Chapter 170

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May 14th
Harry (26 weeks)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

   Harry's POV

"Let me come to the school with you" I groan sitting up in bed.  "Babe, I can't Atlas wouldn't want to go" he whispers coming to sit on the bed next to me.  "Plus I'm not totally sure they have decided a punishment for the boys... So they might not even be there" he adds as I pout.
   "My poor baby he just always seems to get hurt" I whisper cuddling into Draco.  He sighs wrapping his arms around me.  "He just likes getting into trouble.  Just like his parents... Mostly you" He coughs out the last part.  "Hey!" I shout slapping him playfully.
  "Just stating the obvious" he laughs leaving a big kiss on my forehead.   "Now go back to sleep you crazy person" he whispers, helping me lay back down.  "You know w-when I can... I will murder those kids' ' I yawn turning to my side.
  "Not if I beat you to it" he smirks shoving his wand into his pocket.  "I honestly hope they don't get expelled just so I can torture them throughout the year" he chuckles evilly walking out the door.  Not even a second later he pops his head back with a goofy smile "Love you" he whisper-shouts.
  Sending him a small wave "love you too" I answer before he sprints away.   I wait a solid ten minutes before hoisting myself up.  I slide out of bed and waddle my way through the door every step being extremely uncomfortable.
  Hurrying over to the nursery, I walk over to the sleeping baby's crib and smile.  His bandage was no longer needed, but a scar was clearly noticeable.  Without thinking I grab the child holding him high up on my chest. 
Atlas stirs a bit pushing away until he notices that it's me. "Papa?" he yawns cuddling into my chest.  "You want to come to keep me company?'' I whisper, rubbing his back.  Atlas just nuzzles even closer in response.
   Making the painful trip back to my room I lay Atlas on the bed before lifting myself back onto it. Yawning into my hand the child crawls over taking my arm and hugging it.  I chuckle bringing him as close to me as I possibly can.
   "Night night" I whisper, kissing his head. 


  "Up! Up! Up!" a voice squeals as cold hands touch my cheeks.  "You okay?" I mumble squinting so I don't get poked in the eyes by his flailing arms.  "Up?" he asks this time, stopping his arms.  "Yeah I'm up, buddy" I mumble letting my eyes adjust to the light.
    I yawn staring at the energetic child. The only feeling that comes to mind is guilt.  I feel guilty for everything that has happened to him.  Trusting the wrong person, not getting there soon enough, not being there for him in general.  He's two and he has enough trauma to last him three lifetimes.
   "Okie?" the soft voice asks me as he lays on my chest looking up.  "I'm okay" I whisper while he scoots closer.  "Kwissy" Atlas cheers attempting to make me feel better.  "You can give me a kiss whenever you want" I responded, lifting my head a bit for him.
   He leans forward and I'm surprised when he completely dodges my lips and leaves a small peck under my eye.  Once he sits back up Atlas smiles before clapping his hands together "it okie" he cheers wiping a hand across my cheek.
   I feel the spot he had kissed, and I'm surprised to feel small tears sprinkled on it.  "Where did you learn that?" I smile, wiping my remaining tears away.  The toddler gives me a confused look so I sit up more until I'm against the headboard.  "Did someone teach you that" I word it differently.
  His eyes go wide, and he throws his hands up "dada" he shouts making my heart swoon over how adorable he is.   "Yeah is daddy a good teacher!" I whisper, kissing his cheek.  "Yay!" he shouts again, grabbing at my hands.  "Well aren't you extra rambunctious this morning" I laugh picking him up.
   He ignores my words still attempting to sneak out of my grip.  I readjust myself till I'm on my knees, and gently toss him onto his back.  He squeals, flipping to his stomach, and attempting to scurry away.  Grabbing his ankles I pull him back towards me.  "Noooo" he giggles trying to get away.
  Flipping him onto his back again.  His eyes go wide, as he waits for me to make the next move.  I quickly unbuttoned his onesie revealing his pale stomach.  Atlas realizes what's happening, and puts his arms up trying to keep me away. 
  He quickly starts rambling to himself as I lean over blowing raspberries all over his stomach. "No!" "No!" "No!" he repeated over and over again trying to wriggle out of my grasp.   I lift my head off of his stomach and freeze Atlas following my actions.
  He freezes a smile obviously displayed on his face while waiting for me to continue.  "What happened to no?" I laugh before going back to tickling his sides lightly while leaving raspberries all over.
  Once I thought he had enough I smother his face with kisses while he squealed into my ear attempting to cover his face.  "Papa n-no" he whispers out of breath.  I sit up with a silly expression on my face.  "Well then, maybe you shouldn't be so darn cute" I whisper, wiping off his stomach.
  He sticks his tongue out flipping it up, and down.  I redo his buttons as he continues to stare intently at his tongue.  This boy finds anything interesting.  I've seen him play with a rock for an hour.  "You wanna go take a little walk," I ask him, and he nods using his hands to stand him up.
    Before I know it he squats down getting ready to jump for it.  I launched myself forward grabbing him by the waist and snatching him back.  "How about no!'' I laugh nervously as he laughs like he wouldn't have just hurt himself again.
  Not letting him go until we were both on the ground.  "You're lucky I was paying attention," I say sternly as he just waddles in a weird circle blabbering to himself.  "Atlas listen," I say snapping my fingers to get his attention. 
  He stops and looks at me with a curious expression.  "You can't do that," I say, pointing at the bed.  He looks to the ground with sad eyes.  "Don't be sad baby, I just can't have you getting hurt anymore" I whisper, giving him my hand.
  Atlas sniffles before waddling over to hug my leg.  "I sowwy" he apologizes "it's okay baby just please don't do it again" I warn him and he steps back grabbing my hand.  "You still wanna walk," I ask and he nods putting a foot out in front of him.
   Walking straight to the bedroom door we walk out into the hallway at our own slow pace.  My other hand rubbing at my back.  I search the common room for another human sighing when I don't find anybody.   "Herb if anybody asks Atlas, and I are going on another walk" I inform him. he opens the door for us.  "Are you sure you don't want to wait for the others'' he buds in, brushing his foot against the ground nervously.
   I weigh my options looking down at the child who was longing to go outside and play.  "How about we keep the front door open, and we'll stay in front of the house '' I ask, and Herb nods, liking my idea.  "Go ahead my little Prince" I whisper to Atlas, and he quickly tries to tug me through the door. 
   I follow close behind still trying to soothe my aching back in the process. Once we were outside I let go of the small child's hand sitting on the bottom step.  "Make sure I can see you" I smile, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. 
  He giggles before running over to the closest tree.  Looking up and down he bends over grabbing a leaf that had fallen from it.  Holding it up he runs back over handing it to me.  "Wook" he shows me the leaf. 
  I put my hands out and he gives me the leaf.  "Is this mine now" I giggle and he nods before running back over to the same tree.  He lets his legs give out and goes to his knees crawling around to find another one.  I watch him patiently until he squeals grabbing for another one. 
    He practically smushes the thing in his hand as he stands up, and runs back over.  "Wook wook" he shouts bouncing up and down.  This time he points up at the treetops before giving me the dead leaf.  "This is a leaf,"  I tell him holding up the more alive-looking leaf, out of the two.  "Can you say Leaf...  Le...f" I repeat the best I can.
  "Close enough.

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