Chapter 61

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Herbs POV (35 weeks)

  It is now day 6 of me trying to rid my mind of the conversations I had overheard.... it has all become so clear now.... mother had lied to me we do not come from magical trees..... Herb doesn't know where to go with life.  I must go face the human friends now for the first time since that one faithful day.

Harry's POV

I walk out from our newly decorated room on the first floor and start down the hall to see Herb staring at the wall in the common room. I hear him mumbling about "Being day 6....... mother lying..... not knowing where to go with life...... and then facing us"
"Herb what's going on?" I ask touching his shoulder. He flinches and looks at me with terrified eyes before gulping. "Friend...hello.... goodbye," the house-elf greets trembling, before running for the door. "Not ready" he shouts before diving back into his room.
"Well at least I know he is still alive" I sigh before sitting on the couch. Today is so uneventful and I don't know what to do. Sitting on the couch for a second, I give my feet a break and sigh.
  Placing a hand on my now huge stomach, I rub it.  "I'll get to meet you very soon" I whisper taking a deep breath, pushing myself up just to hobble into the dining room to be met with a loud and cheerful atmosphere.
  Ron was beating Fred with a spatula as Blaise attempted to pulled Ron off of him by the waist. George was laying down on the ground a huge spatula imprint on his forehead.  Draco comes in a second later with a pan.  "Come at me now you git" he shouts as he runs after Ron.
   I look to the table to see Herb had snuck in and was giggling at the scene that was unfolding. Ron jumps back and runs past George who had finally sat up. Just to be taken out by the pan as Draco runs by.
  Ron stops and turns back "bloody hell you actually hit him" Ron stares at his brother on the floor as I wobble to my seat to eat.
  "Woah George I'm so sorry are you ok," Dray asks crouching down next to him. George sits up and rubs his forehead "you hit like a girl" the twin mumbles as Fred snickers behind him.
   Draco stands and grabs his pan again "say that again" before George could say anything I cut him off. "Excuse me can we move this along I'm hungry" I complain impatiently drumming my fingers on the table.
  Draco stops mid-swing and drops the pan as everybody scurries to their places probably not wanting to deal with an angry me today.
   My boyfriend rushes over, kissing the top of my head as he does every day before sitting down for breakfast. I can feel the smile on my face grow as we dig into our food.
    We eat silently and it kinda bothered me.... finally Ron broke the silence. "What should we talk about," he asks a bored expression on his face as well as everybody else.
  "I have an idea" Draco blurts out catching all our attention. "How about we talk about baby names" he continues looking at me with a huge smile. I knew he already had twenty picked out.
"I have the perfect first name," Ron states proudly as he stands from his chair smacking the table with the spatula that he refused to let go of.
Blaise rolled his eyes as he attempted to pry the spatula from his hand. "Ronald has a nice ring to it Ron for short" he continues just as Blaise finally gets the spatula from his hand and lifts it in triumph.
"How about... no," I reply blankly as Ron puts his hand to his chest "and why not" he cries out being dramatic as he can, slumping down in his chair. "Because our boy is not going to be named after something like you" Draco joins into the conversation giving Ron a disgusted look.
The twins stifle a laugh as Blaise holds the now agitated Ron down to his seat. "How about... Ron stay still!... how about Lucas?" Blaise starts to suggest something before yelling at Ron to stay still.
Ron gives up with a "hmph" and Blaise continues with his suggestion that was pretty good it just didn't catch my eye.
I turn to the twins who were looking at the ceiling in a very aggressive way. "Come on mates you don't need to death stare the ceiling," Ron hissed annoyed as Blaise taps his thigh.
Ron looks to his lap and mumbles "sorry" I can tell it was getting to him being told to constantly calm down and behave. Before I can say anything Blaise grabs Ron and pulls him onto his lap.
"You don't need to be sorry, I'm sorry" he mumbles placing his chin on Ron's shoulder who was fiddling with his fingers. "Ok" was all Ron said before looking back to the twins.
I turn to Draco who was watching Ron and Blaise as well. He had a look of worry on his face. Whatever just happened probably isn't going to end well. "Anyways," Draco utters breaking the silence as he looks back to the twins who are once again trying to 'think'.
"How can you guys not even know how to think" Dray adds as both the twins shrug their shoulders "I don't know," they say in their unison twin ways.
Fred jumps up from his chair slapping the table "Kollin" he shouts proud of thinking of something better than Ron and before George.
George looks up at him before his eyes go wide and he repeats the same motions Fred did before shouting "Kayden"
I look to Draco who nods his head in an approving way to both of those. George and Fred high five and a nervous Herb stands from his chair "h-how about Ash" he asks with a small stutter.
   I smile as the name reminds me of our conversation about his favorite tea being made with Ash leaves. I give him a glance "that's a great name" I say sweetly as he bounces in his chair.
"What about you," Fred asks me as they all stared in my direction. I try to rack my brain for ideas but nothing comes. "I don't really have any good ones but I like some of the ones Draco has come up with," I explain pointing towards Draco as the smile on his face grows even bigger somehow.
   He clears his throat and I roll my eyes "I had a few ideas and I personally wanted his name to be a star or constellation to go along with my ancestors" Draco starts while looking towards me to see how I'd react and I just tilt my head to the side and smile at him.
   He starts to continue now full of confidence "my favorite at the moment is Atlas" I perk my head up now fully involved in the conversation. "I really like that one" Blaise adds his arms wrapped around a silent Ron.
  Fred and George let out a small "yeah it's ok not as good as ours though"   Herb is too busy digging into his food to give any input so they all look to me. "We can't decide for sure but, later when it's just you and me we can talk again... I like that name a lot though," I chuckle reaching my hand out to grab his.
  I squeeze it and Draco looked like the happiest boy in the world. "I'm gonna go," Ron says out of nowhere as he stands from Blaise's lap, who quickly took his arms off of Ron so he could leave.
  I release Draco's hand from mine and watch Ron leave a smile plastered onto his face as he rubs his shoulder nervously and walks out of the room.
  Blaise stares at the door in disbelief before running a hand over his head letting out a small sigh.  "Fuck" was all that came out of Blaise's mouth as he shot up and ran out the door going to catch up with Ron.
    I really hope everything works out between them. Draco must have seen the worry in my face because he scooted closer and placed a hand on my knee. "They are going to be ok" he whispers not a drop of worry in his voice. Maybe I'm overreacting. "Ok" I reply taking a deep breath.

Draco's POV

   I'm trying to stop Harry from stressing out but this could be bad Ron looked really upset and Blaise seems extra stressed out.  "They'll be fine" I repeat more for me though as I'm not entirely sure if what I'm saying is true.
   They'll be fine...

If you have already voted don't vote again but the votes are still on for whether or not Atlas should call Harry and Draco- Mom and Dad or Dad and Papa-

•Dad and Papa- 10 votes
• Mom and Dad- 10 votes
You can message me privately if you don't want to vote in the comments thanks everybody sees your next chapter ❤️😁

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