Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

It's been a week since our very awkward first date and Draco and I are going strong, there's a bit of backlash on our relationship mostly from the Gryffindors surprisingly. Besides that everybody else is pretty accepting.

Also, Ron has come out of his depression and is hanging out with Blaise, Draco, and me. We're trying to get Blaise and him together but I don't even know if he's into guys.  I'm pretty sure he is have you seen the way he acts.

I walk into the Great Hall for dinner and immediately look towards the Slytherin table "Hey Ron I'm gonna go over there real quick" I say pointing towards Draco "Nah I'll come with... so I can talk to Blaise" he said surprising me.

"That's gay and is that a blush I see Weasley," I gasp trying to mock him. I've never seen him like this maybe he does like Blaise.

"Shut up you potato head" he whisper-shouts. "was that really the best comeback you could think of," I chuckle as we walk over to the table
As we got closer I place my arms over Draco's shoulders from behind. "Hey Draco" I whisper making him tense at the contact, but he relaxes once he noticed it's me. "hello baby " he hums with the hottest grin ever.

I get a peck on the cheek before we both turn toward. Blaise and Ron as they both were laughing. "What's so funny," I ask generally confused about what they are laughing at.  Ron walks behind Blaise and puts his arms over the taller man's shoulders. "Hey Draco" he says in a high pitch sarcastic tone "Hello bAbY" Blaise giggles a high pitch girly giggle.

"You just wish you had what we had," Draco scoffed crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. We stop our bickering as Luna walks up to us looking dazed as always. "Hello Luna," I greet her sounding kinda unsure.... why was she coming over "hello Harry I just wanted to say congratulations on becoming a couple, Blaise and Ron you look so cute together," she said pointing at them and walking away.

Both turn bright red probably just realizing the position they were in. Ron still had his arms wrapped around Blaise's neck.

Now it was Draco and I's turn to laugh "I like that idea don't you," Draco says turning to me as Blaise attempts to give him a death stare. "Anyway Draco... my uncle Sirius and Remus are getting married soon and invited me... I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one" I hum grabbing his hand "I'd love to Harry how about we talk about this in free period tomorrow.. you need to go eat before dinners over" he chuckles with a genuine smile.

He's changed so much since becoming free from his father... it makes me wonder how much he was forced to do and forced to say.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I mumble rolling my eyes "Ron are you going to ask Blaise are not," I ask staring at Ron as he goes as red as his tie "Bloody hell mate you can't just say that in front of him," Ron pouts and looks at his feet.

"Hey, Ron I'd happily go with you," Blaise smiles placing his hand on Ron's shoulder "now out of all the people here we know you need your food the most... so go eat" Blaise continues laughing "for Merlin's sake why is everyone attacking me," Ron groans stomping away trying to be angry but we could all see the smile on his face.

"I'll see you later," I nod towards Blaise and Draco as I head back towards Gryffindor's table to eat or more and likely just stare off into space. "Harry I need to talk to you," Ron piped up sounding a little frazzled. " aww did little Ron see another spider," I say while patting his head. He shoots me a death glare "n-no I'm serious I think I'm.... gay" he whispers the last part being almost unable to hear and then looks down at the table "about time you realize" I laugh.

"How did you know," Rons jaw drops looking at me with awe "every time we walk by Blaise your face is redder than your hair..... you have a blushing problem, not to mention when you were with Hermione you looked uncomfortable whenever you guys did... couple things," I admit feeling like a pure genius.

"Good job Harry this is your fault I hang out with you and almost get killed every year... I have a phobia of spiders.... my pet rat was some evil dude.... and now I'm gay... I blame you" he whines trying to keep a straight face.

"You're welcome I try" I answer with a smirk. "We should head back to the common room to attempt to study," I sigh done with my food. He nods and we stand, making our walk towards the big doors.

We walk through the halls till we make it to the picture of the big fat lady, where we found Neville
"Capulet dragon" he sighs as the door doesn't open.

"Come on Neville it's the last year you can't tell me you forgot again," Ron laughs. "Caput Draconis," I stifle my laughter when the door opens.  We walk in and Ron facepalms himself "I have to go to the library to get some books for our attempt on studying I'll be right back" Ron groans practically already out the door.

I watch Neville go to his room as I sit on the couch. "Well... well if it isn't the faggot Harry Potter" I flinch at the words as I turn around to see Ginny and a bunch of Gryffindors surrounding her.

She turns towards the others "well let's give him what he really deserves" she snickers. I really couldn't care less I'm not gonna fight back because I'm done trying but, what hurt me the most was seeing Hermione staring at me with hateful eyes.... she was my best friend

They walk over to me some with wands in their hands' others empty-handed. I stand up from the couch "just get it over with" I chuckle which caused some of them to be taken back "don't worry I'm used to it" I continue sneering. I watch as some of them walk off probably feeling bad, but not one person goes to get help

What happen to Gryffindors being loyal I practically chuckle as I feel the first punch hit my jaw... then my stomach. Then I see Hermione again. She walks up to me with no guilt or shame in her eyes as she punches me in the nose breaking my glasses "I'm not repairing them this time either" she jokes, the others laughing as well.

After that, I didn't feel anything as they knocked me down kicking and stomping on me.  Some cast spells but I was too spaced out to hear what they were.

I felt blood on my body and flinched when I heard a crack more and likely another broken bone. "It's fine I'm used to it why would I ever get to be happy" I whisper inaudible to anybody around me.

"HEY GET OFF OF HIM!" Neville screams he must have come out of his room. None of them stop as Neville continues to scream at them before I hear the door shut more than likely meaning he left the room.

"Goodnight Harry" I somebody whispers "heh nice to see ya, Dean," I say once I figured out it was him.  I'm punched in the nose by him and I immediately blackout.

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