Chapter 175

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June 18th
Harry (31 weeks)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

Draco's POV

I chased my toddler down the hall and he turned around trying to see how close I was ultimately making him fall to his knees. Taking his sweet time to stand back up again, he runs trying to get to the safety of his papa. Before he makes it I scoop him up still running the rest of the way to our room where his papa was currently resting.
"Dwaddy!" he squeals as I stop outside of the room entering it slowly, not wanting to irritate the man inside. "How you feeling love" I call into the room setting the toddler down. He wobbles over to Harry's side of the bed. "I'm good right now" he whispers meekly leaning over to pick the child up.
Harry surprises me by sliding off the bed placing a hand on his back he hobbles over to me with a face of discomfort. "You sure you're okay" I mumble as he lays his head on my chest. "I'm sure" he mumbles back while I leave kisses on the top of his head, rubbing his lower back.
Pulling away from me he goes over to the dresser with his glasses as I make my way to the bed where our toddler was patiently waiting for us face first in the comforter. "You okay buddy" I chuckle hopping onto the bed.
After hearing my voice he attempts to sit up quickly only to roll onto his back before crawling over to me. "Okie" he giggles laying over my lap. "Looking good Malfoy!" Harry jokes? As I stare at the wall confused before turning to look at my husband. "Did you just call me Malfoy'' I asked, very confused.
He shakes his head with a laugh readjusting his glasses. "I was talking to myself" he giggles before throwing his glasses back on to the dresser top with a sigh. "I thought I would want them, but I really don't need to see anything" he continues to giggle trudging back over to us.
Struggling to lift himself up on the bed I pull him the rest of the way up, and he flops on to his back resting his eyes. "Pway!" Atlas cheers jumping on Harry's chest. He opens his eyes to look at the child waiting for his papa to make the next move. Quickly he grabs the child gently, throwing him to the side a little ways. Atlas lands with a squeal before running back over to Harry wanting him to do it again.
I smile watching my son find joy being flown across the bed the two boys repeating this process until Harry runs out of breath rubbing a hand on his shoulder. "Okie?" Atlas asks, seeing his papa in distress. "I'm okay" Harry answers, pulling the child closer to him.
"I love you so much," he whispers, kissing the toddler on the head. I watch them scooting myself closer to Harry so I can play with his messy hair. Atlas rambles back to him not exactly knowing how to answer. "You should tell me the name" Harry randomly blurts out looking up to me.
"I think you can wait a bit longer," I joke, making him pout. "I don't want to be pregnant anymore" he groans, rubbing his face with one of his hands while the other is being played with by our son. "I'm sorry love '' I whisper, understanding that he was suffering mostly for me because I wanted another child so badly.
I would also like to point out that he has never lost his cool with Atlas, but if I walk into manor too fast or too slow on one of his bad days I sleep on the couch. I shiver thinking about the cold nights on those couches.
"It hurts, and I'm tired" he grumbles sitting up making Atlas fall back on to the bed. Harry immediately falls into my chest and I wrap my arms around him trying to comfort my lover the best I can while Atlas crawls into my lap wanting attention. Both boys cuddled close to me. Atlas was more so trying to climb me.
"I'm going to cry" Harry says bluntly confusing me as he nuzzles into my chest more. "What do you mean?" I ask, making him sigh his shoulders falling. "I can just tell I'm probably going to start crying soon," he mumbles. In response I leave more small kisses on top of his head. "Love, you don't need to cry" I smile tickling the child next to me before going back to Harry who nodded.
"It's called a meltdown. I can't control it," he whimpers, showing that this meltdown was coming a lot sooner than we thought. "What happened to you being a sexy Malfoy ten minutes ago?" I chuckle, rubbing his back. "I don't feel good or sexy anymore" he starts to cry, his shoulders bouncing up and down. "Aww baby don't say that you always look good" I whisper, Atlas falling off of my arm quickly scrambling over to Harry.
"Bapa no" he gurgles hugging him from behind. Harry turns, lifting his tear stained face out of my chest. As soon as he sees Atlas he bursts into a full out sob. "He's so cute" Harry bawls resting his forehead on my chest again.
"Let it all out" I whisper patting his back. The toddler stumbles closer trying to see Harry's face. Unable to tell if his papa was really crying or not. "Ehh" Atlas makes a noise for attention pointing to his crying papa. "He's okay don't worry buddy" I reassure the toddler who looks between the two of us with big doe eyes. "Hey it's okay" I coo at both the boys rubbing one of Atlas's rosy cheeks with my thumb.
"Papa?" Atlas calls wanting to stop him from crying. Harry once again pulls away from my chest to look at the baby. "Why is he so b-big" Harry wonders out loud before bursting out into another sob. I start to panic as the toddler watches, his own face turning into more of a pout.
"Hey little prince it's okay... he's okay" I try to make him feel better. I don't want both boys crying. Harry gasps, turning again to grab the child "Did I make him cry?" he whispers, looking the sad child up and down. "No he just wants you to be happy" I smile not really knowing how to fix this situation.
Lifting him up to eye level Atlas grabs his papa's face trying to pull himself closer. "Kwissy" he whines and Harry nods giving him a small peck on the lips. I watch with a huge smile as the toddler tries to wipe the tears staining Harry's face off.
"W-why are you so nice" Harry chokes out before bursting into another sob. The toddler's face drops when Harry sets him down. Hugging Harry tightly I whisper sweet things while keeping an eye on Atlas as well. He let himself fall to his butt and stared up at his crying parent.
Raising a hand to his mouth his own tears started to form in his eyes. "Come here baby" I coo to the child reaching out for him. He crawls over bursting into his own fit of tears. "It's okay" I kiss each boy on top of the head. "We're okay" I repeat while Harry nods, snaking his hand down to the smaller crying boy.
Atlas gladly takes it, his tears slowing down as he traces the lines on the inside of the hand.
Harry giggles the faint touch of his son's fingers on his own hand tickling him. "Are you okay?" I ask, he pulls away from the hug rubbing his tired eyes with the one free hand. "No and yes" he mumbles. "Which is code for?" I question making him smile. "I feel guilty for making the baby cry, but I feel better." He whispers, staring at the preoccupied baby who still had tears on his cheek.
I lean over wiping them off taking him out of la la land. "Papa?" he questions, standing himself up before collapsing into Harry's arms for an awkward hug with how big pregnancy had made my husband's belly. "Yes?" he whispers, flashing him a sad smile.
Atlas doesn't answer but turns jumping into my arms as well giggling while I tug at his legs pretending to pull him away. Atlas squeals while Harry wraps his arms around his stomach. "Soon" he whispers to himself almost inaudibly, but I happen to hear it and I couldn't help but smile.
"Dwady!" Atlas shouts after I had stopped playing with him for more than twenty seconds distracted by how adorable my husband was. I grab the small boy by the ankles hanging him upside down. He squeals trying to lift himself up before giving up and looking at his papa who was giving him a cute smile.
Still hanging upside down he reaches for Harry and I hand the boy off. Harry flips our son back over cradling him to his chest. The toddler playfully sticks his tongue out while taking a quick look around the room. His platinum blonde hair sticking up in all different angles. Looking back to Harry he giggles touching his face.

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