Chapter 173

927 45 191

June 4th
Harry (29 weeks)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

Octavia's POV

"I'm skipping class" I shout into the door of Draco's class. He shoots his head up, the eye bags on his face very noticable. We both blame ourselves and it's not hard to tell.
"And why is that?" He questions me rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I have more important things." I answer bluntly as the students already in class look between us.
He gives me a knowing look and I quickly look away. "Come get your work from me later" he waves me off before dropping his face into his hands with a sigh.
A bunch of kids gasp in shock as I run to the tower where the Ravenclaw common room is located, now waiting for a student to leave. A few minutes later a smaller kid walks out startled by my appearance.
"Hey kid, help me in" I whisper as he stares between me and the stairs planning an escape. I grab his shoulder staring into his soul. "You're going to get me in there and take me to the dorm with Willow in it" I growl, scaring the kid as he trembles back.
"O-ok" He quickly whispers his password, opening the door for us. "Now where" I ask, throwing my hood up trying to look.... Less like a Slytherin. I feel weird in here, but I still follow close behind the boy until we stop outside a door.
"Willow is in here..." he trembles as I nod relaxing a bit. "Do you know if anyone else is in there" I ask as he shakes his head no. "Professor Malfoy moved her to a separate room because she didn't feel comfortable with anyone else at the moment" he smiles up at me. I nod at the small boy. "Of course he did" I whisper not surprised at all.
"Now don't tell anybody I'm here" I threaten him as his eyes widen in panic and he nods. "W-wait are you going to hurt her.... Because I won't let you" he attempts to threaten me instead. "You got guts kids... I like you" he freezes looking between me and the door. "She's my girlfriend, of course I won't hurt her" I add reassuring him as he gives me an understanding look. "You could have just said that from the beginning Willow doesn't ever stop talking about" he jokes starting to walk away.
"Come to me if you ever need in'' he calls, walking away as I shoot him a quick thumbs up before slipping in the room disappearing from everyone else's view. The room is dark and there are many empty beds, except one with a bundle of blankets. "Bug" I whisper-shout, trying to get her attention.
The girl quickly shoots up staring at me with panicked eyes. She was a mess. "Octavia" she whispers before starting to tear up. I run over to her, jumping onto the bed. She starts to sob and I pull her into my chest. "I'm right here.. I'm right here" I coo at her trying to calm her down. Instead I start to tear up myself. "I'm so sorry.... I wasn't there" I choke out rocking us back and forth.
"I was told to leave you alone, and give you space, but I couldn't last any longer" I cry shoving my face into her hair. "It's not your fault" she cries climbing into my lap. I was startled at first the way she straddled me, but I knew she just wanted to be embraced.
I let her stay wrapping my arms around her back while she cries into my chest. "I missed you" I sing kissing the top of her head. She looks up to me with tear stained cheeks. "I missed y-you too," Willow sniffles. "Why haven't you gone back home" I startle her using my thumb to rub some tears off of her cheek. "I-I feel safer here... I'm scared to leave our house... what if somebody else'' she cuts herself off breaking into another sob.
"Willow-Bug it's okay I won't let any man nor woman near you again" I scowl pulling her as close to me as I can. "Has your family at least come to see you" I continue trying to relax. I can be a little possessive... I hate it. I really don't want to freak Willow out. "Y-yeah Aspen actually just left yesterday" she chuckles a low chuckle.
"That's good... That's good" I repeat myself feeling like an idiot. "I feel like they are disappointed in me" she hiccups looking into my eyes. I smooth back her hair shaking my head no. "They love you... when you're sad... it makes them sad" I tell her as she looks the other way.
"You're sad too," she states , making me chuckle. "Well of course I am" I mumble kissing her forehead. She blushes, wiping some tears off her face. "So does that mean you love me" she whispers looking up at me again. "Willow, I've already told you I love you" I smile down at her, cleaning her remaining tears off.
"You just don't say it a lot so sometimes I feel like maybe.... maybe you don't" she trails off making me freeze. "I'm sorry I'm like this.... I promise I do" I suck in a breath rubbing her back. She doesn't say anything which makes me worrry. Putting my hand on her chin I bring her lips closer to mine.
"Willow I love you so much" I confess looking into her sad eyes her cheeks still a vibrant tint of pink. She lays her arms over my shoulders breathing heavily "I-I love you too" Willow stutters while I close the gap between our lips.
I close my eyes, putting a hand on the back of her head to bring her closer. She smiles making me happy that she was smiling again. Kissing her softly and passionately I continue to rub her back with my free hand trying my best in any way to comfort her.
We pull away when I'm out of breath my eyes open to be met by her beautiful hazel eyes. "Bloody hell I love you so fucking much" I mutter pulling her in for another heated kiss. I pull away again refusing to break eye contact.
"You swore again" she giggles making my heart melt a little more. I haven't heard that giggle in over a week. "Octavia?" she whispers, laying her head on to my chest. "C-can I go see uncle Dray" she randomly asks. I try to think everything over before looking down at her.
"Why do you want to go see him?" I ask knowing she hasn't left her room once since the incident. "It's his birthday tomorrow" she mumbles nuzzling closer. "Really!?" I ask not having heard anything about this till now.
"mhmm" she hums looking up to me with big eyes. "Let me brush your hair and I'll walk you down" I smiled which just made her smile even wider. Willow quickly scrambles out of my lap to grab her hair brush and since my eyes were now adjusted I could see what she was actually wearing. "Willow! Bloody hell! Get some more clothes on!" I shout covering my eyes.
I swear she had the shortest shorts in the world on, with a loose tank top. "Sorry" she mumbles running around the room. I'm not a pervert... I'm not a pervert... I'm nothing like Draco.... Nothing like Draco.
"Okay" she flops onto my lap wearing a pair of sweats with the same shirt. Handing me the hair brush she sits patiently while I start at the bottom trying to untangle her curls.
"Did I make you uncomfortable?'' She whispers meekly and I shake my head before remembering she can't see me. "No of course not... I just don't think I should be seeing you like that.... Not yet at least" I chuckle making her spazz out a bit..... Crap nevermind I'm just like Draco.
At least I know she's a little like before she's still having gay seziures. Going back to brushing her hair I attempt my best to not hurt her while dealing with all the stubborn knots. "Are you okay?" I asked, realizing I had never actually asked her.
She sulks a little before sitting back up. "W-what do you mean" she stutters, making me sigh. "Do you feel any better" I repeat the question with different words. "I- yes I just... I just feel scared, no matter what I do I-I still feel him touching me" she whimpers covering her chest.
I drop the hair brush quickly wrapping my arms around her from behind. "Nobody will ever touch you like that again" I grunt nuzzling my face into her neck. She just nods leaning back into me. "Mine" I sorta joke poking her ribs making her laugh and squirm.
"Thank you... for everything" she stops laughing and goes serious again. "Of course now let me get back to your hair" I smirk picking up the brush as she groans, turning around again. "Draco is going to be very happy to see you" I add, focusing on a rather tough spot of hair... damn it's so curly.
"Really? I heard he found the guy and sent him somewhere, is that true?" she asks, turning back to smile at me. "stay still" I laugh turning her head to brush her mane of hair.
"Anyways he definitely sent him somewhere... somewhere very far away..."

(^^^^^Once again interpret the last sentence how you want^^^)

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