Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

I woke up to Draco spooning me. His head nuzzled into my back. I let out a groan remembering what happened last night which I think wakes Draco because I can feel him start to move around.
I need a shower I feel so dirty. Sitting up immediately feeling immense pain in my lower half. "It can't be that bad" I mutter to myself.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and go to stand up. As soon as all my weight is on my feet I topple over reaching for the closest thing to me which happened to be the blankets on the bed.
That didn't help at all. As I land on the floor Draco immediately springs out of bed now fully awake. "I'm so sorry" is all he says lifting and taking me towards the mini bathroom in the side of the cabin.
"I'll help you shower then I'll just bring you some breakfast" he practically spits the words out with a worried expression written all over this face. I nod getting set onto the counter. He turns and warms up the shower.


"I'll be right back" Draco shouts already halfway out the door. I sigh as I stare at the ceiling. As soon as we were out of the shower he helped me change into some black shorts and his sweatshirt which was still somehow big on me like I'm not even that tiny!

Draco's POV

Heh... I went way too rough especially for it only being our second time... I'm so going to die. Running towards the dining tent I quickly look for red hair.
I need to tell them we will be eating in our cabin. It wasn't hard to find Ron as he fought some girl over a biscuit which he eventually won.
I run over to them out of breath. "Hey guys I'm gonna eat in the cabin today with Harry we're having erm... difficulties," I say the last part and Ron jumps up and down full of pure joy.
I turn to Blaise expecting him to calm Ron down but he was also jumping up and down going to high-five his boyfriend.

Ron's POV

Blaise gave me a high five as I look back to Draco who was using his wand to carry two plates of breakfast foods. He was about to leave when the girl who tried stealing MY BISCUIT cut in. "Hello I'm Odette Wade," the girl introduces herself stretching her arm out to shake Draco's hand.

Odette Wade (also they wear their own clothing to the camp not robes)

  He reluctantly puts his hand out careful to keep the wand in his other hand upright

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He reluctantly puts his hand out careful to keep the wand in his other hand upright. "I'm Draco... why haven't I seen you before," he asks while pulling his hand back to his side.
She giggles and blushes which causes me to physically cringe as Blaise laughs at me. "Oh I'm a Hufflepuff and I just wasn't well known unlike the king of the Slytherins" Odette whispers grabbing onto his free arm.
I watch Draco's eyes go wide and he soon excuses himself, walking out of the tent carefully balancing the two plates of food.
  Her eyes follow him out of the tent. Only when he was out of view did she sit down, resting her cheek on her palm. I look back to Blaise who's also inspecting Wade.
I sit back down in my spot which sadly happens to be next to the girl. Blaise immediately sits down next to me. Laying my head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around me and kisses my head.
I chuckle and look up. "Now can I have one here too" I whisper pointing at my lips. He rolls his eyes with a huge grin.
I smile as he leans down close to my face he stops with our lips barely apart "you never have to ask" he whispers before closing the distance between our lips.
I love him so much. Smiling into the kiss just thinking about it. I'm the crazy one and he's the one there to calm me down. Plus I need somebody's food to steal.

Draco's POV

I sped walk out of the tent trying to balance the plates and not drop any food. "That was so weird" I mumble to myself. Since the beginning of my last year, I was known as the King of the Slytherins instead of the prince.
I'm usually fine with the nickname but when she said it. That was just weird. I mean she was pretty but I'm gay I thought everybody knew that.
As I near our cabin I fumble with the door slamming it shut, and then speed walking to the nightstand near the bed.
"You're walking like an angry mom. What happen?" Harrys asks giggling. I set his food onto his lap once he sat up and then handed him my orange juice.
His was half empty because like I said I zoomed out of that place. I let out a sigh as I pull myself onto the bed next to him. "Touch my arm," I tell him pointing to the place where the Hufflepuff girl had touched me.
Harry gives me a confused glance but wraps his hand around the spot and squeezes it. "Dang babe you've gotten buff" he mutters setting his bacon down and moving his other hand to the same spot.
I chuckle causing him to snap out of his trance and blush before returning to his food. "So why did I need to touch your arm?" he questions me continuing to munch on his bacon. He's so adorable.
"Oh yeah I forgot about that," I grumble rubbing the back of my neck nervously as Harry just stares at his plate not taking his gaze off of it.
"There was this Hufflepuff girl" as soon as those words left my mouth Harry to turn towards me with a look of anger and sadness. "She said her name was Odette Wade and she was just kinda clinging on to me including the arm I made you touch," I answer nervously as the sadness leaves his face, making more room for anger.
"Please don't be mad I got out of there as soon as I could I couldn't leave my baby hungry," I say the last part in a baby voice before kissing his nose.
"I'm not mad at you I'm mad at her I'm going to need to tell this bitch to back off" as soon as those words left his mouth he placed both hands over his mouth and looked at me.
Weirdly enough it was adorable seeing him get all sad because he called a girl a bitch. I swing my arm around his waist and pull him closer. "No you're right she was a bitch" I whisper to him as he lets out a sigh.
"It's adorable seeing you get jealous over me" I add grabbing his chin so he was looking up at me. I quickly kiss each cheek and then peck his lips. Each small kiss causing his cheeks to become a darker shade of red.
"Now eat," I joke picking up a piece of his toast and placing a part of it in his mouth causing him to roll his eyes. He grabs onto the piece and takes a small bite before setting it down. "I will finish my bacon first thank you very much" Harry chuckles before grabbing another piece of bacon.
"The first week is a free week because some kids won't get here until Saturday" I casually add while taking a sip of my now almost gone orange juice. "What do you think is up with Ron and Blaise?" Harry murmurs as he grabs a piece of my bacon from my plate. I let out a small chuckle before answering. "I really have no idea even Blaise is acting weird and usually he's the calm one" I shrug my shoulders while answering.
Harry also shrugs his shoulders "at least they're happy" he points out moving on to his eggs. I watch him as he sets his fork down and places the plate to his side.
"Hey!" I exclaim as he takes my plate and moves it to my side. "What are you doing-" I didn't get to finish as he attempted to crawl into my lap. I could see him struggling so I grasp his tiny waist and pulled him the rest of the way.
I brought my food closer to my side, so I could still eat as Harry stiffly leaned over to put his food back in his lap. Once he was upright again with his food he slouched down a bit, placing his head on my chest with a groan.
"I might kill you," he sneers looking up to me with a death glare. I gulp as I look down at him. "Yeah, I know" I sigh "trust me I know I'm going to die" he goes back to eating mumbling about how bad his butt hurts.  I think we'll just stay in today.

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora