Chapter 140

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October 1st
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (8 months 2 weeks)

Harry's POV

"Uncle Sirius! Remus!" I cheer pulling them into a hug. With the wedding only days away we... no I invited them to stay with us until then.
"Bwig Wolfie!" Atlas cheers quickly making his way to Sirius hugging on his leg. "Hey pup," Sirius greets him, ruffling his hair.  Draco comes over next smiling at Remus and hugging him while glaring at Sirius. They just flipped each other off.
I sigh to myself before inviting them in, forcing Dray to come with me as I showed them their room Atlas clinging on to Sirius's leg the whole time.
"This is your guys' room," I say smiling as I open the door for them. It's down a separate hall so they don't have to deal with all the babies crying. "Feel free to never leave it" Draco chimes in aiming it only at Sirius. I elbow him in the gut keeping the same smile on my face.
"Thank you Harry and Draco," Remus says calmly as Sirius just blinks rapidly.  "Wellll I'll give you a quick tour of the main rooms that you're going to use" I interrupt the two boys' death stares. Remus rolls his eyes taking his husband's arms.
  "Wolfie?" Atlas asked tugging at Sirius's pant leg. He steps off of him and Sirius squats down to his level. "Maybe later baby," I sigh patting his back. He puts his hand to his mouth a sad expression rested on his face.  Sirius smiles and looks to Remus "put him on my back" he tells him before shifting into a wolf.
   Yup that kid is spoiled.  He stared in awe and starts giggling as Remus lifts him onto Sirius's back.  "You better hold on tight" I warn Atlas as he looks up to me with big eyes "yay!" He cheers while Sirius slowly takes him forward.


After showing them the kitchen, dining room, and library I basically explain that we all mostly hang out in the common room.  As I say this I take Atlas off of Sirius and he quickly changes back flopping onto the couch.
   "The others should be out soon" Draco adds taking Atlas from me as he throws him up into the air catching him near his chest.  As soon as he said that Fred and George came down the stairs holding a not very happy Asher.
"Somebody is sorta grumpy" Fred jokes as the boy sneezes and turns into George's shirt refusing to come out.  "Well you know Fred and George and then little Asher!" I say as they wave to us. "He's Atlas's boyfriend!" They cheer at the same time as Remus chuckles.
  I look to Draco who has a hand over his heart.  "No just no" he cries looking at the baby on his hip.  "I agree with dumb blonde for once," Sirius says popping into the conversation.
"Bloody hell" I mumble to myself not knowing what to say next.  Thankfully Ron and Blaise come down the hall next Iris was fast asleep on Blaise's shoulder as Ron was watching Ivy crawl next to him.  "Sorry we took so long Ivy refused to be held" Ron chuckles nervously as we all just nod our heads understanding.
Ron picks Ivy up as they make their way over to us sitting on their own couch. "So Harry you know there is always time to back out" Sirius jokes. Draco flops down next to me shooting him another glare while letting Atlas down off of the couch.
He immediately speeds over to the twins. Pulling himself onto that couch. "Asher isn't very happy right now" George informs Atlas as his eyes go wide and he crawls the rest of the way over to him.
"I" he calls as the baby turns out of George's shirt and starts reaching towards Atlas.... "that's just unfair" both the boys groan as Ron, Remus, and I begin laughing. Of course, Sirius and Draco were finally bonding over something and it of course involved locking Atlas up in a tower.
Remus held Sirius down as I did the same to Draco while George sat Asher in Atlas's lap. Asher gripped on to Atlas's hand fiddling with it as almost all of us gushed over the two.
"So is everything ready or do you need help with anything," Remus asked, Ron's eyes shoot open "shoot! I have to make the tea" he mumbles but it seemed to have caught everybody's attention.
All of a sudden it seemed to get really hot in the room as I looked to Ron "I don't think tea is important right now" I laugh innocently.  He sends me an apologetic look afterward and I just flash him a thumbs-up as secretively as possible.
"We're all set for the wedding thank you very much," I say scooting closer to Draco. He smiles wrapping his arm around me as I look up to him with a smile and he leans over giving me a small peck on the lips.
No surprise here Sirius started hissing again so Remus quickly hit his thigh shutting him up. When Dray saw this he just chuckled making Sirius scoff at him "what's that for" he asked as they began eyeing each other again.
"You're just jealous of our relationship" Draco blurts out and Sirius begins laughing "and what's that suppose to mean" he shouts standing, making Draco rise too.
I already knew where this was going so I stand heading for the library when I felt a tap on my shoulder "Sirius and Draco are so alike.... please let me join you" Remus pleads urgently as I nod my head. Listening to the shouting behind us. "Well, I can kiss my husband longer than you can!" Sirius yells, Draco immediately firing back with "oh yeah let's settle it then"
I heard some movement before all the others started laughing "Woah where did they go" both blurt out at said at the same time. Of course, that pissed them off more, but I couldn't hear what they said as I pushed the library door open closing it behind us.
"They are crazy" I groan and Remus nods in agreement.  "So how has life been with you two!" I ask as he smiles looking up to the ceiling.  "It's peaceful... don't tell him I told you this, but he nonstop talks about Atlas. He loves that kid so much" he chuckles as I smile to myself. 
  "That being said don't be afraid to invite us over... all the time... or just come over whenever because Sirius is always saying how he doesn't want to intrude, but waits almost every day to get a letter from you guys" he whispers looking towards the closed door.
   "I'll definitely try to have you guys over as much as possible... I want Atlas to have a big family considering my whole childhood was with 3 people who hated my guts" I speak shyly as he nods his head making his way over to one of the chairs.
  "Now let's get down to business," he goes serious, sitting down and pointing to the chair in front of him.  I raise an eyebrow and sit down waiting for him to continue. 
  "I can tell something is bothering you... care to tell me what it is?" He asks as I scratch the back of my neck.  "It's a mix of things" I groan rubbing my eyes.  "With the wedding and... I'm.... ugh I know I shouldn't be making such a big deal out of this I've just been having these insane nightmares making me more insecure and anxious about everything" I sigh putting my face into my hands.
  He looks to me with a soft expression ready to listen to whatever I say.  "For the dance part of the ceremony I'm changing into a dress and I'm just scared for people's reactions especially Dracos because it's supposed to be a surprise" I mumble under my breath, yet Remus seemed to have heard everything as he nods his head. 
  "I'm sure you will look amazing! If people don't like seeing you dress the way you're comfortable dressing then those people don't deserve to be in your life!" He states as I nod my head moving a strand of hair back and out of my face.
  "It's still gonna hurt though" I sigh as he nods. "you would rather get them out of your life sooner than later" he chuckles, I just nod again. "Now what's the last thing?" He pries as my eyes drop to the ground. 
    "I think... I don't really know how to say this... I guess I'm going to try for a baby soon, but it's also a surprise... I know he wants a baby! He just doesn't know I'm going to... I'm going to shut up now" I try to explain, but it ends up a mess as I just cry into my hands. 
   "I'm just so stressed out" I whimper.  Remus comes over pulling me into a hug. "We will all be here to help you through everything and anything" he whispers ruffling my hair.  "Now... want some chocolate, it will make you feel better?" He asked with a laugh reaching into his shirt pocket.
  Before I can answer the big door is thrown open by a very worried Draco and confused Sirius.
   "My Harry senses we're tingling!" He shouts running over as I quickly try to hide any evidence that I was crying. It's gonna be hard to get out of this one...
  "Well, shit he was actually right... I thought he was just having a seizure for no reason"
"Harry senses?"

Do you guys want
Harry Malfoy
Harry Malfoy-Potter and Draco Malfoy-Potter

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