Chapter 155

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Harry (11 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (11 months 3 weeks)

Draco's POV

   "Bloody hell I'm tired" I groan trudging through the manor door. School hasn't started yet, but I have to go in to get ingredients and papers all setup and finalized.
Immediately I'm met by Ron putting a finger to my lips to shushing me.  I shoot him a glare but stay quiet as his head gestures over to the common room.
   That's when I notice Harry sitting on the couch but I'm only able to see his back.  "He's been crying almost all day... something about being lonely and being scared" Ron whispers as I shoot Harry a worried glance.
  I set my case with all my work in it on the ground up against a wall before hurrying over to him.  "Hello love" I call sitting next to him.  He jumps and brings his hands onto his lap "hello" Harry whispers while I take his chin in my hand.
  "Why are you crying?" I ask, wiping some tears with my thumb.  He shrugs his shoulder and I pull him into my chest kissing the top of his head.  "Are you sure you don't know why" I pry and he starts to nod.
   "Are you just feeling stressed out" I continue while he nods his head again his arms wrapping around my torso for a hug. "You know it's okay to be stressed" I add. This time he pulls away from my chest with a guilty look.
   "I-I'm stressed for no reason though.... you, Blaise, and the twins have jobs and Ron has twins what am I suppose to be stressed about... I'm just stressed for no reason... and I'm moody for no reason!  I... I feel bad for being moody, but then it just makes me moodier" he starts sobbing turning into my chest again.
   "It's okay baby you have plenty to be stressed about you're growing a baby inside of you... do you know how much work and pressure that puts on your body! Not to mention I'm gone so much this time unlike your last pregnancy with Atlas... and you're also taking care of Atlas!" I list off as he continues to sob.
    "Harry it's okay to be stressed out! You honestly should be the most stressed out! With everything you have to deal with!" I whisper kissing his head again. I let him cry for a minute and rub his back until his tears seem to stop and you can only hear a tiny whimper here and there.
   I know my robe is now covered in tears so I stand up taking it off as Harry looks up at me wondering what I was doing.  "Come on," I coo holding my arms out for him.   He smiles an adorable little smile and stands up on the couch. 
   Stepping closer I wrap my arms under his butt and he jumps onto me.  Instantly clinging to me like a little koala.  I leave my robe and head for our room finding the door already open thankfully.
   Setting Harry on the bed he falls onto his back and turns to the side relaxing a bit.  I smile and get up to leave and grab Atlas, but the little one beat me to it as he comes waddling in shouting "dada!"
  I squat down a bit holding my arms out for him as he hobbled into my chest hugging me. 
   I hug him back kissing his forehead making him giggle.  "And how was your day little prince?" I coo while he grabs my face smushing my cheeks with his tiny hands.
    "Were you good for papa?" I ask picking him up.  He continues playing with my face stopping for a split second to look at Harry.  "He was good! All he really did was play all day.  He helped the twins with Asher though" Harry explains to me while I nod throwing Atlas onto the bed.
  He squeals landing on his back.  I plop down next to the two and Harry turns on his back staring up at the ceiling. Making my way closer to him I lift his shirt revealing his stomach. 
    "Atlas are you ready to have another sibling?" I jokingly ask him.  He doesn't know what I'm saying, but he crawls over since I had said his name.  I lay my hand on Harry's abdomen.  "Are you ready for another baby in the house" I repeat and his ears perk up at the word baby turning to look at me.
   "There's a baby in here" I whisper patting Harry's stomach lightly.  Atlas's eyes widen and he crawls over to Harry more placing his hand next to mine.  "There's a baby in there" I repeat and Atlas pats his hands on his stomach making Harry chuckle.
   Leaning over I kiss his lower stomach before putting my hand back on there rubbing it gently.   Atlas giggles and leans over kissing his papa's stomach copying my earlier actions. 
   Harry begins giggling and Atlas's face lights up.  "He probably has no idea what you're talking about... probably just heard the word baby and got excited knowing him" Harry giggles silently closing his eyes.
  "Yeah maybe, but it was still cute" I laugh and he nods his head in agreement.  Harry suddenly sits up with an unsure look.  Atlas takes the opportunity to crawl into his lap sitting down with a proud look. 
   "What's wrong," I ask running my hand through some of his hair.  "I feel bad... because you carried me all the way here, but I'm hungry now" he mumbles making me chuckle. 
  "Baby it's fine" I reassure him and Atlas pops out of Harry's lap grabbing for my arm.  "Hwungy!" The baby shouts now hugging my arm.  "So I guess both of my boys are hungry" I laugh and he continues to tug at my arm.
   "Well, I guess we better get you guys fed!" I shout lifting Atlas into the air.  I place the toddler on my shoulders and he hugs onto my head squealing. "Atlas I gotta be able to see," I tell him moving one of his arms under my chin instead of over my eyes.
  "Well, Harry you gotta stand," I tell him as he gives me an unsure look.  "Are you sure?" he asks worried.  I nod my head in return, and he stands on the bed repeating the process from earlier wrapping his legs around my waist, clinging onto me again.
   I made my way out the door both boys giggling to their heart's content.  Once out of the hallway we pass the common room and Ron is still out there now laying on Blaise's lap with both girls laying on his back.
  They both look up and Ron chuckles as Blaise sends me a thumbs up.  I nod my head back to him before kicking the dining room door open.  Ducking down a bit just in case because I didn't want Atlas hitting his head.
  Once in there I sat Harry on the counter and scoop Atlas up off of my shoulders and over my head. Setting him on the floor he immediately goes for the fridge. I follow close behind him while he attempts to open it failing.
Opening the fridge for him he takes a step closer his hands in his mouth as he looks around for food. There's a leftover sausage from this morning... I click my tongue trying to think. Why is there an avocado in the fridge?
I get down next to Atlas as he stares up at the food "how about I get you some applesauce and then I'll make something for us okay?" I check with him. He looks at me with big doe eyes and waddles away from the fridge letting me do what I had to do.
I sigh at how adorable he is and grab the apple sauce pouring a small bit into a bowl. Grabbing one of the baby spoons I hand it to him and he plops onto the floor in the corner digging right in.
"I can go put you in your chair," I tell Atlas making him look up mid-bite. "Nwo!" He says sternly his mouth now full. I throw my hands up not wanting to fight the toddler.
Harry giggles still on the counter, and I focus my attention back on him. Going in between his legs only stopping when our faces were a few inches apart. "And what can I get you my queen" I smirk as he rocks side to side a bit an obvious blush tinted his cheeks "I don't really care...
I'm just hungry" he mumbles ending with a big smile. "I was thinking of making some avocado toast. See if Atlas likes it want me to make you some too. Or I'll make you something else" I ramble on a bit making sure he we going to eat. He nods his head playing with his fingers. "Yeah that would be nice" he continues mumbling his voice still dripping with guilt.
    Closing the gap between us I placed my hand on his cheek and our lips smack together creating a deep and loving kiss. Small muffled squeals come from Atlas as he tried to cheer and eat at the same time.
Harry pulls away immediately wagging his finger at the child. "Be careful! You're going to choke" he says sternly and Atlas snaps his mouth shut making me stifle a small laugh.
As soon as Harry turns back to me Atlas immediately starts blabbering on making random noises.  We both turn back to the toddler. His mouth is closed in a grin as he looked at Harry.
Harry groans as I practically choke on air trying not to laugh. The process repeats a few times. Every time Harry looked away Atlas would shout random noises, but as soon as Harry turned to look his mouth was glued shut in a grin as he enjoyed playing the little game.
"That's your son" I laugh getting a glare from Harry.
"Nope right now he's yours"
"What how!?!"
"We have a very strict schedule... today's my day off"
"Harry that makes no sense"
"Just go make my food peasant"
"Damn.... demoted from king to peasant"
"So do we have some kind of forbidden love... you know the queen and the peasant?!"
"Dray... I-... I'm not even gonna try"
"That's spicy"

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat