Chapter 54

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Harry's POV (29 weeks)

   I wake up, but keep my eyes shut trying to stop the pounding in my head. Shifting around I feel the warm embrace of Draco on my side.
  Slowly I open my eyes immediately feeling woozy and unbalanced. I turn from my back to my side to find Draco sleeping, Ron and Blaise cuddling up to each other on a chair.
  "G-guys" I croak out and they look at me in shock. "You're awake! Blaise, get Ophelia" Ron shouts jumping off of Blaise and shooing him off somewhere.
  That's when I realize I'm not in my room I was indeed at Ophelia's. But why would I- "the baby is he ok," I choke, tears already starting to leave my eyes. Ron nods his head "just fine" he adds and I let out a sigh of relief waking up the sleeping Draco.
He looks at me with groggy eyes before jumping up. "You're awake" he shouts with joy. I go to answer "yes-" but I'm cut off by him smashing his lips onto mine.
He rubs a hand through my hair and the other just barely cupping my cheek. "You scared the shit out of me" he whispers pulling back from the gentle kiss. "I'm sorry I didn't-" he once again cuts me off.
"Don't you dare say you're sorry it wasn't your fault and we all know it, so you're going to tell us who did this to you?" Dray growls his worried attitude replaced with a serious tone.
   I freeze I can't tell them... "i-it was- I-I- it was me I did it... I'm so sorry" I choke out before sobbing into my hands. By now Ophelia and Blaise were back in the room I lift my head again to apologize but am once again cut off, this time by Ron slamming his hand on the table surprising us all.
  "For Merlin's sake was it Ginny or not!" He shouts tears silently streaming down his face. I throw my hands up in protest "why don't you get it I did this to myself" I scream falling to my side in a crumpled up mess on the couch.
  Draco grabs me comforting me before I hear Ophelia cough getting everybody's attention. "Harry dear I don't know why you are hiding it. As a doctor I can clearly tell this wasn't self-done," her voice was stern which honestly surprised me.
  I sit up and wipe my nose "she said she would kill the baby if I told anybody" I whisper praying nobody had heard it but, I could feel the whole atmosphere shift from a comforting and worrying one to pure anger.
  I look up from my hands first seeing Ophelia's shocked expression and then Blaise who had a look of horror and anger.  Ron though his face was full of anger, his eyes showed a look of sadness.  Lastly, I looked up to Draco who was now clutching onto me tightly. 
  He had a fire in his eyes as he attempted to calm himself by letting out slow deep breaths.  It didn't seem to work, which just agitated him more.
    He quickly points to Ron "you will have one chance to talk to her, but after you're done if she isn't out of MY HOUSE SHE IS NOT LEAVING ALIVE" he starts with a grumble before shouting. 
  I flinch with every word he shouts, and I bury my head into his chest as he strokes my hair.  "I'm sorry Harry... and Ron but she almost killed the two people I love most in life...I won't hesitate" Draco snarls as Ron lets out a "No I understand"

Ron's POV

    An hour after Harry had woken up the medicine had worn off and he could barely walk on his own not to mention he acted like a complete toddler. We had also called a carriage and were now heading outside to wait for it.
     I should have threatened Ginny more... my own sister almost killed my best friend and his unborn child.
   I feel so much anger but at the same time, I'm sad. Sad that I'm related to a girl that could do that to someone, sad that Ginny ended up like this, sad that I didn't help her more.
   Now I need to fix things any sympathy I had for Ginny is gone. I'm nudged by Blaise and I look up to him. "You're lucky Draco's giving you a chance to kick her out first he would usually just..... I guess you could say Avada Kedavra the living daylights out of her" He chuckles attempting to make me feel better as he does little jazz hands. In all honesty, his little joke did help a bit.
  I smile a small smile "maybe ferret isn't all that bad" I laugh. He smiles "he's my best friend and he really does have a heart many don't see it through" he replies with a sigh. I laugh again "yeah but since he and Harry started dating I don't think Harry has seen his 'mean' side more than 3 times" I add pulling myself up into the carriage.
The ride back was silent and we all walked into the manor quietly. Mum was on the couch passed out with tears staining her face. Dad was hugging her, also asleep. Fred and George were just waking up probably from Herb opening the door. He was jumping around now clinging on to Harry's leg. Who was comforting the small elf.
Fred immediately perked up at the sound of Harry's voice, now wide awake he went to get off the couch probably forgetting he was on George and fell to the ground with George falling onto him creating a loud ruckus. Which ended up waking mum and dad.
   Dad stands from his spot groggily to check on the twins as mum looks at her hands with sadness.  "Hey mOmMy"' Harry cheers from behind me. I turn on my heel to see him leaning into Draco for support.
  My brothers and dad freeze and turn to us as mum shoots up from her spot and sprints to Harry. "Are you ok"  "is the baby ok" "who did this" "let me see it" "oh I'm just so happy you're ok" she bombards him with questions before pulling him into a light hug.
  Draco steps forward when she lets go, leading Harry to an open spot on a couch before helping him sit down. An angry scowl is clearly visible on his face. "Both him and the baby are fine he just lost lots of blood so he's kinda out of it and very unbalanced," he explains while attempting to get him to lay down... and stay down.
     Now it was my turn and I knew exactly what I had to do. "George get Ginny," I scowl and he shrugs his shoulders before going to get her. "Why George! why not me?" Fred complains. "He's faster" I state blankly and he lets out a sad huff "touché"
   Soon George appears with a tired Ginny. Wait what time is it.  I turn back to the clock..... oh shit it's 3 in the morning I'm so sleeping in. 
Ginny stretches and looks between us. I watch her freeze when she sees Draco attempting to keep Harry down on the couch.  If this wasn't so serious I'd be laughing at the way Harry was acting.
  "Ginny come here," I demand and she shakes out of her trance and walks over to me. We are in the middle of the common room the couches circling us at every angle.
  I look around to make sure everybody is here before turning to see Ginny with a bored expression on her face. I quickly raise my hand and slap Ginny as hard as I possibly could. She lets out a yelp and I hear hear somebody say "well shit"
   "RONALD WEASLEY" my mom screams from the couch.  I put my hand up to shush her before getting in Ginny's face. "Listen here you little bitch I'm 19 and I'm out of the house I'm not in mums control no more. So nothing is stopping me from beating the absolute shit out of you" I shout before giving her a back hand "and don't you dare cry from a little slap when you almost killed Harry and his son by basically slitting his wrist. Don't get me started on the bruises we found on his wrists and ankles" I scream before pushing her down to the floor. 
    "You're my sister I'm supposed to love you no matter what" I choke out tears spilling out of my eyes. I take a deep breath before starting again "You're making that very hard to do" I say with a sad chuckle   "Get the fuck out of this house"  I finish before storming up to my room trying to hold in a sob.
  I hear somebody get up to follow me, more than likely Blaise but I don't stop till I get to our bed, throwing myself onto it I just cry.

Draco's POV
  Ginny looks paralyzed in fear as Molly and Arthur stand up in silence.  I watch Arthur run up the stairs returning a few minutes later.  Molly turns to face us all and I could almost see her heart being broken from the outside.
   "Arthur and I will return a bit later to talk goodbye dear" Molly chokes out as Arthur pulls Ginny from the ground and pushes her to the door.  Herb rushed to open it for them of course.
   "GoOdByE pEoPlE" Harry squeals out causing me to facepalm and stifle a laugh. "We can't have a serious moment if your gonna keep acting like this" I chuckle as he turns to his side.
   Finally... he stopped fighting me by trying to sit up. He giggles and boops my nose. "Night night" he squeaks before closing his eyes. "Night Night" I whisper back.

A hint every 2 chapters-
Baby boy's name
Hint #1 -it is a star cluster in a constellation
Hint #2 -5 letters

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