Chapter 151

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December 1st
Harry (7 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (10 months 3 weeks)

Draco's POV

   "I'm nervous to leave him," Harry grumbles just as we were making our way out the door. "Love he will be just fine... we're only going to be gone for a few hours" I try calming him and he nods.
  "Besides I can always aparate back if we really need to" I add and that seems to make him feel better. "Don't be sad we're supposed to be having a good time" I continue taking both of his hands.
   He smiles at me and intertwines our gloved fingers before pulling us to the door.  Once we're out we start for the carriage.  Harry gasps letting go of my hand as he starts to slip and I lunge forward grabbing his waist to keep him up.
   "Let's not do that" I sigh with a breath of relief as he giggles.  "Baby you gotta be careful" I warn him, but he just pats my arm that was still holding him and goes towards our ride. Once inside the carriage, he plops onto my lap sitting sideways so he can still see me.  "What gender do want the baby to be," he asked and I pretend to think about it for a minute.
  "I still want a girl" I chuckle bluntly as he nods his head. "What about you?" I ask and he looks up to the ceiling of the carriage "I'm fine either way... I do feel like it's gonna be super weird if we have a girl because I feel like she might act really different compared to Atlas" he whispers mostly to himself.
   "Just another little adventure for us to conquer together" I add making him laugh "you're incredibly cheesy-" Harry mumbles as I nod my head, "I thought we both already knew that" I cut in making us both laugh a little.
   "So why do you want a girl so bad" Harry questions me as I feel my face flush.  "I- Uh I have a name for her... so technically I've had a name idea since you were pregnant with Atlas," I admit, incredibly embarrassed as he looks at me with a soft face.
  "Dray that's adorable" he awes as I look the other way.  "So are you going to tell me" he adds as I snake my hand around his back.  "Nope! What if it's not a girl" I wink to him as he groans.
  "That's not fair!" He grumbles as I poke his sides "sureee" I answer kissing his cheek. Not long after that, the carriage comes to a stop and Harry slides off of my lap climbing out of the carriage me following close behind. It feels weird not carrying a toddler.
"I promise once it's warmer we can have a picnic or something," I apologize, kissing the top of his head. He nods holding my hand again as we walk around the snow-covered Hogsmeade.
Harry looks around at everything excitedly like it was his first time here, but I can't seem to take my eyes off of him. All of a sudden he turns his head to me making eye contact as his mouth begins to move and I snap out of my trance.
"Can we go in there... pleaseeee?" he pleads pointing to Honeydukes Sweetshop. "I don't see why not... we're going to have get something for Ron though," I inform him as he nods his head and we make our way over to the shop.
I open the door letting Harry walk ahead of me as we're greeted by somebody working there. "Do you think Atlas would like Jelly slugs or be terrified of them" Harry laughs holding up a bag.
"Honestly we can try it- if not feed them to the weasel" I answer honestly, making Harry roll his eyes. "Babe, you like chocolate frogs right?" I ask pulling him over to me. He nods and I pick a few up getting a kiss from him.
  We ended up getting licorice for Ron, jelly slugs, chocolate frogs, and I got a lollipop for Harry later on. We paid and made our way out as the snow starts coming down.
It was light with practically no breeze as I stared up at the pale sky. I hadn't realized how long we had been walking when Harry began chuckling. Looking down at him I wanted to see what he was finding so funny and that's when I noticed we were by the shrieking shack.
I groan remembering what happen... actually I never 100% found out what happened here. "Why are you laughing?" I finally asked him as he tries to hide his laughter. "I was the one that dragged you into there" he bursts into laughter pointing towards the path leading up to the old house.
"What how!" I shout shocked all of a sudden extremely embarrassed because let's face it, I was a scaredy-cat. "Invisible cloak" he sings turning the other way.
"Such a pain" I joke scooping some snow up off the ground. Balling it up as quickly as possible, and chucking it at his back. "Hey!" He shouts bending down to get some snow.
I was doing the same already ready for when he turned around, and as he did I threw another one hitting his leg. That set him off as he started chasing me, hand in the air ready to throw his snowball.
I kept running but turned backwards so, I could throw my snowball which resulted in me tripping and falling. "I'm giving up already" I groan.  Harry laughed as I waited for him to throw it at me.
Instead, he straddled my hips and I sighed a breath of relief which was short-lived as he smushed the cold snowball into my face.
"That's just cold... literally" I whine as he begins giggling attempting to wipe some of the snow off. "I win" he cheers in triumph, before hopping off of me.  "So rude" I cry staying on the ground too lazy to get up.  Harry turns around giving me his hands to help me up instead.
  "Thank you... you're still rude though" I remind him as he just nods his head "yeah yeah I'm rude" he mocks me. While I wipe the rest of the snow off my face. He then turns to set the bag of sweets on the ground before coming back to place his hands on my cold cheeks.
"I'm sorry we couldn't do much today" I mutter looking the other way. "I wouldn't have cared even if we just walked around the whole day I'm just happy I got to spend time with you" he whispers making me feel a bit better.
I move my hands to his waist and we just stare at each other for a minute. "Jump" I instruct him, he nods jumping up and wrapping his legs around my torso. Moving my hands to his ass, so I can keep him up.  He smiles now looking down at me.
My gaze goes from his beautiful eyes to his plump yet tinted blue lips because of the cold. He notices this and bends down closer until our lips are a few inches apart. "I promise I'll take you out on a better date soon" I whisper making him grin. "I told you already as long as I'm with you I'm going to count it as a great date," he mutters, giggling soon after "that kinda rhymed" he added still chuckling to himself.
"Such a nerd" I whisper before finally putting our lips together. The snow kept falling as our lips danced with each other, the kiss growing deeper and heavier every second.
   "Well, Mr. Malfoy are you hungry?" I asked pulling back from the kiss. He blushes at his new name, but nods "Well then would you like to get something to eat" I continue "I would love to... other Mr. Malfoy" he laughs with an unsure tone making me shake my head.
   The snow starts coming down faster and I let Harry down off of me.   Grabbing the bag of sweets he speeds over and clings onto my arm. "Did you know that the girls are getting closer to calling Ron mama" he laughs while smile proudly.
  "Finally!" I shout "I've been trying to teach them that forever!" I add as Harry rolls his eyes.  "And you call me the rude one"

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