Chapter 100

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Atlas (9 months 1 week)
Ron (29 weeks)

Ron's POV

"I don't wanna be pregnant anymoreeeeee" I sing, definitely out of tune. Plopping down on the couch next to Blaise. He raises his eyebrows and chuckles "really and why is that?" he asked as I stand back up in front of him.
"I'm as big as a houseeeee and my back hurtssss and, can't I just give birthhhh nowwwww" I continued singing, spinning and adding a small dance to my song.
"Yeah it doesn't work like that" Blaise chuckles while Fred runs out of the dining room being chased by a seriously angry George. "I'ma sister slap you" he screams and Fred trips over his feet and begins to roll.
I look to Blaise confused as we both just stop and stare "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!" Fred yells back. He scampers to get up and runs up the stairs. "I DONT KNOW" George screams back, while he follows Fred up the stairs.
"Well that was interesting" Blaise mumbled as I start to actually worry for my family's mental health. I sit down next to Blaise again and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Soooo about the giving birth now doesn't that sound delightful?" I nudge his side as he rolls his eyes. "It doesn't exactly work like that buttercup" he smirks grabbing my chin and leaving a small kiss on my lips.
A small "Heh" escapes mine. Blaise just starts to laugh at me. "You're so cute" he adds placing a hand on my stomach. I place my hand over his and one of the babies kicks the exact spot making both of our smiles widen.
Blaise blinks pulling himself out of his trance "anyways as I was going to say we don't even have names" he whispers his face growing more serious.
I open my mouth ready to speak and lift my hand. Trying to persuade him with my argument that he has heard many times before. "No Ron we are not calling them baby A and baby B" he groans as I start to pout.
He begins laughing and pulls me onto his lap "just imagine you running around the house yelling 'baby A get back here and baby B stop trying to bite your sister" he chuckles into the back of my neck as he wraps his arms around my stomach.
I shift uncomfortably even though I know Blaise doesn't care I still feel like he does. His grip tightened a bit as he moves his head to rest on my shoulder "time to get serious" he whispers as I bite my lip.
"Got it" I take a deep breath and narrow my eyes "I'm completely serious now let's do this" I continue as Blaise starts kissing my shoulder. "You're distracting me" I groan and he nuzzles his head back into my shoulder blade.
"Okay, then sooo girls.... two of them," I huff attempting to start the conversation. "That is correct" he laughs. I place my hand on his stomach.
"So you know how Atlas is the name of a star cluster/constellation like Draco is there anything like that with your family," Blaise asks and I try to think of something, but nothing comes to mind.
"No, not really how about you," I return the question. I turn to the side, so I could look at him. He bites his cheek and shrugs his shoulders "not that I know of" He shrugs putting his hands on my hips.
"Wanna face me" he hums, as I feel my face heat up a bit "yes please" I mumble. He helps turn me so I'm straddling his lap. "I'm not too heavy right" I blurt out ready to move as Blaise groans.
"Ronald, I swear you're not... please stop thinking you are" he gives me a worried look as we put our foreheads together. "I'm sorry" I whisper looking away "hey look at me," his vocie was monotone, and I looked back to him "you're perfect inside and out... no arguing," he finished sternly, pulling away just to hug me tightly.
"How aboutttt Ruth," he suggests randomly. I of course give him a weird look... "no thank you," I laugh, making him start to laugh too "good I didn't really like that one either," he agrees, rubbing the back of his neck.
I sit and think for a minute before coming up with absolutely nothing "I like unique names because I feel like my family definitely has basic names except Ginevra and... Percy isn't as common" I tap my chin as Blaise bites the inside of his cheek.
"Well Opal and Ivy are pretty unique," he suggest some more. as I feel another kick in my stomach "Opal is pretty and, I really like Ivy". I answer truthfully as he continues to think.
"If we did like gems or stones we could do Jade and Opal" he adds as I suck on my lip trying to think. "So I'll admit I do like Jade but it's not very unique, but it's very cute," I reply honestly, Blaise smiles lifting himself to kiss me.
I lean over a bit and kiss him and he pulls away with a huge smile. "We could do something like that, but with plants or flowers," I try to say something smart while kissing his nose. "Any examples," he asks running his hands up and down my thighs.
"Rosemary, Violet, Iris, oh, and Ivy," I cheer as he nods his head. "I don't exactly like Rosemary but I do like Rose," he cocks his head to the side. placing his hands on my back to bring me closer. "Middle name maybe" he adds as I run a hand through my tangled hair attempting to think of anything.
"I have an idea" Blaise basically shouts as my eyes widen from the sudden burst of energy coming from him. I chuckle at how excited he got as his leg begins to bounce making me bounce a little as well.
"So you like Ivy what if we did names that start with I because those are pretty unique," A sudden wave of excitement washing over his face. "That's a really good idea babe, good job," I coo while jokingly patting his head. He begins to chuckle but, you could tell he was pretty proud of himself.
"How about Ivy and Iris then and Jade could be a back up" I suggest as he nods aggressively. I laugh, putting my hands on the side of his head stopping him. "You just got a sudden burst of energy didn't you," I state the obvious as he attempts to nod his head again.
"Sorry I'm just getting really excited to think we're about to have two beautiful baby girls," he relaxes, his back hitting the back of the couch. I lean forward to stop myself from falling back.
I eventually just let myself fall forward and hug Blaise as he lets out a happy sigh. "I liked your middle name idea though with Rose so we should figure out which one has it and then think of another middle name," I smile and he gives me a quick "yeah"
I feel his hands creep up my shirt as they hold my belly. "But let's not overdo it today I'm just happy we're getting somewhere," he explains kissing the top of my head. I nod and rest it on his chest as his hands caress my stomach.
"Have you guys seen Atlas?" Harry shouts coming from the hallway. I look up to see him out of breath. "I let him down on the ground for one minute and he crawled away," he looks around the room anxiously.
"I would usually be okay with it, but this manor is huge" he sighs his voice full of worry. "Sorry, Harry we haven't seen him". I break the news, looking to Blaise who nods in agreement.
"I'll help you look for him" Blaise volunteers taking his hand from my stomach. "AHHHHH ITS A RAT," I think George screams from somewhere in the manor. He soon comes running from a hallway and I stare confused as I thought they were upstairs.... "oh yeah stupid spider-infested tunnels" I mumble to myself. "IT WAS So PALE I- and weird-looking-" George screams getting cut off by Fred rounding the corner "it was ATLAS YOU IDIOT" he yells back as Atlas comes crawling behind them only in a diaper.
Harry runs to grab and picks him up. The baby giggles "ba-pa" he squeals as soon as Harry hugs him. "You scared me silly" he whispers his voice filled with worry.

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-11

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -32
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 19
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -19

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora