Chapter 153

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December 15th
Harry (9 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (11 months 1 week)

  Harry's POV

   "Wolfie!?" Atlas shouts as we step out of the carriage revealing Sirius and Remus's homey cottage.  "Yup Wolfie" I nod hoisting him up in my arms a bit more.  "Do we have to tell them... can't they just figure it out on their own" Draco groans stepping out of the carriage swinging the baby bag over his shoulder.
   "Sirius is like you... too dense he wouldn't ever figure it out," I say bluntly holding in a yawn as Dray scoffs which turns into a pout.  I stop walking so he can catch up to me, and place a hand on his cheek giving him a small kiss.  "Sorry" I mumble afterward and Atlas begins squealing and clapping. 
   "You wanna kiss too?" I ask him as he reaches for my face.  "Yay!" the toddler shouts while I lift him giving him a quick kiss.  He giggles and leans over wanting one from Dray too.
   This makes Draco chuckle while leaning over giving him a small kiss.  "Such a cutie"  Draco mumbles poking his cheek. I put him back on my hip raising my fist to knock on the door.
   Before I even can the door is swung up with an incredibly excited Sirius and Remus shaking his head into his hand in the background.  "Hello, pup!" He cheers looking to Atlas.  Atlas reaches his arms out for him letting out an excited cry signaling he wanted Sirius.
   I quickly hand him over to Sirius as they let us in.  Sirius kicking the door close while Draco is still walking in. I roll my eyes and ignore it as Draco starts to mock him behind his back.
   I go over hugging Remus as he pulls back to look at me "and how have you been kid?" Remus asked as I yawn.  "Tired... and busy," I huff as he nods with a small chuckle.
   "Sounds rough" he gives me a look of sympathy and I nod wiping my eyes.  "It's all good I'm just drained" I laugh, Draco comes over to greet Remus. They exchange hugs and I walk for the couch ready to sit down.
   Remus and Draco ended up coming over with me. I sat down in between Draco's legs nuzzled up to him trying my hardest not to fall asleep.  "So how have you guys been," I ask sitting up from Draco. 
  He wraps his arms around me pulling me back down as Sirius sits down leaning on Remus, Atlas in his lap.  "We've been okay not much to do," Remus admits, making Sirius starts to snicker "you can always do me" he chuckles making Remus go white before turning to send him a glare.
   Draco chokes on the air as I just snicker to myself.  Causing the small headache I had earlier to worsen. "What's got you so tired?" Sirius pries becoming serious for once.  "Is it that idiot blondes fault" he continues innocently... making a tiny growl escape the back of Draco's throat.
   I look up to him and chuckle "technically yes" I answer making Draco's eyes go wide in panic "you're gonna get me killed" He whispers as I smile leaning into him more.  "Baby I told you we could have just stayed home and slept" he continues a hint of worry in his voice.
  "I'm fine really I think it's just one of the symptoms" I mumble before turning back to the two giving us confused looks.  "Symptoms?" Sirius asked bouncing Atlas on his leg. 
   I look up to Draco and he nods "Guess who's pregnant" I cheer giving them small jazz hands.  Draco starts to rub my arm as Sirius's jaw drops "another pup!?" He shouts his voice full of excitement.  I nod and he looks to Atlas with a huge smile "you're gonna have a sibling" he cheers holding the toddler up to his face.
   "Well, congratulations!" Remus adds continuing with "how far along are you" I furrow my brow trying to remember when Draco buds in "a little over 2 months" he states clearly making me smile. 
   "Woah another one..." Sirius whispers to himself still wide-eyed and practically bouncing up and down.  "You're gonna be such a great older brother" He starts tickling Atlas's stomach as the child squeals attempting to crawl out of his lap.
"When do you find out the gender?" Remus asked placing a hand on Sirius's thigh. I smile at them intertwining my own hand with Drays. "About a month" I answer as he nods his head "so exciting" Remus laughs looking over to Atlas.
"Well this one is gonna be excited for the next 2 years" he added nodding towards Sirius who was in his own world playing with Atlas muttering the words "new" "little" "pup" here and there. I smile at how happy he is.
Feeling Draco kiss my head a few times I look up and he gives me another quick kiss on the lips placing one of his hands on my stomach. I yawn again and look back over to the other two as Remus stood to go get something and I focused on Sirius.
He was staring at Draco, but sighed and went back to Atlas. I think he was letting it go because he could tell I didn't want to hear all the yelling and shouting and I thank him for that so freaking much.
"You know you guys are more than welcome to stay the night," he says out of the blue as I look up to Draco putting a hand on his chest. He bites his lip looking away with a look of disgust before sucking it up and nodding "we... would like that thank you" he grits his teeth, a fake smile as Sirius dramatically bats his eyelashes at him.
Remus soon comes back out with drinks for us setting a tray of them on the table. "Guess what! They said they would stay the night!" Sirius shouts before kissing his husband's cheek.
  Remus eyes him suspiciously before looking to us "He didn't threaten you right?" Remus questioned as Draco nods "oh yeah he totally did threaten us... I was scared for my life honestly" he lies causing me to quickly smack a hand over his mouth.
"No, he didn't don't worry," I tell him the truth leaning over out of Draco's grip to grab some tea for myself. I sit back and his arms immediately grip on to me again as I take a sip of the hot tea.
"Ehhh" Atlas whines reaching for the drinks on the table. "Baby you won't like this," I tell him getting a hurt look. He looks to Sirius and stands up tugging on his shirt. "What's up pup" he questions him and Atlas points at the tea again.
"Hey your papa is right that's too hot and you won't like it" he repeats what I had said making the toddler pout. "Why don't we get you some juice instead," I hum setting my cup down on the table.
Atlas perks up immediately standing at the edge of the couch. Letting Sirius take him off, Atlas then waddles over to me as I dig in his bag. He helps me putting his hands in the baby bag just moving them around not necessarily looking for anything.
"Yay!" He squeals once he sees Wolfie hugging him as I hold up the sippy cup in triumph. I then yawn into my hand trying to hide it while trudging into the kitchen making sure the toddler is following close behind me.
Quickly opening the fridge, and pouring some of the juice into his cup. I put the pitcher back and go back to the counter screwing the lid on. Before I give it to him I tip it to the side a bit to make sure it's not going to leak.
"You better thank them for always having juice for you" I giggle handing him the sippy cup. He moves Wolfie to one arm and takes the sippy cup with his now free hand.
The child giggles while quickly waddling away from me back to Sirius. Once he goes to him he lifted his arms bouncing on his toes "wup up" he repeated wanting up. Sirius lifted him back onto his lap.
Atlas quickly set Wolfie next to him before taking his cup in both hands and bringing it to his mouth. I smile and put a hand on my lower stomach "he's so big already" I whisper to myself inaudible to anybody else before making my way back to Draco.
I quickly sit back in the spot I was before his arms wrapped around me while keeping the conversation he was currently having with Remus and Sirius. I turn my head into his chest and sigh. Don't fall asleep Harry! You can stay up a bit longer!! Merlin this child is already draining all my energy!!!
I let out a huff as Draco pulls me out of his chest. "It's still early take a nap love" he whispers kissing my forehead before pulling me back into his chest. I groan to myself mad that I couldn't even put up a fight for more than 10 seconds, but ultimately let my eyes shut. Already relieving the huge headache I had.
"Get some rest ok.... don't worry"

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon