Chapter 89

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Atlas (6 months 3 weeks)
Ron (19 weeks)

Harry's POV

We're still at the burrow and I'm honestly fine with that.  Draco and I have been talking and as much as I don't want to do this I know we have to.  Nobody was in the living room as I sat on the couch staring at the floor.
  I'm attempting to convince myself that it's not happening because I'm nowhere near ready to come to terms with it.  I hear steps getting closer, but I ignore them just focusing on the silence.
  "What did the floor ever do to you," Ron asked with a laugh.  Well silence ruined. I mentally facepalm as he sits down next to me. Placing his hand on his already huge stomach.
"So what's going on with you or did the floor really do something," he asked leaning against the couch with a relaxed look on his face.
I shake my head slightly chuckling before looking back up to Ron. "Atlas" I whisper and Ron grabs my hand in both of his, comforting me.
"What happened?" Ron asked. I could tell he was starting to get worried as I broke down into tears. "Harry you're really starting to scare me where is Atlas?!? What happened?!" He whispered starting to get louder as he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged him back before letting go and putting my hands on my knees turning completely so I wasn't facing him.
I started fanning my face to dry the tears as I looked at him again attempting not to break down. "When we get back to the manor..." I pause taking a deep breath as Ron leans closer to me.
"Mate just spit it out, is he okay?" Ron whispers as I look the other way. "We have to move him into the nursery and he's getting so old, but he's not old enough, yet. I think he should just sleep with us for I don't know... forever... what happens if he has nightmares and what if I don't hear him crying" I continue to ramble on with tears streaming down my face.
Ron puts a hand on my shoulder stopping me from continuing as I assume he's gonna shout at me for worrying him, but when I look up his face softens before he bursts out into a full on sob.
"Stupid hormones I want to yell at you, but h-he's just getting so bi-big and I- what if he does have nightmares!" He shouts as we pull each other into a hug sobbing like some teenagers who just got dumped.
We cried into each other's arms for a few minutes talking about how we were being completely rational and crying for a very important reason as both our boyfriends came flying down the stairs.
"We heard crying what's wrong," they both say at the same time. Blaise and Draco looked at each other with disgusting glares "Don't copy me" they shout at each other and Ron and I burst out laughing.
"Damn Git" they both mutter, their eyes going wide. Draco lunges and jumps at Blaise as they begin tackling each other and rolling around on the floor like the idiots they are.
Ron and I continue to laugh at them until Ron shook my shoulders getting my attention "Do you think our kids are going to find good relationships and friends.... what if they don't" he begins crying again and seeing him cry made me cry. So I started thinking about how far away the nursery was from my room, so I ended up in a full on a sob.
Both of us continue sobbing as our boyfriends froze. Blaise on top of Draco both ready to punch each other.
Blaise got up and walked over to Ron as Dray did the same for me. He began rubbing my shoulder as he asked "what's wrong?" I wiped my nose before answering with a small sniffle.
"The n-nursery" was all I got out before I burst into another sob. Ron grabs my shoulder and starts sobbing with me "what if he has nightmares" Ron chimes in protectively holding his stomach.
Draco's face softens as Blaise hugs Ron understanding he was crying mostly because of hormones. "Baby it's fine, he will be fine" Draco whispers kissing the top of my head.
  My cheeks are tear-stained as he kisses the rest of the stray tears away. "Bu-but the nursery is so far away from what if-" he cuts me off pulling me into a hug. "Harry the nursery is the room right across the hall from us. We will just keep the doors open at all times" he whispers moving one of his hands to the back of my head. He pulls me to his chest massaging his fingers through my hair.
"Can't he just sleep with us forever" I cry looking from his chest with the best pout I could muster. His eyes go wide before looking away. "Sorry love, not happening," he sighs refusing to look at me.
Blaise starts to laugh and stands from the couch "I love how you both just had a mental break down over a baby sleeping in the room across from Harry" Blaise chuckles while turning back to Ron "it isn't even your baby" he continues as Draco stands and starts to laugh along with him.
Ron pouts as I do the same crossing my arms and looking the other way. This made both of them laugh even harder as Ron stands and walks to the kitchen a hand on his back supporting him.
Blaise looks to Draco and me with wide eyes before mouthing "did I screw up" as his face softens into a sad expression.
I shook my head no because Ron would have said something before leaving. Like an insult to either him or Blaise but he didn't. Just as Blaise was about to go get him a spatula came flying past us hitting the wall next to Blaise.
Ron was standing there with 2 more spatulas in his hand. "Make fun of me and my friend's mental breakdowns one more time I dare you" he growls as I hid my face in a pillow attempting not to die.
Draco leaned closer to Blaise while whispering "I can't believe I'm actually terrified of a pregnant bloke like him with a spatula" he gulped as I lost it laughing into the pillow.
Ron started speed walking over to us with a spatula held up ready to hit someone as Draco ran for the stairs and Blaise jumped over the front of the couch.
"Come on buttercup let's talk about this" he pleads with him as Ron chucks another spatula. Blaise lets out a small yelp, ducking and Ron sets the last spatula on the table.
"I'm too tired to continue this" he sighs rubbing his stomach as Blaise lets out a long sigh of relief. Draco peeking out from the stairs. My best friend picks the spatula back up pretending to throw it. "I will do it" he shouts just as Molly walks in from the front door.
"I'm so happy I didn't continue having kids" she sighs rubbing her forehead and turns walking by and straight to her room mumbling "why are my kids the crazy ones"
I laugh and Ron drops the spatula back down onto the table. Blaise and Draco both kinda tiptoe over to the couch attempting to not upset Ron as he sat back down with a huff.
"I need a nap," Blaise and Draco said at the same time. They lunged for each other once again... "shut up your arse" both shout at each other and they both started fighting like Ron would fight someone for food. Very viscous... each had their arms on each other's shoulders as they fell to the ground rolling over each other. "This is for stealing my shoe last week you bastard!" Blaise yells out of nowhere! As they continue to 'fight'
In the background you hear a repetitive thud as Molly ever so gently slams her head onto the wall "please can't I just have one normal child"

  "This is for stealing my shoe last week you bastard!" Blaise yells out of nowhere! As they continue to 'fight'   In the background you hear a repetitive thud as Molly ever so gently slams her head onto the wall "please can't I just have one norm...

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Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-6

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -29
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 18
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -16

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

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