Chapter 15

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Ron's POV

I sent an owl as soon as I had gotten home.  Time started to pass my feeling of worry starting to grow more and more by the hour.
  Mum and I decided to keep it between the two of us for now but, you could tell she was also getting anxious. "Ronald has he answered," my mum asks popping her head in for the 30th time.
  "No mum nothing different from when you checked 5 minutes ago" I groan letting my head fall onto my desk.
I watch as she leaves a little sadder than she was before and quietly sigh to myself.  About 3 minutes later she comes back with a letter. I aggressively fling myself up forgetting about the pain in my lower half.
   I almost died earlier when I had to hide my limp I let out a groan, falling to the ground. Mum watches me with wide eyes and hands me the letter while I'm on the ground. She turns around before speaking "it's Blaise" she explains with a wavering voice.
   Mum had a bad childhood and I knew that is exactly what she's thinking about it. My heart sinks a little when she told me the letter wasn't from Harry but I immediately perk back up when I realize it's from Blaise.
   Slowly standing I hobble over to my desk.

Dear Ronald,
  Hey buttercup I miss you already I know your gonna call me clingy again but, you can't blame me I feel awful about what happened. Also, are you going to the summer camp for the last years it starts in a week and if you go I will definitely go.  Not to mention we can share a cabin. I'll make sure you have many more restless nights. I love you so much.
Your lover,

I smile to myself reading it he's right I am going to call him clingy.  As I make my way down the letter he starts talking about the summer camp and an idea comes to mind.
  Like an actual good idea. "Mom I need you now" I shout hoping it's enough for her to hear me. She comes in not a moment later stumbling over her own feet.
  "There's a summer camp for Hogwarts's last years in a week... if something is really happening with Harry we can take him and get him out of whatever's going on.
Mom stares at me for a minute probably deciding on whether she should kidnap a child or not before sighing. "Wait for his letter and then talk to Draco and yes you can go" mum whispers, Fred and George running by the room practically on each other.
    I nod in agreement and go back to my letter as she leaves. I finish the letter and feel my face heat up. "I'm so happy I didn't give her the letter to read" I mutter to myself.

     Dear Blaise,
You're right I am going to call you clingy.  Also, stop feeling bad about what happened there's nothing we could have done you goofball. I didn't know about the summer camp but I asked mum and she said yes. Yay! More restless nights... I still can't walk straight and when I can I'm going to hunt you down!!!! I love you too, thanks for always being there and checking on me.
  Your future murderer once I can walk straight,

I don't have an owl at the moment because he's at Harry's so I guess I'll just wait.  I yawn and check the time to see it is 12:00 o'clock. "I'll just take a small nap," I mumble to myself inaudible to the world around me. Resting my head down on my arms.


I woke up to chirping noises and quickly snap my head up, staring straight at the clock almost 5 in the morning. I turn to see my owl Pigwidgeon. I smile to myself thinking that means Harry got the letter.
  Handing Pigwidgeon my letter for Blaise, he immediately flies off.  I turn to my bed to sleep when another small chirp catches my attention behind me. I quickly spun around again to see a reddish-brown owl sitting there.  "Who's owl are you," I ask it. In response, it purred the owl actually purred. I slowly take the letter and go to sit at my desk once again.
The owl follows and starts to nest in my lap once I sat down. "I might have to steal you you're so cute and cuddly," I coo as the owl stares up at me and hops a little in response.
  I rip open the letter curious about who's letter it is. I go to the bottom to see Harry's name and immediately go back to the top to read.

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