Chapter 24

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Blaise's POV

"I doubt Harry is gonna leave the bed sooo... what do you want to do today?" I ask Ron as we exit the dining tent. He looks to his feet thinking for a minute before looking up and smiling.
   "I think we should go check on Harry and Draco for a few minutes," Ron suggests with an innocent smile. "You mean bother them don't you?" I ask taking a glance at him as an evil grin appears on his face.
  "Fine let's go," I give in knowing he wouldn't shut up, as I turn towards the "Drarry" cabin or whatever Ron calls it.   Stopping I see Ron a few steps behind just looking around like it's his first time seeing it.
  I walk back to him and grab his hand intertwining our fingers. This seems to pull him out of his trance as he looks up at me with a goofy smile. "Yeah sorry let's go," he apologies squeezing my hand.
  We walk towards their cabin occasionally stopping so Ron can make fun of somebody because of their haircut or something. "He looks like a porcupine" Ron whispers while pointing at a tall tan guy with black hair spiked up in every direction.
  "Babe I swear even Draco and I don't make fun of people this much" I chuckle while the guy turns to look at us. Ron quickly pulls his hand back and hides it behind his back.
  The guy lets out a grunt before slowly making his way over to us. "Run" my boyfriend whispers as he speeds off dragging me right behind him.
   We quickly turn to run behind a random cabin and then run back to the main path hoping to lose him.  It seemed to work because we didn't see him until we got closer to Harry and Draco's cabin.
Ron squeezed my hand and pointed towards the tall hedge that separated the two paths. You could barely see it but there were the tips of some black spiky hair poking over it.
  I let out a laugh as the head snapped to the side like he was trying to see through the hedge. The boy started running probably trying to get over to us. To bad though because we had arrived at our destination.
  I quickly open the door and push Ron in, running in after him. Slamming the door and then locking it.  I slide down it and look up to see a wide-eyed Harry in Draco's lap both staring at us in utter confusion.
I look around trying to find Ron before I find him sitting on the bed next to Draco.  Dray follows my gaze and jumps when he sees Ron next to him. Which causes Harry to yelp in pain I think.
  "How the fuck did you get there" Dray yells as Harry rubs his lower back and whines a little. I see him slouch a little as Draco continues to yell.
  "I just walked over here you ferret!" Ron shouts back causing Harry to bring his hands up to his ears. "GUYS" I scream, both instantly stop and turn to me.  Nodding towards Harry who had his head in Draco's chest and was holding on to his shirt for dear life.         
"Both of you really already forgot about the yelling thing," I shake my head standing from the door and walking over to Harry.
   I rub his shoulder which seems to snap my best friend out of whatever little world he was in.  Knowing Harry had someone I walk over to Ron who was just non-stop apologizing.

Draco's POV

I'm such a bad boyfriend! How could I already forgot! I'm snapped out of my little trance when I caught Blaise rubbing Harry's shoulder.
He walks over to Ron as I pull Harry from my chest and see tears streaming down his face. I felt my heartbreak at the sight. "I'm so sorry" he whispers. My mouth hangs open trying to say something but nothing comes out. I look to Blaise and Ron completely surprised, they were giving him confused looks as well.
"I'm just a crybaby" he adds looking at all of our confused faces. I wipe the tears from his cheeks and sigh. "I should be the one apologizing and with all that you have gone through I'm surprised you're still as happy as you are," I apologize while rubbing my fingers in a circular motion on his back.
"He's right" Ron buds in grabbing and squeezing his best friend's hand. "Not to change the subject or anything but how was last night," Ron sings with a wink.
Harry giggles a bit before sighing "you're a pervert". Ron rolls his eyes to this but doesn't pester him. "Well we just wanted to check on you guys we're just gonna go hang around the camp," he raises his eyebrows up and down pointing his thumb towards the door.

Ron's POV

I grab Blaise's hand as soon as we left their cabin, looking both ways for porcupine boy. As soon as I know we're clear we start walking. "I'm not a pervert" I grumble making Blaise laugh.
"You've been asking them about sex daily now" he answers back with a grin. "Well, I want to know if he's pregnant or not" I whine. "Yeah, but they don't know that" he speaks the truth, while we turn directions I think we're going towards our cabin.
"How bad do you think they're going to react when they find out," I ask tensing up just thinking about it. "Harry will probably cry tears of joy and anger... Draco will be frozen in shock for about 10 minutes and then we will most likely die" he answers, nodding his head to his own assumption.
"Yeah you're probably right" I nervously giggle. "Wanna go swimming," I ask trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah that sounds fun" he replies almost immediately.
We talked randomly until making it to our cabin. I run to my dresser and grab some yellow swim trunks and start to strip down before pulling them on.
I look over to see if Blaise is done. Catching him just as he finishes sliding up the dark green swim shorts that looked so fucking good on him. He turns looking me up and down as I make my way back over to him.
I trace my fingers over his abs, looking up to him. "You are so fucking hot," I flirt not taking my eyes off his. He smiles.
"Thanks, baby but I have nothing on you" I blush at his words if only that were true. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss his cheek as we leave the cabin and head for the lake.
We walked quite a ways because there were so many kids hanging around at the close side of the enchanted lake.
  Stopping at a shaded area with a willow tree drooping over the lake.  I kiss him on the nose before running in I can hear him close behind me before he tackles me into the water. I come up for air, finding Blaise with a smug grin on his face.
I grab his hands and pull him underwater with me. We both come up laughing and he pulls me closer to him our bodies now pressed together. "I've always wanted to try something" he whispers with a little chuckle at the same time.
I look up towards him "Well what is it?" I ask putting my hands on his chest. "You'll see just go underwater with me," he smirks. I nod in agreement.
Blaise plunges under the water and I follow. I opened my eyes to see him staring back at me as he grabs my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss. A few seconds later we both go up to the surface not breaking the kiss.
Once we we finally pulled away I giggle "that was so cheesy". "Yeah I know but I couldn't help it... also why didn't it hurt when I opened my eyes," he smiles saying the first part nervously, but then looks around in confusion.
"Even I know this is an enchanted lake do you see how clear it is... it supposes to be one of the purest" I whisper feeling proud of myself for knowing something.
He laughs before picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and immediately start kissing him.
We are only in waist-high water and he starts walking deeper so it's to his chest not breaking the kiss once. Now that I'm lighter because of the water he moves one hand to my chest and teases my nipple causing me to moan into the kiss.
  Leaving kisses leading down to his neck. I lick his sweet spot and slowly start nibbling on it as he lets out a grunt. I start to suck on it determined to leave a mark that would mean he was mine.
Once I thought it was good enough I moved away from his neck and placed my forehead on his. He moved his hands back to my thighs and rubs his thumbs up and down.
"I love you so much and I'm so sorry" he tries to hold back a laugh. Even though he was doing that I still panicked "I love you too but what happe-" I was cut off as he threw me up and I landed down in the water.
Coming back up immediately, I gasp for air. Spotting Blaise almost at the shore already. "You bastard!" I shout shaking my fist at him. Hearing him laugh causes the scowl on my face to turn into a smile. "I'll get you back" I mutter to myself crossing my arms with the smile still visible on my face.

  "I'll get you back" I mutter to myself crossing my arms with the smile still visible on my face

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