Chapter 94

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This is gonna be George x Fred fluff so if you not comfortable with that skip the chapter or just pretend they aren't brothers. This is my warning right here so I'm saying this as nicely as possible DON'T LEAVE ANY MEAN OR UNNECESSARY COMMENTS ABOUT THE BOYS AT ALL!! please and thank you because not gonna lie it really upsets me and I try not to take it to heart but it really does get to me.
So yeah I'm already having a hard enough time posting this 😅

Atlas (8 months)
Ron(24 weeks)

George: Bold
Fred: Italics

Fred's POV
I wake up to the lighting ball on my nightstand going off. It produces a bright light and is pretty much a soundless alarm that George and I made. I cringe at the brightness because it hurts my eyes and bury my head into the closest thing to me which happens to be George.
I hug him from behind putting my head into his back. He groans and flips around pulling me to his chest as I look up to his face. His eyes are open and I instantly feel bad "sorry Georgie I really didn't mean to wake you" I whisper as he closes his eyes again pulling me back into his chest.
"Don't worry about it" he whispers back as we just stay in the hug for a minute. I feel a small kiss on my head as he ruffles my hair and sighs "we've got to get up anyways" he groans untangling himself from me.
  I pout letting out a loud sad sigh, and George who was already out of bed turned around to see me and chuckled "you are such a bottom" he chuckles as I stand on the bed.
  He puts his arms out and I jump onto him clinging to him like a koala. "Switch" I whisper into his shoulder. As he walks us over to the closet. "Bottom," he mocks me as he basically throws me onto the beanbag in our closet.
   I watch George look through our shirts and he settles on a white and orange striped t-shirt and throws me a matching one besides red instead of orange.
  I grab some light blue jeans from behind me and pull it all together with a brown belt as George just puts on some black joggers. "And you have the audacity to tell me I never try" I mutter to myself. 
"Want to repeat that pumpkin" George whispers putting his hands on my sides. My face heats up at the name as I turn my head to the side before looking at him. Batting my eyes innocently before answering "repeat what".
   I regret it instantly as his grip tightens and he starts tickling me. I hold my shriek in as my legs give out and I fall to the floor thrashing around. "Ca-can't b-breathe" I shout as I attempt to push him off of me. "Sorry can't understand you," he shouts as I feel my face turn red and my cheeks begin to hurt from smiling so much.
    I flip onto my stomach and crawl looking for anything to hit this man-child with. Sadly I come empty-handed as he continues to tickle the shit out of me.
  Out of nowhere, he stops and I completely fall to the ground out of breath. "Sorry I got tired" he snickers wiping imaginary sweat from his brow.  I don't even bother looking at him as I flip him off.
  I hear him snicker again before he takes my finger in his hand and bites it. I yelp before flopping around like a fish. "You fucking biscuit.... you probably just gave me herpes!" I shriek as he starts to pull me by my feet. "I have no words to say to you" he chuckles continuing to drag me. He lets go of me as we get to the stairs and I sigh once I look outside and see it's still dark.
   Every day George and I wake up and make breakfast for everyone but we don't ever get love do we. I pout to myself as George ruffles my hair again.  "I don't know what you're pouting about now, but stop you're too cute to pout pumpkin," he smirks as he hops on the handrail and starts to slide down it.
  I follow behind him as we get closer to the bottom I fly off of it landing on top of George who was already face-first on the ground. "Why do we always do this" we groan simultaneously. 
  We stand rubbing the back of our heads, well me my forehead. Trudging our way over to the kitchen. "Sit down please" George yawns into his hand. I know what's he's going to do, so I sit down on the barstool as he shifts behind me. Running his hands through my hair fluffing it up before pulling it back and on top of my head.
He puts it in a loose bun before saying "all done... look at me being the best hairstylist ever!" he laughs as I bop the bun on the back of my head.
"So what are we making for breakfast today," I ask George as we make direct eye contact. I squint my eyes and we both ponder our options. George nods his head and I do the same.
"Apple porridge, scrambled eggs, Cornish pastries, and sausage/bacon!" We shout in unison until it comes to the end. I look at George with disgust "who eats bacon in the morning!" I gag as he does the same to me. 
"You ate some yesterday!" He shouts smacking me on the top of my head.  "So that means we should have sausage today," I shout pinching his cheek as he groans. We look to each other and roll our eyes "we're just gonna make both" we both whine throwing our hands into the air.
  We walk separate ways because he usually works on the meats and I work on the pastries and porridge whoever finishes first gets eggs. That parts pretty boring we usually keep to ourselves or just have random conversations.
I had just finished the eggs when a tired Draco walks through the door getting ready to leave for work.  He seemed surprised as he jumps back a bit "you're here a lot earlier than usual" he yawns, shock, as I nod my head rubbing my eyes.
  The exhaustion hits me out of nowhere after seeing how tired he looked. "We wanted you to be able to have some breakfast too" George answers which makes Draco's face light up.
  I trudge over to George hugging him from the front, putting my chin on his shoulder. "Thank you guys so much it means a lot," Dray sings as he goes to prepare himself a plate.
  I yawn and leave the warmth of my boyfriend as I walk out to the common room and lay down on the closest couch. Not even a minute later the kitchen door opens again and I can feel somebody standing over me "Babe get up" George whispers shaking my shoulder.
  I groan but comply as I stand back up. He then flops onto the couch I was just on and turns to his back.  "Was that necessary you just made me stand up, for that?" I whine as he continues to grin holding his arms out for me.
  I roll my eyes but, crawl on top of him my head on his chest as I already feel myself start to fall asleep. Our legs tangle together as his arms wrap around me. One hand goes to my hair and the other goes to my back. His finger runs circles around my back and I smile into his chest.
  He continues to do this, it felt nice and I honestly felt comfortable and safe... I feel so loved right now... it's crazy. I look up and scoot myself up more so I'm closer to George. He continues to play with my hair taking it out of the bun as I look him in the eyes waiting for him to notice me.
  He finally does and I smile as I grab his cheeks and kiss him lightly. I move to back away but his hands keep my head still as he starts kissing back a light and loving kiss.
  We stay like that for a few minutes before air separates us. I feel a final peck on my nose before I go back to lay on his chest. He goes back to rubbing my back as I grip onto his sides enjoying the warmth.
"I love you pumpkin"
" I love you too Georgie"

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-9

Hello, I'm Adrian. I am Naomi's brother and they let me preview the story so I wanted to say hi before they found this. Hopefully, they don't delete it. Naomi don't delete this or I'll tell Mom you didn't do your chemistry homework.

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -30
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 18
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -16

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

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