Chapter 137

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September 10th
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (7 months 3 weeks)

Harry's POV

I picked a random shirt putting it on over my head pulling it down while quickly looking for some pants. "Screw it I'm staying in sweats" I whisper to myself as I head back out of our bedroom.
I start to the nursery where I had left Atlas to play when I heard a scream which turned into loud sobbing. My eyes widen as I throw open the door and check his room only to find it empty. "Harry!" Ron shouts from somewhere down the hall.
I sprint down the hall faster than I even knew I could run. Once I'm out Ron is at the bottom of the stairs cradling a sobbing Atlas. I rush over a worried look on my face "what happen?" I shout as the baby grabs for me crying "baba" and "papa" over and over again.
"He came tumbling down the stairs... I didn't see him until he started screaming" he whispers looking back to the girls. "Thank you," I thank him, quickly inspecting his body to make sure he wasn't bleeding or anything was broken.
"Are you okay" I whisper kissing his head noticing the bruise forming on the middle of his forehead. "He only tumbled a few steps" Ron adds as I nod my head rubbing the baby's back. "It's okay... you'll feel better in a minute" I coo swaying around as he continued to sob into my shirt.
I ruffle his hair a bit as he turns his head to stare at the wall still crying. "We shouldn't do that okay? Those stairs are too big for you" I smile kissing his head again.
He lays his head back down on my chest with a sad expression as he begins to hiccup. "You want to go get Wolfie!" I ask and he nods into my chest his little body still trembling. "I think it hurt him, but it mostly scared him," I tell Ron bouncing Atlas a bit more.
"Hey, do you think when you get a second you could come to my room... I want to talk about something" I say refusing to make eye contact because I knew I would get embarrassed. "Uh sure can I bring the girls," he asked picking Iris up off of Ivy as the two attempted to crawl over each other.
"That's fine" I smile turning my back towards him as I walk to the nursery first. Searching it for Wolfie when I find the black wolf in his crib. "There he is" I cheer and Atlas takes his head out of my chest to grab him.
I wipe some tears from his eyes and hugs his stuffed animal. I hand him his binky and he quietly takes it popping it in his mouth. As he continues to stare wide-eyed at the wall a dazed expression on his face.
I sigh and walk over to my room seeing Ron coming down the hall with both girls practically climbing up his chest. I chuckle while opening the door for him. He sighs and sits on the bed letting the girls off of him.
They both get on their hands and knees and extend one arm to grab each other only to fall. "Their so cute" I mumble to myself, but he heard as he chuckles "yeah it's like a competition for them... if Iris gets up on all fours then Ivy has to do the same... if Ivy starts screaming Iris has to scream louder... it's so much fun" he states sarcastically rubbing both of the girls' heads "isn't that right you little troublemakers" he coos, making them giggle.
"So are you getting Draco a wedding gift?" He questions me, while I let Atlas down from my grip. "Papa" he cries crawling onto my lap and hiding his face in my stomach now.
I gush at how cute he is rubbing his back while looking up to Ron. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about actually," I explain as he nods his head waiting for me to continue.
"You know how Draco wants another kid," I grumble getting cut off by Ron immediately, who's face becomes one of shock. "Woah are you serious!" He shouts and I nod looking down at Atlas.
"I kinda feel bad talking about this since I just let this poor guy fall down the stairs maybe I shouldn't..." I trail off and Ron grabs my shoulder "kids need to learn things on their own sometimes... I doubt Atlas is ever going to go on those stairs again without somebody" he smiles as I nod my head.
"I was also thinking of it being a surprise in a way?" I say, though it sounded more like a question. "Well I wasn't going to tell him I drank the tea, and I would only tell him when I found out for sure... if that makes sense?" I explain and he nods his head.
"That's brilliant Draco is for sure going to pass out! Which makes it even better!" Ron cheers taking... Iris and setting her on his lap as Ivy lays next to them playing with her feet.
"Would you help me make it?" I mumble incredibly embarrassed. When I look up he's nodding like a mad man. "What flavor you want mate? Because I got this" he cheers pointing to himself getting extremely excited.
"I don't know why, but I feel like it would be weird if it wasn't strawberry tea" I laugh as he nods his head leaning over to tickle Ivy's stomach. "You're right it would be" he adds as I look down to see Atlas staring off again.
He wasn't crying anymore, but he still looked petrified hiccuping now and then. "So when do you plan on taking it?" Ron asked as I pull Atlas out of my lap and wrap him in a hug. "I was going to take it the wedding night because-". Once again I'm cut off  "oh yeah because your getting raped forgot about that" he laughed as I cringe... should I be scared.
I just nod my head going along with it while I pull Atlas from the hug watching his pacifier drop . I shrug my shoulders giving him a small kiss. "Can I have a kissy too?" I ask, he giggles grabbing my head, and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.
"Wow thank you," I say in awe as I set him back down. He cheers and crawls back onto my lap. While I search around for his pacifier. I grab it and hang it on my finger as I look back down to Atlas.
"Hey, little prince how would you feel about another baby?" I ask, his eyes go wide and he points to the girls. "Yeah, another one of those" I giggle as he claps his hands together.
"So is that a yes," I ask and he stands up from my lap to grab my shirt "yay!" He squeals bouncing up and down. I put a hand on his back and begin tickling his stomach setting him down slowly on the bed.
I continue to tickle him as he kicked and thrashed. "See both Malfoys say yes and we don't need more tantrums from man-child Malfoy...soooo I'd get to baby-making" Ron jokes as I slap my hand over my mouth. "Ron don't say that" I laugh trying so hard to hide my embarrassed blush.
"It's going to be so weird... Harry Malfoy...
That's gonna take some getting used to" Ron mutter as I nod my head. "It really is..." I chuckle Atlas plopping himself back down on my lap.
He starts talking to his wolf and Ron and I just kinda sit there playing with our kids for a minute. Am I really ready to have another kid? There are already 4 kids in the house, but I mean, to be honest, this manor could fit 100.
Remind me not to say that to Draco... I shiver just thinking about it. "So how are they doing crawling-wise," I ask pointing to the girls. Iris is fast asleep on his lap her mouth hung open. Well, she looks comfy. "Ivy is getting really far because she constantly wants to be moving and Iris does well when she tries, but half the time she's asleep" Ron chuckles as I look at the two girls.
"Sooo it's like Ivy took your hyper side and Iris took your sleepy side" I joke and he nods his head rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I love that" I laugh bouncing Atlas a bit making him giggle some more. "So what gender would you want," Ron asked handing Ivy her pacifier that she was grabbing for.
"I don't know because I love Atlas and he is so cute! At the same time, I want a girl, but I don't... so I'm stuck!" I scratch my head confused not even understanding what I had just said.
Ron chuckles as I shrug my shoulders "I think Draco still wants a girl though" I inform him as he nods his head.
"Well, then good luck to you because Draco will keep trying till it is a girl" he smirks as my eyes go wide. "Ronnnn" I whine, he just shoots me finger guns.
"I still don't even know if I'm going to do it" I sigh running a hand through my hair and Ron rolls his eyes.
"You've got me all excited... you're doing it!"

 you're doing it!"

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At this point might as well just rename the story Strawberry Tea

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At this point might as well just rename the story Strawberry Tea...

Time to Vote sorry all the options kinda suck...
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