Chapter 115

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April 16th
Atlas (1 year)
Ivy, Iris, and Asher (10 weeks)

Harry's POV

  "Draco where is the baby!" I shout across the hall once I notice the empty crib.  I don't get a response, so I start walking over to our room. "Dray!" I shout again just as his head pops out of the room.
"Sorry I was in the bathroom. What did you say?" He asks opening the door for me. I take a quick look around the room and see no sign of Atlas. "Where's Atlas" I demand sounding meaner than I meant. While looking around the room with a worried expression.
Draco takes my chin in his hand making me face him, and look up at him. "Don't worry love he's with Ron" he whispers wrapping his other arm around my back.
I embrace it and lean into his touch as his hand leaves my chin and wraps around my back as well, pulling me closer. I put my hands on his chest and blush when I realize he was staring at me.
  "You're so cute" he smiles before leaning down for a kiss. I smile and lean into the kiss letting our lips touch. Draco tightens his grip on me.  I place one of my hands on his cheek as his tongue traces the top of my bottom lip.
   I grin again before parting my mouth giving him access. His tongue explores every inch of my mouth just like the first time, as his hands rub up and down my back. 
   We continue this until we start to lose our breath. I pull away biting his bottom lip before letting go completely, just like I always do, I know how much he likes it.  Just as I thought he lets out a groan but continues to smile as we both breathe heavily. 
  "Been a while hasn't it" he laughs kissing my forehead.  I turn a crimson shade of red and nod placing my head on his chest.  "I know I said not to worry because he's with Ron, but now that I think about it.... he's with the weasel and we probably should be worried" he laughs nervously continuing to rub my back.
I hit his chest with the back of my hand lightly before escaping from his grip. He whines and I grab his hand pulling him out of our room and towards the common room.
I instantly feel a whole lot better when I hear Atlas's giggle. "I" he shouts and I mentally facepalm as Draco snickers. "Yeah Atlas" I hear Ron start to say, but it's muffled so I couldn't hear the rest of it. We turn the corner, and I see Blaise passed out on the couch with the twins sleeping in his lap.
I chuckle, but about choke on air when I see Ron next to him with a spatula in his hand. Atlas was also holding a spatula with both hands. "This is a spatula" Ron instructs the child and Atlas stares at him with amazement. "Yeah, a spatula" he repeats.
"You know what you do with spatulas," Ron asked the boy as he snaps his head over to him. "You hit your dada with them" he snickers and Atlas's mouth drops. I hold in a laugh as Draco grits his teeth "hey don't be teaching him that" he shouts ruining the beautiful teaching moment.
Draco walks over, taking the spatula from Atlas who couldn't seem to care less. I watch Draco hit Ron on top of the head with it, as Ron starts to hit him back. All that chaos and Atlas continues to not care.  He flips onto his stomach and shimmied his way off of the couch and onto the floor.
He used the couch to walk close to me and once he ran out of the couch he got on to his hands and knees and crawled. "Papa!" Atlas shouts as I pick him up kissing his forehead "hey baby" I chuckle lifting him over my head.
   "I" he shouts again as I bring him to my chest.  "Don't listen to Ron he's delusional" I whisper, looking at the two still hitting each other with spatulas.  "Your daddy is also delusional too" I add looking the other way.
  "You want to go get some toys with me" I cheer and the baby's eyes light up. "Yay," he squeals, kicking, signaling he wanted down.  I set him down and reach for his hand as we walk back to the nursery.
    He wobbles next to me still getting used to his legs as I keep him up with my arm.  "You're doing great little prince," I encourage him as we make our way into the nursery. 
  As soon as I open the door he lets go of my hand and falls to his knees quickly scrambling over to his toy bin. I go to my knees and look through the toys helping him pick out a few. 
   He grabs a few blocks and hands them to me and I hold them as he continues grabbing some plastic rings.  He ends up grabbing three plastic rings each one with charms and fidgets on it. 
  Once he hands those to me Atlas quickly grabs his wolf plushie and takes my hand helping him stand. I laugh at how bossy he is being even without words. 
  Balancing the toys in one arm we walk back out of the nursery. Atlas nuzzling his face into the plushie. Once we make it back out into the common room I go to an empty couch and sit on the floor my back against it as I lay the toys out next to me.
  Atlas copies me sitting against the couch before picking up one of the plastic fidgets. He sets the jet black wolf in his lap and spins a fidget around the ring laughing as it comes to a stop.
   I stand and walk to the others now noticing Fred and George were here as well.  I looked around to see Asher asleep on the couch.  Ron and Draco had red marks on their cheeks from the spatulas, as the twins laughed at them.  I join in laughing as well as the two idiots hunch over. 
   Blaise walked over to us one of the twins laying on his shoulder.  I looked behind him to see the other still asleep on the couch.  I'm not even gonna lie I can't tell those two apart unless their eyes are open.  Sometimes I still get George and Fred confused. 
"Do you guys just want to eat lunch out here today?" Fred asked as we all look around nodding "that sounds fine" Draco replies rubbing his now sore cheek. 
  "Yeah we'll help get stuff set out" Blaise adds as we all make our way into the kitchen. I grab some plates for all of us and wait for Fred and George to tell me what to do. They've always been in charge of meals.
   Before they can say anything I hear faint crying as Fred and George's face drops. "Asher" they murmur. I set the plates down on the counter, and we all run out the kitchen door worried for the small boy.
  All of us pile out of the room, but before we can get to the couch where Asher was sleeping earlier the twins stop us. 
  I stare at them confused, and I assume everyone else was as well. Usually, the twins are overprotective of Asher. I see movement and look to Atlas who was crawling over to the tiny boy.  I stare confused as Atlas makes it to the couch and hoists himself up onto it. He struggled for a minute, but eventually got it.
  Atlas scoots over to the crying baby and gently hugs him before sitting back up. I feel my heart melt as the younger boy's eyes go wide and reaches for Atlas his tears starting to slow.
  Atlas gave Asher his hand and they held each other.  My son then gave him a big smile "I" he whispers patting their conjoined hands.
  Asher gurgles and then sniffles, a tear running down his cheek. The smile disappears off of my little Prince's face as he pats their hands again "is okie" he reassures him before leaning over again. I let out a tiny "awe" expecting Atlas to give him another hug.
Instead, the boy kisses him on the forehead "is okie" he repeats sitting up again not letting go of his hand. We watch as Asher smiles letting out a small coo and soon drifts off to sleep.
All of us stare silently before looking at each other with shocked expressions "that was the cutest thing I have ever seen" Ron gasps and I put my hand to my heart. We all let out some sort of "yeahs" before Fred and George grab each other's arms and silently jump up and down not wanting to wake Asher and one of the twins up.
"Shippppp" they squeal silently as we all chuckle well all of us except Draco.
"Nope... No... and Nope he isn't allowed to date ever!" He whisper-shouts as I noticed Atlas had fallen asleep holding Asher's hand. "How can you not find that adorable" Blaise chuckles silently.
"It is adorable but he's not allowed to date anybody ever" Draco continues, crossing his arms. "He's only 1 it's fine" I joke. Draco gives me a look of betrayal before slouching against the wall "nope never" he continues pouting.
"He's this bad with your son let's hope you never have a daughter"

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