Chapter 13

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Hello_Its_Me_Sarah thanks for voting and the nice comments!

Nobody's POV

Everybody was taken back to the Hogwarts infirmary where Blaise was treated and fed. He laid next to his unconscious lover kissing him on the cheek.  He whispers into Ron's ear with a single tear streaming down his cheek. "Don't leave me yet" and with that, his eyes slowly closed causing him to drift off to sleep.
Delphini had been taken to a new and improved Azkaban Prison where she received a Dementors kiss.  The public was told she was too dangerous to keep alive just in case if she got back out they didn't need another war.
       Draco stood over his love while watching Harry's chest move up and down slowly. Harry's eyes slowly flutter open as he turns to his side seeing a teary eye Draco. He smiles up to him wearily as Draco grabs Harry's arm and squeezes it lightly. Harry tries to talk to Draco which causes him to cough up blood. The worried boy runs to grab a cloth to wipe the blood, and water for him to drink. After Harry was settled down again he climbed into the tiny bed and spooned the boy who immediately fell asleep in his arms.

 After Harry was settled down again he climbed into the tiny bed and spooned the boy who immediately fell asleep in his arms

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Blaise's POV

"Hey Ron it's me again Hogwarts is coming to an end very soon and I'd really appreciate it if you woke up I want to walk down the aisle with you at graduation," I say with a little chuckle which just hid the sadness inside most have given up the thought that Ron was gonna wake up but, I knew he would make it.
Ron had been in a coma since the night Delphini had taken us. Graduation was in a few days and I wanted to celebrate it with him. I grabbed Ron's hand and intertwined our fingers before looking at the wall across from me.
"I miss you" I whisper as I pull his hand up to my lips and place a kiss on his hand. "T-that's nice but can I h-have one on the lips too," a very familiar boy's voice says. I look down and freeze as Ron's half-lidded eyes stare back at me. He's got a goofy grin on his face as I reach for the water next to him. I keep staring wide-eyed as I let him take a sip.
"Please don't c-cry baby" Ron croaks out as he slowly lifts his hand to my face and wipes the tears I didn't know were streaming down my eyes. I lean my forehead onto his and close my eyes. "Why would you do that I could have taken more beatings you almost died" I sob out with a hint of anger in my voice.
He reaches his shaking hand around my neck before pulling my lips onto his. We pull apart and I sit on the side of the bed staring at him, he stares back. "People say you do crazy things for the people you love" he whispers.  This time he was the one with tears streaming down his face he then turns his head to the side avoiding eye contact.
I grab his hand which causes him to look back at me. "I love you too" I whimper out as I place my other hand on his chin. "I love you so fucking much" I continue as we both cling on to each other crying for the rest of the day.


Draco's POV

"Come on Harry I want to get a compartment for the four of us" I shout over the loud bustling noises of everybody leaving Hogwarts. As I yank Harry by the arm towards the train I turn back to look at the giant castle standing in the distance it was really our last year... I'm never going back there as a student.
We run to the end of the Slytherin cart and take the last compartment. "Now we hope they don't have anybody check," I say laughing but Harry just stares out the window.
I get up and go across to sit next to him. He doesn't even seem to notice he must be really deep in thought. I place my hands on his waist which causes him to flinch. I immediately let go and look down at him with worried eyes. "What's wrong Harry," I ask. He looks at me with sad eyes. "Oh, I'm fine just tired" he answers back while grabbing my hands and placing them back on his waist.
He lets go and looks back up at me and smiles. I smile back before pulling him onto my lap.
He lays the back of his head on my chest. Reaching his arm up, he uses his hand to tousle my hair. I use the opportunity to snake my arm around his waist and place my hand high up on his thigh which causes him to draw in a deep breath. He turned his head towards mine leaning in for a kiss.
The doors flies open causing me to groan as Harry and I whipped our heads around to see who's there. "I swear you're always having sex," an annoyed Ron says while limping in with Blaise following directly behind him.
     Ron had only been awake for 5 days but he already is his usual normal and chirpy self, beside he's always sore and complaining about headaches. The only difference is Blaise refuses to leave his side.
"No you just come in at bad times plus we have only done it once," I say sticking my tongue out at him like a child. Harry turns to me with a flushed face. I let out a nervous laugh as I realize I had just outed us.
Ron looks at us with a weird look before continuing "Wow really after I woke up from my coma I swear Blaise wouldn't let me go back to sleep with all the-" he was cut off by a flustered Blaise slamming Ron on to his lap and then placing his hand on Ron's mouth.
"Yeah I don't feel like I want to know that story but thanks Ron," Harry says wide-eyed before turning back to the window with glazed eyes. Ron nods his head in response because Blaise still had his hand covering Ron's mouth.
"Am I allowed to remove my hand?" Blaise says leaning close to Ron's ear. He gives back a muffled yes before Blaise removes his hand. Ron attempts to pout before looking over to Harry. "What's wrong Harry?" He asks with concern but, Harry just answers with the same things he said earlier.
"I'm fine.... just tired" he continues to stare out the window as I gently rub his shoulder and thigh. I didn't do it to be sexual, I did it to attempt to calm him down. It worked a bit as Harry turns around in my lap and faces me.
He kisses me once on the lips before nuzzling his head in my shoulder. I continued to rub his back even when I knew he was asleep. Looking up to Ron and now Blaise staring at me.
"I don't know what's wrong with him," I say in a whispered tone so I don't wake the faint boy in my lap. "maybe he's nervous about living in a new house by himself" Blaise suggest as Ron nods his head up and down signaling he agrees.
"Yeah maybe," I say while wrapping my arms around Harry and tightening my grip. I'm not quite sure that's it but, maybe that's all it is.
I guess Ron could tell that I wasn't quite sure because he started talking again. "Don't worry Draco he's 18 now he's probably nervous he's finally leaving the..... Dursleys and it's gonna be scary and different for him" Ron says while playing with his fingers.
Nobody liked talking about the Dursleys. I swear when Ron said their name I could feel Harry flinch.
        Maybe that's all it is. "Thanks, Ron I feel much better now," I say, which I actually did feel much better.
The rest of the train ride went pretty smoothly we just had normal conversations beside Ron trying to add in a few moments that needed to stay in bed. So Blaise ended up tying a scarf around his mouth.
Halfway there Harry woke up and went straight to looking back out the window. Every once in a while I'd hear him mumbling about stuff but, every time I asked he would apologize and say he didn't realize he was talking out loud.

Harry's POV

As we step off the train I walk with our group following Ron to a corner that we had named the Weasley corner because nobody bothered to get it anymore or if they did Molly would kick them out.
   I went up to Molly and Arthur with the best fake smile I could muster and hugged them. After that, I introduce them to Draco as my boyfriend as Ron did the same for Blaise.
  Once the Weasleys left it was just Draco and me.  The station was mostly clear now so there was much more room.  "Hey once you move in make sure to owl me, so I can visit or just tell me the address and I can help you unpack," Draco says taking my hand and pulling me behind one of the pillars.
  "Yeah of course," I say once again mustering up the biggest smile I had. He grins at me before running a hand through his hair.  "I really don't know how I'm gonna live without seeing you every day," he chuckles before smashing his lips onto mine.
The kiss deepens as he pulls me closer I wrap my arms around his neck, as he wraps his around my waist. Out of some weird instinct, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his hips.
   Draco moves his hands to my butt which causes me to groan causing him to smile into the kiss.  In the distance, I hear the church bell ring signaling the time. THE TIME FRICK.
  I unwrap my legs from Draco and end the kiss to stare up at him. "I'm sorry Draco but I have to go I love you" I practically shout the last part as I run towards the entrance back to the muggle world. I hear him shouting back "I love you too" but I was too busy running to acknowledge it the tears were too hard to keep in anymore as they streamed down my face.

   Draco's POV

"I love you too" I shout back to him as I sigh heavily.  I need to get home and owl Ron about this... something isn't right.

Ron's POV

My other siblings and dad used body transport to get home.  For mum told dad that she needed to talk to me about something alone.  So we would take Dad's new and improved flying car home. Mum started the car, and we started to ascend into the air her grip on the wheel tightening.
  "You need to owl Harry as soon as we get home something's not right and he needs to tell you everything even if you need to threaten him," mum whispers looking forward the whole time but her knuckles were starting to go white from how hard she was gripping on to the wheel.
  "How could you tell mum?" I ask generally confused did she know some sort of charm magic.  "Like you just said I'm a mom I could tell the minute I saw Harry that he was sad and then he proved something was wrong when he gave me and Arthur a fake smile" she answers finally relaxing her grip on the wheel.
   Oh, she used her mum powers. "I will mum," I say turning towards the window what are you hiding from me, Harry?

 "I will mum," I say turning towards the window what are you hiding from me, Harry?

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