Chapter 30

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Draco's POV (11 weeks pregnant)

I woke and sit up untangling myself from Harry's body. I've been a bit better... I get him to go sleep easier but all of us are just as stressed.
The camp was 3 months one more week and summers over... Harry will have to go home. I silently tiptoe out of bed and grab some gray jeans with a dark green t-shirt.
Walking over to Harry's dresser I grab him some gray sweatpants and a white shirt that he can tie up into a crop top if he wants to. Which he usually does.
Walking to his side of the bed which he never sleeps on. He's usually sleeping on me. I set the clothes down before crawling over the bed and onto him, kissing his nose gently.
When he doesn't wake up I shake him gently and watch as his eyes flutter open. He let out an adorable yawn and put a smile on his face before pulling me in for a kiss.
"Someone's lovey-dovey today now aren't we darling," I smile pulling back from the kiss. He fully sits up and rubs his tired eyes groggily. "Your clothes are over there once you get dressed we will go get some breakfast," I point to the clothes I had neatly sat on the bed.
He grabs them while making his way off of the bed. I watch him change as he slowly takes his shirt off and then his pajama pants. I wrap my arms around him from behind and place my chin on his neck. "You're so hot you know that right" I whisper as he tries to pull his sweatpants up.
I laugh at his failed attempt and kiss his neck once before letting go. He pulls his shirt over his shoulders and ties the center up just like I thought he would and looks in the mirror.
I stare at him in awe he has such a perfect body. He looks himself up and down before letting out a sigh and untying the knot to let it hang limply down his body.
"What's wrong!"  I ask as he walks towards me with his head down. He hugs me burrowing his head into my chest. "I'm just bloated that's all... now let's go eat" he whispers taking his head out of my chest.
I nod my head in agreement and reach behind me for his glasses. "How could you almost forget you're practically blind Harry" he turns and looks at the glasses in my hands and laughs.
"I really don't know how I didn't realize I didn't have them," he continues laughing. I smile at his forgetfulness before swinging my arm around his shoulder. I hand him his glasses with my other hand and he gladly takes them, putting them on his face with a smile.
I watch him as we exit the cabin and walk towards the dining tent he generally looks happy and I haven't seen that from him in a while.
Once we make it there we walk to the end of the last table on the right it's kinda been our corner since 4 weeks ago. I beat the snot out of a kid for looking at Harry wrongly so now nobody sits by us.
People know to just leave this corner alone it's not that bad because we get tons of room and nobody is ever being annoying. Besides Ron but he is always annoying. I snap out of my thoughts by... well Ron talking.
"You good Harry you don't look so well" I turn my head towards Harry who looks really dazed and the smile that was once on his face is now turned into a frown.
He quickly sits down and looks at the table. "The smell is just making me so nauseous" he whimpers out. I look up to Ron with a worried look who looks petrified but at the same time is smiling.
I don't have time to deal with him."hey baby you go back to the cabin and I'll bring some food" I whisper in his ear. He nods a quick "thank you" before immediately standing and sprinting out.
Holding a hand over his mouth like he's gonna puke. "You follow him," I order Ron. He nods and gets up sprinting to catch up with Harry who was already at the door.

Ron's POV

I sprint to the door watching as Harry just runs out of it. As I burst through the door I look around to see which way he had gone and find him hunched over a bush.
I jog up to him and pat his back. "Did you puke?" I ask as he straightens himself up tears in his eyes. "No I didn't but Ron could you please throw that bacon away," he asks quietly.
I look at him confused before looking down at my hand. There was bacon smushed in my grasp. We both laugh as I chuck the bacon back at the tent hitting the person who had walked out.
"Walk... start walking Harry," I squeal pushing Harry in the direction of his cabin. "Who was it," he asks starting to walk on his own.
"Snape" I mutter quietly. I had the feeling if I said it any louder he would have teleported in front of me.
At the mention of his name Harry's steps got faster until both of us were speed walking to his cabin. Once we were there we burst through the door out of breath.
Harry lays on the ground and looks up to the ceiling. "So I've got a week left," he mumbles softly tears starting to prickle at the end of his eyes.
"I won't let you go back Harry you know that," I say in a serious tone. "There's nothing you can do about it Ron you know this" he whispers a sad laugh escaping his throat.
I could tell the laugh was just him trying to cover up the pain though. As it slowly stopped and he just continued to stare at the ceiling silent tears streaming down his face.
   Not long after the door was slammed open by a worried Draco and Blaise following right behind him giving me a small smile. I look back to Harry who sat up and quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks.
  He replaced it with a smile. Draco sat on the floor next to him and sat some food in front of the two.
   Blaise came and sat next to me and handed me a plate of food.  I looked at him confused and he laughed in response. "You sacrificed your food to get Harry so I thought I would bring you more," he kisses my cheek.
  I let out a fake sniffle and wipe the fake tears from my face.  "Have I ever told you that I love you so much?" I cry reaching for the toast in front of me.
  "I love you too," He chuckles while I look the plate up and down. "Good no meats" I whisper to myself but Blaise seemed to have heard because he let out a low "yup"

Harry's POV

I look over the food and slowly take small bites not wanting to make myself sick but the smell isn't bothering me anymore or maybe it was the meat. There doesn't seem to be any meats on the plate.
  As if he heard my thoughts Draco scoots closer and starts to talk. "Sorry I was gonna get you bacon but, Blaise thought it would be best to stay away from the meats.
  "Yeah I think he was right," I let out a breath of relief before turning towards Blaise and continuing. "Thanks, Blaise" he shyly rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah of course.. just wanted you to feel better," he replies quietly. How did he know it was the meat..... it's so weird.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Draco clearing his throat. Not gonna lie it sounded really hot. "Since we're all here and not in public do you wanna talk about next week," he asks meekly.
  I feel my smile quickly fade and my face goes neutral.  I quickly finish my food and climb on to his lap as Blaise and Ron reply with "yes" and "yeah we probably should"
  He wraps his arms around my stomach and squeezes it lightly. They talked back and forth but I tried not to listen because I knew their plans wouldn't work.
  The only thing I noticed was how jumpy Ron and Blaise looked. Did they know something else that I didn't know? Does Draco know about it...
  I shouldn't get my hopes up as soon as I get home should I try to survive or should I just help them get it over with. I grip on to Draco's arm tighter at the thought... would I really take my own life.
"Not to change the subject but can we talk about Harry's health if he's sick he would have to go to the hospital instead of that place.... he's been sick for 6 or 7 weeks it's worth a shot," Draco buds in with a smile on his face but you could see in his eyes that head anything but happy.
"Sounds great let's start with... sym-symmmpt-toms.... yeah let's start with symptoms" Ron stutters, hiding his red face in his hands. Something is going on and I'm going to find out...

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