Chapter 18

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Ok everybody I'm getting so sick of the comments about the twins because they are starting to get unexceptable. If you don't like it leave and please don't comment rude things about it I'm in no mood to deal with the hate for it I'm sorry ok! I did it to make the people that shipped it happy but instead, I just get more and more hate.   

Draco's POV

I wake up the next morning still clinging on to my love. Looking up to see him staring off into space. i pull myself up a bit and sit in front of him.
The movement seemed to have pulled him from his trance as he looks at me. "Good morning Draco," he whispers avoiding eye contact. "Good morning baby," I smile pulling him onto me, so he's straddling my lap.
He looks into my eyes with a shocked expression on his face. "You still want to be with me," he mumbles in a hush-toned, tears threatening to fall out.
I hold on to his waist keeping him in place so he wouldn't run away "I would never be able to leave you, you mean everything to me Harry" I answer, watching him let the tears slide down his cheeks.
"Thank you so much for saving me... I love you so much" he cries relaxing into my embrace before wrapping his arms around my neck and nuzzling his head into my shoulder.
He stays there for a minute crying but eventually comes back up to look at me. I wipe his remaining tears from his cheeks and pull his head down so our lips are touching.
Our lips connecting like puzzle pieces. We pull away to breathe and he bites his lip while looking down at me. "Harry that was so hot" I grunt out because what he did just totally turned me on.
He cocks his head to the side totally unaware of what he had done. I remove my hands from his hips and wrap them around his back pulling him closer to me.
Smashing his lips back onto mine, I snake my hands down to grope his ass. I squeezed his butt causing him to moan which just turned me on so much more.
I was starting to get hard so I moved Harry on to me more causing our cocks to rub against each other. He moans again and starts biting on my lip.
I pull back a little surprised that sweet innocent Harry would do that. He looks a little flustered but I smirk and immediately start attacking his neck.
Kissing his neck lightly, I make my way up to his ear. "So you want to take control?" I ask in a seductive voice. I hear his breath hitch before gulping. I go back to his neck sucking and biting making a mark and moving on to a new spot. "Draco!" He whisper-shouts as his back arches a bit.
Found it... I go back to sucking that spot as Harry struggles to keep his moans in. Once I think the hickey is big enough I go back up to his ear. "Since you want to take control, go ahead take control then baby" I whisper in his ear while I grab his ass again.
He looks at me with wide eyes before reaching for the bottom of my shirt, and lifting it off of me. He then starts to attack my chest leaving hickeys everywhere while grinding on to me.
"Bloody hell get a fucking room..... EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME" Ron shouts throwing his hands up in the air "Well I came to tell you that all your clothes and Pidge are in your usual room" he groans banging his head against the wall dramatically before storming/limping out of the room.
I laugh before grabbing my shirt and throwing it over my shoulders "I forgot we were in the living room still" Harry mumbles scratching the back of his neck obviously embarrassed. "He's just mad because he can't get anything," I say smirking Harry attempts to keep in a giggle but fails.
Once I get up to leave Harry's eyes sadden. I turn around and pick him up like a child as he continues to giggle. "Let's go shower together," I murmured laying a single kiss on his nose. He bites his lip again causing me to groan. I move one hand so I'm able to grope his tent. "I'll help with your little problem" I whisper to his now red face.
"Ahh-Draco wait we're in the Ahhh-hallway" he stutters as I continue to walk and quicken the pace of my hand.

Blaise's POV *the day before*

I see Draco's familiar owl and grab for the letter. I get pecked on the back of my hand as Mystique screeches at me. Probably because I just interacted with another owl. "Sorry, your hineASS," I say bowing to her.
She seemed to have missed my rude comment because she then chirped and turned away opening the letter; hoping for the best.

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