Chapter 45

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Draco's POV (24 weeks and 1 day)

  I wake up with Harry's head still pressed up against my chest, pulling back a bit to make sure I'm not suffocating the poor boy, and as soon as I do he tightens his grip. Smushing himself back into me.
I let out a sad chuckle because no matter how hard I try to get the image of yesterday out of my head I can't.
I continue staring at the wall in front of my clutching on to Harry like it's the last thing I'll do until he wakes up about an hour later.
He begins to stir and slowly opens his eyes, only then does he push away from me. I give him a weak smile and he looks away, avoiding eye contact. His usually bright green eyes were now dull and puffy from all the crying.
I felt around my eyes and wondered if mine looked the same way. Sure enough, I could feel the swelling of my eyes and let out a deep sigh.
Harry looked at me for a split second before looking away again. "W-why won't you look at me" I choke out scared for the answer I'd receive.
He wants somebody that will protect him and our child and apparently, I can't even do that. He finally makes eye contact and keeps it there. "I-I basically cheated on you and I understand if you don't want to be with me" he whispers but I heard every word and each one felt like a stab in the heart.
I didn't know how to respond, so I just laid my head on his chest and sobbed. I could tell he was surprised at first but soon relaxed and place his hands on my back.
Gently sliding them up and down in a comforting manner. "Why are you crying?" he asks with a sniffle. I pull my head up from his chest and attempt to stop.
I should just tell him the truth and how I feel about all of this. "I would never leave you because of this but... I couldn't protect you... I didn't get there in time and, I was so close" I choke out every word making me revisit the memory I wanted to forget.
He was now sitting up and his eyes were wide. He placed a hand on my cheek and that's when I got a really good look at him. Minus the puffy eyes, his left cheek was pink and swollen. His neck had marks and a bruise in the shape of a hand.
I stared at the bruise in shock and once Harry realized I was staring he moves his hand to his collar attempting to hide it.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, to calm myself. I open them and Harry is staring back at me with a mixed look of sadness and confusion. I slowly grab the bottom of the sweatshirt he's wearing and gently pull it off of him.
He puts his arms up helping me and as soon as the sweatshirts finally off he places a hand on his stomach. I smile while looking at his stomach and lean down planting a few kisses on our little boy.
   Moving to Harry, I kiss each cheek and his nose. He smiles a small smile and I take his face in my hands, placing our lips together not trying to be rough just a passionate kiss.
He smiles into the kiss and I soon pull back leaving small kisses going down his jawline to his neck. I kiss every previous hickey and move to his sweet spot that the person had obviously missed.
I nibble the spot and Harry lets out a small gasp putting a hand into my hair. I begin sucking and biting the spot until I knew there was a mark big enough that it would outlast every other mark on his neck.
Pulling away, I give him a small peck on the lips before getting off the bed. "I'll be back with your breakfast and then I have to deal with something," I tell him with a smile, one that never left my face.
He gives me a confused face but nods his head yes, before falling back onto the bed. He quickly pulls the covers to his chin.
  I returned 10 minutes later with a plate for Harry and one for me. Setting them down on the nightstand, I shake Harry a bit, since he had already fallen back asleep.
     He quickly jolts up "I'm up" he shouts and looks around. I laugh and hand him his food sitting down next to him to eat my own.
  Harry lays his head on my shoulder while nibbling at his toast. He reminds me of a cute little bunny and it makes me smile every time.
   "What are you doing today?" he questions me, taking his head off of my shoulder. I bite my lip before answering "don't you worry about it dear" by the look on his face I knew he didn't like the answer he got.
   I then remembered the one girl from earlier. "Hey that girl that told me about you she's coming by today to drop the stuff off that you bought... you apparently dropped it in the alleyway and she went back and got it," I continue to look at his face, watching his reaction. Because I wasn't sure if he knew this girl or not.
   He seems to think about it for a minute before his face lights up. "Oh, Aspen? she's really nice.... she's the one that got you?" He asks and I just shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, I didn't have time to ask for her name... which reminds me I need to return that kid's broom.... maybe I'll just buy him a better one," I chuckle nervously.
  Harry giggles and I stand up bending over to kiss him once more. "I'll be back soon" I whisper. He pouts a bit but ultimately goes back to his food.
  I felt happy and kinda generous but taking one last look at Harry, my eyes grazed over the marks and bruises, and all my empathy was gone.
As soon as the door to our room was closed the smile leaves my face. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt ready for whatever was going to happen.
Walking down the grand stairs, I quickly enter the library. Scanning through the books until I find the one I needed. The History of the Blacks taking the book off of the shelf. I wait and soon the section of books sinks disappearing into the ground. I step through placing the book on the table just to the side of the passage's entrance so I would be able to leave easily.
  Trust me the one time I lost it.... it took me 4 hours to leave because of all the different tunnels. I take a few steps and soon find the stairs once again quickly making my way down them.

Blaise's POV

I've been waiting for Dray for 20 minutes now. I was about to check on him when I hear the sound of feet pounding down the stairs. I turn back to see the one and only Draco Malfoy.
  His emotions were gone his face was completely blank. The look on his face literally terrified me and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't feel like getting snapped at by him.
  He stops in front of me "where is he" he asks in a monotone voice. I straighten up before answering "fighting block A" I say as seriously as I could. He smiles a wicked smile. "Maybe father doing illegal things does help me in the end" he chuckles, before his face becomes clear of emotions once again.
We walk a bit before making it to the fighting block... this instruction confused me. Why didn't he just put him in one of the small cells?
To my surprise, Draco immediately steps into the block. "Well well, nice face you have there," he mocks Kingsley as he inspected his bloody and bruised face that he had received from Draco yesterday.
  Kingsley didn't answer but just looked away. What Draco said next surprised me as well "Well your not chained up.... come and fight me" I sucked in a breath and Kingsley stood with an evil smirk on his face.
  Draco raised his fist and waited. Before I could exhale Kingsley ran over and punched Draco in the face. I gasped why didn't he try to dodge.
    Blood trickled down from Draco's nose and a cut seemed to have opened on his lip. I went to go help, but stopped when I heard Draco chuckle.
  "Did you see that Blaise... I invite him into my house and he attacks me, so now... it's really just self-defense" he laughs again while horror and anger grow on Kingsley's face.
If you think about it him not using his wand is technically him going easy so he should be happy. I watch as Draco dodges every attack Kingsley swings at him.
   "All of a sudden I feel bad for him... no I don't"

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