the floor with tears trailing down his cheeks waiting for us.
  "Oh, baby" I cry closing the door behind me as I sink with a hiss pulling him into my lap.  "I'm so sorry baby" I mumble kissing his forehead multiple times as he stood up in my lap hugging me "are you okay?" "How did you get out of your crib?" I ask as he just continued to hug me silently crying. 
  Using the wall for support I stand holding him to my chest while hobbling over to the nursery.  "You climbed out didn't you?" I groan as he starts to giggle.
     "Are you hungry?" I ask as his eyes go wide with excitement "wungy!" He shouts bouncing up and down as I smile through the pain.  "Can papa go shower first?" I ask kissing his cheek, he just hugged on onto my shirt.
   "You come with me and we will be really quick" I coo grabbing Wolfie from his crib.  "You forgot someone" I continue and he hugs him instead, while I walk back over to our room.
   I open the door quietly while tiptoeing to the bathroom setting Altas on the toilet seat as he kicks his legs back and forth giggling to himself.
  I start the shower running back out to find different pants and a sweatshirt.  I've down so much running today and I'm in pain... utter pain.
  I entered the bathroom Atlas in the same spot petting, Wolfie.  Dropping the clothes on the sink and grabbing a new towel out before quickly stripping and stepping into the hot shower.
  I keep the curtain open a bit so I constantly have an eye on Atlas as I take the soap and quickly rinse myself off attempting to get every little bit of dry cum off of me.
   Atlas began singing to himself random nonsense, but it made me smile as I wet my hair not bothering to wash it today.  I grab the soap and run it over my stomach when a sudden realization hits... "I could be... I mean not yet... but" I start mumbling to myself.
  Atlas's singing brings me back to reality and I put the soap down rinsing it all off before turning the shower off and stepping out quickly wrapping the towel around my waist.
   I rush to dry myself off throwing the shorts and Draco's Slytherin sweatshirt on.  I put the towel over my head moving it around as I tried to dry my hair giving up a second in, as I throw it to to the ground.
  "Ok baby let's go get food" I cheer putting my arms out for him he stands up on the toilet seat and jumps to me barely getting anywhere so I kinda have to jump forward to catch him.
  I groan in pain as he giggles beginning to bounce again. I take us out of the bathroom to see Draco still passed out on the bed snoring lightly as I roll my eyes.  Taking my wand from the nightstand I take down the silencing charm and shove the wand in my sweater pocket.
    Walking down the hall I pass the girls' nursery door just as it opens and a tired Blaise steps out.  "Just woke up?" I asked as he yawns into his hand groggily.  "Yeah I feel awful, but they were still sleeping anyways" he chuckles while I nod starting up again towards the kitchen.
   I ignore everything else as I trudge through the door going straight for the fridge.  I grab the bowl of porridge waving my wand around the rim muttering a spell to heat it back up.  Atlas talks to himself as I bend down in the fridge literally smiling through my pain.
  I grab blueberries throwing a hand full into the porridge before putting them back into the fridge and grabbing his baby spoon.  Moving Atlas to my hip I balance the food in my other hand.
   Using my foot to kick the door open I hobble over to the sitting area which only seemed to make Atlas giggle more. 
   I chuckle when I see Ron sprawled out on the couch with huge eyes bags his face scrunched up in discomfort.  "What happen to you" I groan setting Atlas down on the couch across from him.
  I lay on my stomach and let Atlas crawl onto my back before handing him his porridge.  "No spilling it on me got it" I sigh as he happily takes his spoon digging into the porridge.
    "To answer your question... I got fucking railed last night" he groans shoving his head into the pillow in front of him. "The child... shhh" I attempt to scold him, but I have no energy as I let my head drop to the pillow.
Ron perks up and looks around before lowering himself back on the pillow. "So you pregnant yet?" He cheers with a small chuckle as I groan.
"I feel like I have told you this already, but it takes like a week for the... erm seed to actually become a baby if that even makes sense" I cry into the pillow so over everything.
"I feel like you did tell me that, but I don't remember... how do you know that anyways," he asked rubbing the bottom of his back as I shrug my shoulders. "I have no f- idea" I pout as Atlas starts to move around on my back.
I was about to sit up when I heard laughing come down the hall and who else would it but of course Blaise and Draco. I look to Ron as he squints his eyes. "How can they be so happy when we are in agonizing pain" he growls as I just nod my head.
The two come round the corner with big smiles on their faces Blaise with one of the girls in his arms and I'm assuming it's Ivy because Iris is more and likely sleeping.
They both continue laughing, but they cut themselves off when Atlas yells "dada" drawing their attention to us and the very unhappy looks on our faces. "Hello love" Draco calls giving me a small wave.
"Hey buttercup how you feeling," Blaise asked Ron, ditching Draco to go to him. I go back to look at Draco waiting for him to make the next move. He just kinda stands there awkwardly "well are you going to come to check on me or what," I hiss raising one eyebrow, he nods his head rushing over.
"Sorry" he chuckles nervously, standing in front of me tickling Atlas's stomach. He giggles as I hear the bowl clank and be set on the table.
"Let me get a rag for Atlas I'll be right back" he mumbles in my ear kissing the top of my head. I just hum in return laying my head back onto the pillow. He comes back not even a minute later with a rag grabbing the child off of me.
I turn my head to the side and watch him wipe the mess off of his hands and face as Atlas tried to squirm away. I smile to myself as he kisses Atlas's freshly clean face before letting him go to the ground.
My baby stands there waiting while Draco drops the rag on the table coming back over to me. I look up to him with doe eyes and he smiles climbing onto the couch ,lifting me and cuddling me.
I relax into his touch putting my head onto his chest breathing in his scent, his hands massaging my lower back. I hum into his chest, and a little gurgle comes from the baby pounding on his back wanting back up.
  Draco turns and grabs the child with one arm lifting him and placing him in between us as he cuddles into us. I lift my head a bit and see Blaise doing the same thing with Ron and Ivy. He stands muttering something about getting Iris while Ron nods his head turning to cuddle Ivy more.
I ignore them and Draco's hands return to massaging my lower back. "That feels great" I moan into his chest as he lets out a small laugh.
"So no more mad at me?"
"No... for sure a little bit mad!"
"Dwda... bad!"

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