Chapter 107

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Atlas (10 months 3 weeks)
Ron (in labor)

Ron's POV

"Fuck" I groan as we walk up the stairs to Ophelia's house. Harry was already up informing Ophelia about what was happening. I bite my lip holding in another groan as Blaise practically carries me up the stairs.
"Thank you" I whisper as he helps me through the door. "Of course" he whispers back. Ophelia leads me into the room that Atlas had been born in. I smile at the memory of me saying I wasn't ever gonna have kids. That didn't work well.
"Here help him put this on" Ophelia instructs Blaise as she leaves the room with Harry so I can change. I quickly do before he lifts me onto the bed. Blaise opens the door again and I wrap my arms around my stomach breathing heavily.
As soon as my water broke the fever went away, but at the moment I would rather be experiencing the fever. "Urghhh" I groan as Blaise rushes back to my side squeezing my hand.
I smile as Harry takes a seat and hunches over giving me a loving smile. Ophelia does some weird thing and checks everything but I don't listen as I just close my eyes squeezing Blaise's hand the whole time.
My eyes open and I lift my head to look at Harry "I'm killing your boyfriend after this" I snap making the ferret laugh nervously. "I won't stop you" he laughs back and I let out a small chuckle.
"Okay you should be ready to start pushing in about 10 minutes" she informs us as I take a deep nose breath. "Those idiot brothers of mine better hurry up" I growl the emotion of anger powering over the rest of them.
Blaise kisses my hand and goes to talk when we hear a knock on the door. "Thank Merlin" Harry mumbles as Ophelia opens the door for them her smile immediately dropping.
"The mistake is coming" a voice snaps as I look to the others confused. Blaise's face is furrowed in anger as Harry sinks back into his chair terrified. Do they recognize that voice?
"Ahh yes... okay come this way it's nice to finally see your faces," Ophelia says still being polite as she leads the couple into this room. That's probably what the other bed is for.
All the pain is gone for a minute when I see the people walk in "GINEVRA WEASLEY" I shout as the girl's face drops and she shrinks back into the boy behind her "fucking fags".
He shoves her forward and she scowls going to the other side of the room. Ophelia puts up a curtain for them as Ginny changes and brings it down when's she's down.
The boy began talking to Ginny again and I finally realized where I recognized his voice "Kingsley" Draco shouts lunging at him and the boy drops to the floor in fear.
Harry grabs him by the arm and pulls him over to our side of the room "the first thing you do when you walk through the door is lunge at somebody with our child in your hands stop being an idiot" Harry scolds Draco his breathing heavy and not consistent. Ophelia looks between the two groups not sure what to do. "Can't you just get this fucking mistake out of me already!" Ginny screams and Ophelia's smile falls into a frown.
"I'm sorry but you're not dilated enough" she tries to tell them, but they ignore her as she moves on to me. "This is your fault" Ginny yells towards Kingsley "We should have just gotten rid of it" he screams back to her. "I tried you damn fag" she spits at him as they begin to bicker.
So much was going on and I tried to block it out. I just found my sister. She's pregnant with the guy who tried to rape my best friend. The twins were nowhere.
Blaise was focusing on me and Draco was focusing on calming Harry who was trying not to have a panic attack Atlas in his lap. Ophelia lets out a frustrated sigh and brings the curtain back up putting a silencing charm over them.
"So much better" she groans as she turns to me "it's time" Ophelia continues as my breathing pauses. A single tear slips down my cheek as I turn my head to Blaise. "I'm scared Blaise" I whisper and he nods his head "you got this" he encourages me and Ophelia gives me a pillow so my head is sitting up more.
"Rest your legs like this" "you can either put your arms like this or like this" "feel free to be as loud as you want" she continues instructing us as Blaise watches her intently and I miss basically every other detail.
I'm so scared... I'm so scared... "Ron are you ready," she asks me as I give her my signature smile and a thumbs up. She smiles back to me as I rest my hand over my chest and the other goes back to Blaise.
"1...2...3 push" I push with a low groan attempting to be quiet. "Keep pushing 10 more seconds" she shouts as Blaise begins to count the 10 seconds as I asked him to.
When he finished I relax my body and open my eyes. "It hurts" I cry as Blaise caresses my hand. "1....2...3 push" she repeats and I start to push again "urghhh" I shout louder as I feel the excruciating pain.
"There's already a head somebody is super excited to come out, you've got this Ronald" Ophelia shouts as I try to control my crying. Blaise begins counting down from 10 and I take a break.
"1...2..3 push" I can't do it... I push as hard as I can letting out a shout of agony as Ophelia starts cheering me on. Blaise joins in and soon Harry, Draco, and the twins do too as I continue to push.   When the fuck did the twins get here. "She's out!" Ophelia shouts moving away from me. I continued to look at the ceiling already exhausted even though I know I have to do it all again.
"Wow" Blaise mumbled looking over to where Ophelia was. "Okay Ron ready to start again," she asks and I nod my head yes clutching my eyes shut.... no I'm not ready.

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat