Chapter 145

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October 20th
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (9 months 1 week)

Harry's  POV

"Get up!" a loud annoying voice shouts as I feel two hands grip my shoulders. I force my eyes open to be met by Ron... oh Ron why must you do this to me.
"What!?!" I groan attempting to turn away. "Ferret is at work!! It's been 3 weeks let's gooooo!" He shouts again lifting my body off of the bed just to push me back down.
"Go where Ron?" I shout back trying to refocus after being shaken so much. "To the muggle world... we have to get pregnancy tests" he whispers looking back out the door as reality starts to hit. "Shit... Ron, I could be pregnant!" I whisper-shout as he nods his head "yeah Harry I've only been saying it for 3 weeks now" he chuckles as I groan pulling the blanket off of my legs.
"Technically I would only be two weeks" I inform him as he puts his hand up "Yeah yeah blah blah smart stuff" he mocks me talking with his hand. I let out a small laugh before trudging over to the closet.
"We have to be quick I don't want to be there long" I yell while putting a long sleeve over my head. "Yeah, we do! After you put Atlas to sleep for his nap you said you were gonna take a quick nap and passed out!!! We have like no time" he whines, still getting all excited. My eyes go wide as I scramble to match the long sleeve with some black jeans and a small jacket to keep me warm from the autumn chill.
When I walk out I notice Ron is already dressed and nod to myself. "If they find out where we are going we're going to get killed" I groan to myself as Ron chuckles, but I notice him double-checking to make sure his wand was in his pocket.
"Is Blaise staying with the girls?" I asked walking to the door as he stands to follow. I turn back grabbing my wand off the nightstand as he nods his head yes. Walking over to the nursery we find Atlas already out of his crib standing in the center of the room staring at us with his hand in his mouth.
"We're only going to be a few minutes so you're just gonna stay in your onesie" I laugh picking him up. "Also stop climbing out of your crib" I whisper sternly bopping his nose before I grab his binky and a hat for him.
I hand him the pacifier and he happily takes it as I fix the hat on him. "Ready?" I look to Ron as a smile spreads on his face "ready!" He cheers as we walk towards the front door attempting to be as sneaky as possible.
"Goodbye friends and best friend" Herb calls opening the door for us as we both jump, Atlas just bounces while waving to Herb. "Don't tell anybody we left" Ron pleads, putting a finger to his mouth.
Herb nods shutting the door behind us, both of us run for the carriage trying to get in and out as soon as possible. Atlas sits on my lap while I bounce him up and down with my legs.
He takes the time to take his pacifier from his mouth and look up at me "dada?" He asked and I shake my head. "No, but we're trying to get a surprise for daddy" I answer as he gives me a confused look before going back to sucking his binky and bouncing happily.
The rest of the ride was just Ron and I talking about babies until it finally stopped. Grabbing Atlas we jumped out of the carriage as fast as possible.
"This way!" I instruct putting the baby on my hip as we speed walk along the sidewalk. Don't look up and nobody will recognize you! Yup, that's how that works.
"Harry calm down you're running a mile a minute" Ron shouts out of breath already, as Atlas looks around curiously.  "Sorry, we can walk I just hate this place" I mutter as he nods his head.  "Yeah first time here... I puked, andddd went into a fever" he mutters back as I chuckle "let's just agree that this certain place in the muggle world sucks" I laugh as he nods his head.
"It doesn't all suck though there are some good places" I add as we continued on our path.  "I'd love to explore more... not here of course" he chuckles nervously as I nod my head.
   Once the chain fence comes into view followed by the tiny playground Atlas leans forward to look at it better immediately retracting into me.  "What's wrong baby?" I ask as his hands fist my jacket.  "No" he whimpers pointing to it as I nod my head.
  "Don't worry weren't not going there anytime soon, so don't worry" I whisper kissing his head as he buries himself into my side. "Poor thing" Ron huffs glaring at the park as we stop to look at it.
"Yu otay" Atlas cries attempting to hug me. "I'm okay now buddy" I whisper trying not to cry just from the way he is reacting. "This way R-Ron" I choke out nodding my head across from the park.
    Looking both ways we hurry across the road and towards one of the only smaller stores in my old town. Ron stays behind me as I walk through the door letting them slide open. I continue to rub Atlas's back as silent tears fell down his cheeks. He calmed down once he noticed all the new stuff though.
"Crap I hadn't switched the money and I don't have any ga-" I panic as Ron cuts me off  "I got this I was responsible~ and I did it... well I hope this is what the money is supposed to look like" he sings, but then cuts himself off digging some out of his pocket.
"Yup perfect" I sigh at his weirdness, now searching for the tests. This man wants me to be pregnant more than I want to be. "Yes!" I cheer when I finally found them holding the box up for... "Ron?" I call attempting to peak over the aisles.
Way too short for that. "Ron" I call a little louder. I start to panic... speed walking across each aisle when I finally find him.
"Bloody hell Ron you scared me what are you doin-" I was frantic, and he looks at me with wide eyes "look at all of this" Ron whispers hunched over a bunch of candy.
I shake my head with a giggle as Ron investigates it all. "It's your money if you want some get some I'll tell you if you have enough for it" I laugh as he shakes his head in disbelief starting to pile up the sweets.
Once Ron satisfied his needs we went to the counter as Ron gawked at the girl with several piercings on her face. I swatted him to get him to stop being so obvious, he gulped and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
She quickly totaled up everything and smiled at the pregnancy test. "Your girl pregnant?" She asks pointing to me. "N-" "Hopefully" I chuckle cutting off Ron.
"Well this one is so cute I'm sure the next one will be just as adorable" she coos at Atlas as he giggles. She smiles putting everything in a bag while Ron... really struggles... like really struggles to hand her the money.
I facepalm just before Atlas sticks his binky in my face. I grab it from him and hold it on my finger as the girl hands me our bag. "Thank you," I smile, waving to her. Getting a small wave back, Atlas copying us both. "I" he calls while leaning towards the women.
"Did you make a new friend?" I asked as we exit the store. He just babbles on turning back to look at the doors. "She looked so cool" Ron gasped as if he was holding everything in.
"Yeah, I guess so" I laugh only to stop when he nudges my elbow. "Why did you lie about you being pregnant" he questions me with a curious look on his face. "Mate... Ron... my best friend... I've said this before, but boys can't get pregnant here" I sigh as his face becomes one of realization "ohhh yeah... well I would have screwed that up"


Herb opens the door for us muttering to himself as he gives us a sad and apologetic look. Ron and I look up to see two very pissed-off males. "And where have you been," Draco growls not hiding the anger in his voice.
Blaise steps forward looking at Ron "I was worried sick" he whisper-shouts as Ron rubs his arm nervously. "You should have told me where you were going o-or at least told me you were going somewhere!" Draco groans rubbing his temple clearly irritated.
"I come home the baby is gone! You're gone... I run to Blaise and next thing you know Ron is missing too! Harry I've almost lost you and Atlas so many times now... you can't do that to me" he shouts, but the shouts soon turn into tears as he clutches his heart.
I stand frozen as Atlas hugs onto my shirt now crying as well from all the yelling. Ron ran to Blaise hugging him as he apologized to him through tears. "I-I'm sorry" I choked out.
Clutching the child closer as I attempted to calm him. "What's that," Blaise questioned me, eyeing the bag as Draco started walking closer. "It's nothing" I lied. He was mad at me I didn't want him to know now... what if he doesn't even want another child now... I can't even take care of the one I have! I messed up I always do...
"If it's nothing you will let me see it," Draco reaches forward for it. "I'll show you later okay!" I shout running past them all. I sprint as fast as I can through the hall into our room and straight for the bathroom.
Quickly dropping the bag, I grab for my wand locking the door making sure to concentrate hard so Draco can't break or unlock it. Just as I finish there is banging on the door, and I slide to the floor. Heh, I remember this last time I was pregnant... I found out and locked myself in the bathroom. I chuckle to myself a bit, but it turns into a sigh as I bang my head back against the door.
I take the box out of the bag and throw it under the sink before breaking down. "Harry let me in" "I'm sorry" "I was just so worried" he repeats stuff like that over and over again as I just continued to cry for no reason.
I'm such a baby. "Papa it otay" Atlas whispers standing up to hug my neck. He gives me a small kiss on the cheek attempting to wipe my tears with his tiny hands. "I'll b-be out i-in a m-minute" I sob as I hear weight shift onto the door.
"I love you so much" he whispers through the door as I hug Atlas tightly. "I l-love y-you too" I cry.
"I bove yu papa!"

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