Chapter 147

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November 3rd
Harry (3 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (9 months 3 weeks)

Harry's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat.  The nightmares I have are just getting worse.  Ever since our fight a week ago I get these horrendous nightmares.  Instead of Draco being happy he left me about the pregnancy... he never came back, and sometimes I woke up to being told the baby didn't... make it.
  I sit up and begin to cry wrapping myself in a hug trying to stay silent.  "Come here" Draco whispers sitting up and pulling me into his chest.  "What happened?" He asked rubbing my shoulder blade.
   "Just more nightmares" I cry turning into him more.  He sighs and kisses the top of my head.  "You know I will never leave you... that being said I'm gonna leave the room for a second" Draco whispers with a sad chuckle before sliding out of my grip and out the door.
It's been awkward that's for sure. We just seem distant, but I don't want to just jump into his arms so he can push me off... breaking my heart.
   He returns a minute later with Atlas, still half asleep.  "I think we need some family time," he admits closing the door behind him.
  I nod as he crawls into bed setting Atlas between us.  This seems to wake the baby up as he crawled over to Draco hugging his neck.  "I bove yu" he squeals while Draco wraps an arm the small child.  "I love you too" he whispers kissing him on the cheek.
  I smile at the two while Draco moves so he is laying down next to me.  He grabs Atlas laying him in the middle of us and he scoots into our warmth. Draco then turns to the side placing an arm over both of us and letting it fall onto my stomach. 
  His hand makes its way into my shirt brushing up and down, massaging it lightly. I close my eyes, placing my hand over Draco's. Our now big baby clutches onto my arm using it to stand.
   Watching him curiously as he crawled over Draco and then attempted to push Dray closer to me closing the gap between us.  We both laugh as Draco scoots closer waiting for Atlas's next move. 
  He happily claps and crawls onto Draco's stomach laying on his chest ready to sleep. "He's actually the cutest thing" Draco mumbles as I turn to my side laying my head on the free space of his chest.
  Atlas giggles as we're face to face and Draco's hand goes back to my shoulder gripping me tightly.  "Was it the wedding night?" He pries. I attempt to look up at him confused.
  "When you became pregnant?" he questions me, but I could tell he was happy. "Yeah, I wanted it to be a surprise" I chuckle letting Atlas hold on to my finger.  "I mean it was still a surprise" he whispers while I nod my head.
   "I'm sorry I was just so worried about you," he says his voice faltering.  "No, I should be sorry... I should have thought it through better" I spit with a hushed tone.
    "Let's just agree we both messed up a bit" he smiles rubbing my shoulder and the sleeping Atlas's back. "You don't really think you're like your father... right?" I ask realizing we hadn't really talked much at all since our fight.
   He stayed silent and I got my answer "Draco your father was cold and heartless... you're not even close to being heartless.... you get excited about things such as me getting pregnant! Or Atlas when he started walking!" I remind him.
  He just looks up holding back tears.  "Please Dray your nothing like him just because we let our emotions get the best of us one time doesn't mean you're an awful person all of a sudden" I start tearing up again as he gulps nodding his head.
   "Think about how happy you were when you found out about Atlas... or when you held him the first time, the wedding... you were so happy and filled with so much love... so don't you dare think that you're heartless" I continue kissing his chest.
   "I don't deserve you guys" he chuckles as I snake my arm around his waist. "Please don't say that" I whisper turning my head into his chest.  "Okay I won't" he whispers back putting his hand from my shoulder to my hair.
   "Look at this mop" he chuckles trying to lighten the mood as he ruffles it.  I sit up giving him a small glare while shifting so I can put a hand in his hair.  "Says you" I giggle messing his bed head up even more.
   He pretends to pout and I move from his chest bending down to kiss him.  Once I pull away I stay a few inches from his face as we just stare at each other.  "I love you so much" I laugh laying down beside him so we can stay face to face.  "I love you even more" he smiles before looking back to Atlas who was sleeping on his chest.
   "So you're really pregnant," he asks turning back to me with a face of amazement. I grab his arm hugging onto it as I nod my head "yes I am" I laugh quietly as his face lights up even more.  "I'm gonna be a dad" he whisper-shouts while I point to Atlas "you already are one" I giggle again laying my head on his shoulder.
   "I'm going to love this baby so much... I'm going to work harder and be an even better person" he cheers silently as I lay my head on his shoulder.  "Dray you're already perfect" I mumble into his shoulder.
He just hums in response clenching his fist. Relaxing after releasing a deep breath.  "Do you think Atlas is going to be happy?" he whispered as I look up to him my feet getting cold. I intertwine our legs attempting to warm them up. 
  He smiles as I look to Atlas.  "I talked to him about it, and he kept pointing to the girls and clapping! I mean you've seen him with the other babies" I answer him trying to contain my excitement.
   "Let's just hope he isn't as protective as you" I grumble, getting a scoff from Draco, who messes my hair up even more. "I'm not that protective" he whines as I roll my eyes. "You're trying to lock our child in a tower with Sirius's help... who you usually hate" I groan.
He bites his lip squinting up to the ceiling before his face drops and he sits up a bit to look at me. "We are going to have to make another tower!" He whisper-shouts holding Atlas onto him.
"Babe no" I groan trying to pull him back down. He flops down with a happy expression. "Baby come here" he whispers making me look up to him. "I'm literally touching you," I chuckle, confused while he shakes his head.
"Well I want you closer" he pouts impatiently as I quickly scoot myself up more so we're face to face again. Laying my forehead against his a small blush displayed on my face. "Close enough?" I huff as he simply shakes his head no.
   His hand grips my chin as he leans in more pressing our lips against each other.  A soft and delicate kiss full of love.  He pulls away with tears in his eyes, and I quickly wipe them away.
  "Why are you crying!" I ask a little louder than I meant as my hand goes to hold his cheek.  "I'm just so sorry... and no matter how hard I try I can't forgive myself" he sighs leaning into my hand.
   "Dray... both Atlas and I forgave you! You didn't do anything wrong!?" I reassure him as Atlas starts to move around on his chest. "Do you think he really does forgive me though?" He asked looking down at the child who was now yawning and stretching his arms.
   He noticed Draco right away and crawled closer to his face wiping away some stray tears. "I think he does" I chuckle watching the toddler pat his cheek as I retract my hand "it okie" he coos at Draco before yawning and sprawling back out on his dad's chest.
   Both of us laugh and Draco wraps his arms around the child rubbing his back and head.  "See he woke up to make you feel better" I joke as Dray chuckles to himself. 
   I cuddle up close to the both of them Draco taking an arm away from Atlas to wrap it around me.   "I'm going to take care of you all don't worry" he whispers kissing the top of my head. 
   "I know you will" I whisper back cozying into him more.  "For now I just want you to hold me"

  "For now I just want you to hold me"

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