Chapter 3

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Draco's POV

The night before Harry and I decided to have Professor Snape drink our potion to get out of class.


"OWe should totally have Snape drink this" Harry says laughing.
  I stared at him surprised  "Since when did you become this evil" he shrugs his shoulders before playfully hitting me on my shoulder. "I guess you're rubbing off on me Malfoy" I just stick my tongue out at him "yeah but how will we get him to drink it," I asked actually considering doing this.
He busted out in a fit of laughter before saying "we tell him it's a potion to make noses smaller"
  I tried to hold back a laugh but I couldn't I lost it
"maybe you should have been a Slytherin,"  I said still laughing.  He just looks at me with his beautiful green eyes "maybe" he says while smirking.

*End of flashback*

"So boys what kind of potion do you have for us," Snape says not even taking his eyes off his clipboard.
  Idiot teacher if you look at it you can clearly see it's a confusion concoction, because of its thickish green/yellow color.
I stepped forward knowing he would believe me more than Potter "this potion will temporarily shrink your nose for 24 hours," I say pointing at the vial in Harry's hand "oh really," he says raising one eyebrow while snatching the confusion concoction out of Harry's grip "I'll just have to try it out myself, most likely Draco did all the work anyway," he said sneering at Potter.
We watch with wide eyes as he takes a drink. Trying to hold back our laughter, the rest of the class stares at us confused.
After about 10 seconds he stands up straight and looks around "what's going on" he shouts I once again step forward clearing my throat "you see Professor, you were just telling the class about how we all got A's so..... you're letting us go to Hogsmeade for the day" I turn back to Harry giving him a smirk as he sends me a thumbs up "ah ok I guess that makes sense... I'm going to go take a nap...ergh"
I grab Harry's hand pulling him with me as we run out of the classroom, I hear the rest of our class cheering.
     I don't really care who sees us, as we continue down the hall I feel his fingers intertwined with mine.  I turn my head around slowing down to a walk once we left the building, to see a blushing Harry staring at our hands.
We were far enough that I didn't think anybody else in our potions class would see us.
I pull him forward a bit so we were now side by side, I could feel him loosen his grip on my hand meaning he was gonna let go but, I took a chance and just gripped his hand tighter hoping he wouldn't want to let me go.
I could feel him tense up before relaxing and tightening his grip again I look back ahead with a huge grin on my face.
Wait maybe I'm taking this the wrong way do friends hold hands.... are we even friends!!!

Harry's POV

Bold move Harry I'm surprised he's not disgusted with you yet.
I try pulling my hand out from his, knowing he must be uncomfortable but, he just tighten his grip.... does that mean he wants to hold my hand, I take a deep breath before tightening my grip... this felt nice.
"Hey, Malfoy where exactly are we going," I ask we never really hang out with each other because we're enemies, I mean not really anymore I think we're friends now... at least acquaintances.
"Oh, I don't really know... I just wanted to hang out with you I guess, I mean if you don't want to it's ok I just....." he trailed off.
   "No" I practically shout "eh sorry I would love to hang out with you" I add obviously flushed from embarrassment.
He smiles back at me squeezing my hand as we head towards the town.  Turning towards him again as we walk "want to go to Three Broomsticks for some food" I asked unsure of his answer he continues to look forward while saying "yeah that would be nice" as his face turns to more of a crimson shade.
  Both of us walked the rest of the way in silence, but not in an awkward silence it was pleasant in a way.

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin