Chapter 101

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Atlas (9 months 2 weeks)
Ron (30 weeks)

(Mini schedule)
7th years  <- 1st class
5th years
45-minute break
4th and 3rd years
6th years
1st and 2nd years <- last class
Every Friday he stays after to grade

Draco's POV

"Class dismissed," I sigh, hopping off of the desk that I was just sitting on.  The 5th year students quickly stand and make their way out the door a few staying back to ask questions, leaving soon after.
  I sit down at my desk with a breath of relief "Merlin I need a nap" I complain to myself as the door clicks open. "Hello, Miss. Chen" I stay professional, but the smile on my face disappeared quickly.

Jinx Chen-

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Jinx Chen-

A 7th year Slytherin who has a huge crush on me and, obviously never took the hint that I was... extremely gay. "Hello professor," she giggles closing the door behind her.
"What do you need you've already had your class in here" I attempt to hide my attitude as I stand and lean against my desk.
She walks closer her hands behind her as her eyes dart between me and the ground. "I was just wondering if you could help me Draco.... can I call you Draco," she asks as I look up to the ceiling "yeah- no" I spit out as fast as I can.
  She bats her eyes taking a step closer and grabbing my hand. I look at our hands in bewilderment... "come on Draco it's just us in here" she whispers as I continue to stare at our hands my eyes still open in shock.
  I finally come to my senses and whip my hand away as fast as possible. She cocks her head to the side and stares at me innocently. I place my hands on her shoulders before staring into her eyes "listen Chen, I'm gay; kinda thought that was obvious" I smirk before releasing her shoulders expecting her to storm off.
  She looks a little hurt before her face lights up an idea popping in her brain that I don't need to listen to.  "I can change it though... I see the way you look at me in class- you don't want to be gay do you?" she pouts, her hand running down the side of my arm.
   "No, I'm be fine with how I am" I answer a forced smile on my face. Me looking at you in class doesn't make me laugh. I don't look at anything in that class except my empty teacup... depressing times...
  "Please let me fix you" she yells pushing me against my desk. "Hey" I shout in surprise as her hands go to my chest.  "Come on professor we could do so much together," she winks, as I groan.
  "Listen, child, I've got a boyfriend and a son I'm not interested now time for you to start getting ready for lunch," I blink rapidly as I try to calm myself. I'm gonna strangle this girl if I don't get her out of here in the next minute.
  I push her off of me and turn her around before basically pushing her to the door.  She sighs loudly before opening the door "you know your family doesn't have to know" she gives me a sly look before leaving and closing the door behind her.
"Okay, that was too far! Usually, it's just flirting and I've been dealing with it but now... now have to tell Harry and, he's gonna kill me!" I ramble to myself as I lean against the wall and sink to the floor.
"Now I need to shower again as well! I've been touched and I do not like it" I continue to complain to myself as I stare at the desks in front of me.  "Urgh" I let out a frustrated groan, bringing my knees to my chest.


I stayed on the floor for about 20 more minutes before deciding I needed to get lunch. So I pushed myself up, off the floor, and dusted myself off before grabbing my robe to cover up my not very school-appropriate attire.
  I take my wand from my desk and walk out of the room closing the door behind me as I walk to the Great Hall with a splitting headache. "Merlin I don't want to because it's the girl's last year but I might have to expel her" I mutter to myself trying to think of any other options I have.
  "Fuck" I yell slamming my fist into the closest wall scaring some student passing by. They jumped and their pace quickened immediately.  I chuckle to myself. I just find joy in scaring people.
  I continue my walk and as I enter the Great Hall Walking to my usual spot passing many students.  Some usually said hello and try to start a conversation but, nobody even attempts today.  They could probably tell by my facial expressions that I was beyond pissed.
   I sit down next to Snape and he sighs "what's wrong young one" he asked turning to face me as kids started to dig into their food.  I turn to him narrowing my eyes "it's obvious I'm gay right" I say slouching in my chair like a mad toddler.
  He scrunches his face before answering "well yes... and no" he stammers and I give him a confused look "elaborate" I continue not bothering to watch my tone. He hits me with the back of his hand and I stick my tongue out at him "anyways... you go from the straightest man alive to the gayest one, or just acting like a child.... those are your three personalities" he explains turning to his food.
  I groan and put my head on the table. Turning my head to the side, I grab an apple and bite into it aggressively.  "There, there Draco take your anger out on the apple" he chuckles as I just groan again.  "That's the plan," I hiss with my mouth full, already taking another bite of the apple.
  He hits my head again this time with his notebook that he always had next to him "chew with your mouth close" Sev corrects me sternly as I turn to him and chew with my mouth open making sure to be as obnoxious as possible.  "Nevermind you only have one personality and it's being a child.... poor Harry" he mutters rubbing his temple as I go back to pouting.


"Have a good rest of the day" I wave them off, slumping down into my chair as my last class gathers their things and leave. Once the door closes signaling the last student left I sigh rubbing my face very much aggravated and, move on to grading some potions essays.
   I get three papers in before letting out a frustrated groan and throwing the stack of papers back onto the desk in front of me. I can't I have so much going on right now and I'm just exhausted...
   "Merlin I'm just gonna take a nap and grade some here and the rest I'll do at home I guess" I groan into my hands.  I lay my head in my arms and immediately fall asleep... please let this soothe my headache.


  I feel a soft peck on my head as Harry starts to rub my shoulders... wait I'm at school!  I fling my body up and turn around to see Jinx behind me "what the fuck" I yell standing from my chair.
  "Did you really just kiss my head" I whisper attempting to hide my rage as she tucks a string of hair behind her ear.  "Well yes of course I saw Snape kept hitting you at lunch and I wanted to make it feel better," she coos in a baby voice as I just let out another sigh attempting not to just break down any minute.
   "Great when I tell Harry that... he's gonna make me shave all my precious hair off" I whine immediately regretting it as Chen runs up and hugs me "Draco no we can't tell him about our love," she cries, her eyes filled with desperation as I push her head away from me no longer hiding my look of disgust.
   "Ok I'm sorry to ruin your moment-" she cuts me off with a cough "our moment" Chen 'corrects' me.  I'm gonna throw myself out a window... I'm gonna do it...
  "Yes sorry 'our moment' but I have papers to grade so go run along and do your drugs somewhere else," I was losing my patience as I push her to the door once again.
  She sighs "Draco I swear I don't do drugs it wouldn't be good for both of us in the long run-" I cut her off  "nope don't want to hear it bye"  I yell literally using my foot to kick her out the door.
I lock it this time with my wand and trudge over to my desk
  "I'm just gonna do all the essays at home"

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-11

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -33
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 19
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -20

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

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