Chapter 68

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Draco's POV

"Wake up" a voice whispers and I slowly wave them away with my hand. A gasp comes from somebody else in the room as I scrunch my nose not ready to wake up. I don't even remember falling asleep what exactly was I doing.
"Draco Malfoy you did not just try to swat me away while I'm holding Atlas you almost hit him!" Harry whisper-shouts sternly as I sit up at the speed of light with wide eyes looking around the room quickly.
My eyes stop on a pissed-off Harry now dressed while holding a sleeping Atlas who was looking adorable in a pale blue onesie. "Sorry dear," I whisper back. He sighs and goes to sit back down.
  "Why was I on the ground," I ask pulling myself up and walking towards Harry again. "You passed out" Ron chimes in and I gulp. "Yeah just like you promised you wouldn't" Harry sneers smiling harshly at me as Ophelia looks between the both of us obviously holding back a laugh.
   "Love I promise I didn't mean to" I whine, but Harry's stares only becomes colder and colder. "Heh" "can I hold him" I ask nervously trying to change the subject and I really did want to hold the adorable bundle of joy again.
    "I don't know are you gonna pass out again" he jokes and I bite my lip thinking about it.  I let out a not very sure "nooo" Harry chuckles "here" he stretches his arms out handing me the sleeping Atlas.
   I cradle him bouncing ever so slightly "I'm so happy to finally meet you my little prince" I whisper before looking to Blaise with a huge smile "congratulations Dray... and Harry" he cheers nodding to the both of us.
   "Yes congratulations" Ron adds as I now notice him clinging onto Blaise's arm. "Thank you" Harry and I say simultaneously. I chuckle and look back down to Atlas, his pale gray eyes staring back at me.
     "Oh he's awake" I mumble watching Atlas look at me curiously. "Hi, I'm your dad" I whisper grabbing his tiny hand with two of my fingers. He lets out a small yawn making my heart melt immediately.
   I look to Harry to see if he had seen it and I now notice how exhausted he looks. He gives me a weary smile. "Harry darling take Atlas and get a carriage I'll be out soon..." he nods his head and stands gently taking Atlas out of my arms.
   I miss the warmth already... once all three are gone I turn to Ophelia "I could tell he was tired" I explain and she nods her head "he's stubborn usually they stay the night here" she mutters and I laugh. When isn't Harry being stubborn.
"Anything I need to know" I ask and she taps her chin "I told Harry everything like appointments but, I must say Draco that child is going to be almost an exact replica of you" she answers and I feel the smile on my face grow even wider.
The world could always use another Draco Malfoy...

Harry's POV (earlier)

"He did not just pass out" I groan as I look at my knocked out boyfriend on the ground. I sit up cradling Atlas as he softly cries probably scared by the loud noise. Kissing his forehead, his tears come to a stop.
Ophelia chuckles and I look to her with a confused expression "if my magic is telling me correctly he's gonna look very much like Malfoy here" she chuckles pointing to the lifeless body on the floor. "No the world doesn't need another Draco" I whine and Ron and Blaise start cracking up. 

Draco's POV (present)

   "Well I hope to see you again Ophelia" I shout as I walk out the door closing it behind me.  I see the carriage waiting for me and I'm assuming everybody else is already in there. I take the steps two at a time ready to see my baby boy.
  Running to the carriage, I pull the door open to see Ron and Blaise staring with awed expressions at a barely awake Harry cradling Atlas. I sit next to Harry and try to take Atlas from him.
  In response, Harry opens his eyes now wide awake, pulling Atlas closer to him. He sees that it is me and relaxes "I'm so sorry" he mumbles kissing the fragile baby on his forehead.
  No matter how tired he was a smile was always on his face when he was looking at little Atlas. I put my arms out once again and Harry hesitantly lays Atlas in my arms.
   I cradle him close and watch Harry yawn the same exact yawn Atlas did earlier "guess your gonna be a little cutie like your papa" I whisper using one of my hands to tickle his stomach a bit.
A small gurgle escapes his throat and Harry scoots closer putting his head on my shoulder passing out almost immediately.


We arrived home only a few minutes later and I had to wake Harry which went better then I expected.  The door was swung open as soon as I made it to the first step.
  "Baby! he's here! he's here!!!" Herb shouts jumping up and down as the twins scramble to get off the couch. I kiss the top of Harry's head and sigh "go to bed baby, I'll introduce them to Atlas and then we can cuddle ok?" I whisper and he nods his head saying a quiet "thank you love" rubbing a finger down the side of Atlas's face "see you in a bit my little boy" he mumbles before heading straight for our bedroom.
   Ron and Blaise smile at each other and go for the couch, I follow the twins, Herb directly behind me. "This is our little boy Atlas Raye Malfoy" I introduce him, proudly holding little Atlas up a bit more as he looks around his new home wide-eyed.
   Herb sits on the couch looking intently.  "Want to hold him" I ask and he looks both ways before pointing to himself "m-me" he stutters his eyes lighting up more by the second.
  "Yes, you" I tease walking over to him.  He nods his head vigorously before raising his hands up I place Atlas in his arms moving Herbs hands around so one is supporting his head and the other his body.
Both stare at each other in utter amazement causing a few awes to spread across the room. Herb hesitantly moves one of his hands and boops his nose causing the baby to break out in a small giggle fit. Herb's excitement only grows more at how happy he made the baby.
    I can tell those two are gonna be the best of friends. I let everybody take turns holding Atlas and we all converse about random things like kids. Ron and Blaise said they wanted one but they were gonna wait... and I all of a sudden I have an idea. I start to plot my revenge for the two when I see Atlas yawning in the corner of my eye. George is holding him and he looks to me just as he does, Atlas let's out a high pitch cry.
I speed walk over to him taking Atlas into my arms "ready to go sleep? Papa's waiting for us" I whisper kissing his cheek gently. He continues to cry but it's a lot softer now as I carry him to our room.
For now, he will be sleeping in the cradle next to our bed before we move him into his nursery. I open the door and Harry stirs from his spot on the bed he quickly gets up and grabs Atlas from my arms.
"Awe is my baby tired" he whispers walking him over to the cradle. I follow closely as he lays Atlas on his back and brushes a hand over his head. Causing the few tuffs of blonde hair he has to stick up.
Harry gently rocks the cradle back and forth and Atlas's eyelids begin to droop before ultimately closing. I sigh a happy sigh and turn to Harry "how are you so good at this" I whisper and he yawns into his hand.
"I just want him to have a better childhood than I had" he mumbles wrapping his arms around my neck loosely. I leaned over kissing him gently. "I love you so much" I whisper and he giggles "I love you too"
"Night night my little prince" I whisper into the cradle as Harry climbs back into the bed. I quickly change into the closest shorts not even bothering with a shirt as I climb into bed next to Harry.
He places his head on my chest and a leg over my body as we cuddle up close. I can't ask for anything better than this.


4 a.m

I'm awoken by a shrill cry from the cradle next to our bed. Harry was already sitting straight up looking at me with a tired smile. I groan into my hands "I forgot theirs always the downsides to these things" I groan into my hands. Harry chuckles "we're gonna have to start using a silencing charm on our room, and that thing is your child" he laughs.
"Our child"

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