Chapter 21

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Ron's POV

"I see the light" I yell dramatically falling to the ground. "The end of the path is literally right there" Draco shouts back pointing at the clearing in front of us.
I stand up and look in utter horror when I see the camp in the clearing. Draco walks by and taps the bottom of my jaw attempting to close it.
"What's wrong babe," Blaise asks taking my hand and pulling me forward. "H-how we literally walked straight the whole time how is the camp there," I asked confused.
"We're wizards nothing makes sense," Harry jokes poking my head with the tip of his wand. I think about life for a minute before nodding in agreement.
I run the last few feet screaming "freedom!" before I feel a hard slap on the back of my head. "Nooo running or screaming Weasley," Snape grumbles in his usual monotone voice.
I rub the area he had hit because that actually hurt. As he turns towards the others laughing boys, I growl at him. My face drops in fear as he slowly starts to turn back to me doing his little cape whoosh thing. Now that I think about how is he not dying of heat in all that black.
"What did you say... repeat it for the rest of us to hear," he asks with a sinister voice. "No thank you sssir" I try to mimic his voice. Looking behind him to see Blaise bent over by a tree trying to catch his breath. As Draco has a hand over his mouth trying to stifle laughter.
Harry is just being Harry face first in the grass dying. I look back up to Snape getting an evil aura from him. "Heh... see you at dinner," I laugh waving to the man. He scowls back to me and does his dramatic cape flip again, and walks off.
I turn back to the boys again and Harry is clutching his sides from laughing so hard, Blaise and Draco have tears in their eyes.
"I didn't get hit for once!" Harry shouts in triumph, jumping up he pumps his fist into the air. "What should we do now," Blaise asks discretely looking between Draco and Harry.
"Sex... I MEAN BLAISE you are sexy" I shout the last part making Blaise facepalm, Harry's face goes red. Next to him is Draco with an evil smirk on his face.
"The one time I want you guys to fuck you aren't gonna fuck just watch" I mutter to myself inaudible for the world to hear. Still, Blaise looked to me with a knowing look and I shot finger guns at him with a wink.
I got a groan in response from him. "Do you guys just want to head towards the dinner tent?" Draco suggests. There was a bunch of muffled "yes" as we walked aimlessly for about 20 minutes.
"Ok does anybody actually know where the dinner tent is?" Harry asks getting us to stop. "I was following Blaise" Draco groans. "Well I was following you," Blaise sighs turning to the ferret.
They all turn to me with curious looks. "What?" I asked throwing my hands up I didn't do anything stupid yet... besides make Harry able to like get pregnant now, but that's whatever.
"Do you know where the tent is?" Harry asks placing a hand on his hip. I let out a sigh as I roll my eyes. "Well yeah of course I know where the food is it's back that way" I point towards the area we had originally come from.
"Harry hold Draco back" Blaise yells as I stop pointing and turn back to them. I see a struggling Harry holding back Draco by his waist.
As he mutters to himself "let me at him" "I promise I'll make it fast" "Harry you can let go I'm as calm as ever" Draco continues to ramble on as I scramble to hide behind Blaise.
I watch as a very red Harry leans close to Draco's ear. Whispering something it causes him to go slack and he stops his attempt to murder me. The corners of his mouth curl up in an evil grin turning to Harry. The crazy blonde gives him a small kiss on the nose.
Practically skipping over to me he wraps an arm around my shoulders "hello new best friend" he cheers? They are so going to do it is all I can think as I lead them to the dinner tent.
"Bloody hell" I whisper-shout to myself as realization hits. Draco looks down at me still smiling like a perverted creep. "What," he asks looking back at Harry who was now giving him a thumbs up.
"Uh nothing I just realized something," I laugh nervously. He dropped it and continued to walk smiling like the big idiot he is. I didn't lie though I did just realize something... if he reacted that bad about me not pointing out that we had gone the wrong way. I might as well dig my own grave for when he finds out about the potion.
I laugh to myself again while Draco gives me weird glances. I'm going to die.

Harry's POV

*mini flashback*

I was struggling to hold Draco back as he stared at a very scared Ron with murder in his eyes. I racked my brains for the idea that would calm him down and it hit me.
My face went red at the thought and I really didn't even think I was gonna be able to say it. I then remember that I was still hanging on to a very angry blonde and in an attempt to calm him I pull him closer so I could lean up to his ear.
My face growing redder the closer I got. "Be nice to him... and when we're alone y-you can d-do whatever you want... t-to me.." I start full of confidence, but eventually got quieter and so timid I started to stutter.
Once I finish he immediately stops struggling a huge grin appearing on his face. He turns around so we are facing each other and pecks me on the nose.


Draco removed his arm from Ron's shoulder and made his way back to me I had fallen back a bit muttering to myself about random things.
Should I have said that... is he mad... does he not want to... am I like forcing him...
Draco pulls me out of my thoughts as he wraps his arm around my waist. Pulling me closer to him I lay my head onto his shoulder.
"You're not second guessing it are you?" He asks in a whisper as I shoot my head back up and look at him. He turns to look at me and I blush instantly. "No, I wasn't... I just don't want to force anything on you" I whisper hesitantly.
He chuckles a bit and squeezes my side in reassurance. "Oh don't you worry your not forcing me" he whispers to me as we pass by a moody Snape. He rushes past us stopping for a second to smack Ron in the back of the head. "Ow," Ron shouts which makes Snape smile a bit.
"I suddenly feel better about life now," Snape snickers his smile disappearing right after. Just like that he rushes off. "Anyways as I was saying more than likely I'll be the one forcing myself on to you" he continues and starts to chuckle a bit.
I look away trying to hide the blush obviously scattered across my cheeks. Let's not think about those thoughts.
He laughs at my silence as the dining tent appears in the distance. I lay my head back on his shoulder and look towards the couple in front of me. Blaise is dying of laughter while his boyfriend is snapping to his new song and I quote is called "babies"
"Babies babies babies.... they didn't see it coming... but next thing you know there are babies babies babies" he sings attempting to snap to a nonexistent tempo. "Weirdo" I huff out turning my head to look at Dray.
I'm immediately met by his strong gaze. Had he been looking at me the whole time. His face softened as he realizes I'm staring at him. "I love you," he mumbles blankly. I blush at his bluntness "I love you too" I answer while we pull open the tent door for the dining hall.
The professors thought it would be best to have the houses mixed up instead of separate tables for each house. It's 'more bonding time' at least that's what McGonagall had said.
Ron is already gorging himself in food as Blaise just watched in astonishment and silently chewed on his chicken leg.
Draco lets go of me and sits down next to Blaise and I sit next to him. Placing his hand on my thigh he rubs it up and down calmly. I shiver when his hand starts to get a little to high.
I hear snickering and lean forward to look down the table at Ron. He points to us as Blaise rolls his eyes. "I think that they have a doing it in public kink," Ron sneers continuing to laugh. I hear a groan and Blaise smacks him on the head again. Ron just pouts a bit before receiving a kiss on the cheek. This changed his mood completely and Ron happily goes back to his food.
Draco hunches over a bit and growls under his breath "remember my words" I whisper with a warning tone. He immediately straightens up and a smile returns to his face.
"How could I forget" he teases under his breath. "Just to let you know I will be staying far away from your cabin tonight" Ron proclaims with a wink. Pointing at himself proudly Blaise lays his head into his hands. Dray just rolled his eyes but the smile never left his face.

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora