Chapter 41

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Draco's POV (20 weeks)

  We arrived at Ophelia's treehouse and I quickly opened the carriage door, helping Harry out. Practically dragging him to the stairs. "Babe let me walk" Harry whines and I release my grip on him, letting him walk up the stairs with me right behind him.
   It took like an hour to get up 2 flights of stairs. I swear I thought we would never get to the top. In reality, it took us like 2 minutes but that's not important.

Harry's POV

  I raise my fist to knock on the door, but before I could Draco takes the knob in his hand and walks in. Ophelia sitting on the couch smiling as always as Draco runs up and hugs her. "I'm gonna be a dad!" he shouts squeezing her even more before sitting in his usual chair next to the sofa.
   She stands and chuckles, leading me to where I usually lay down at. "If you just realized that Mr. Malfoy I think there might be something wrong with you" she adds heading to the kitchen for the gel.
  I laugh, but Dray doesn't even react to her comment, probably off in his own world still.  She comes walking back in with a big purple bowl and sets it down on the table next to us "I swear he's basically the child" I groan.
  "You should see him at home he's a whole new person" I add getting a snicker from Draco. It's true though my big bad wolf was now a super hyper toddler.
   She presses the cold gel onto my stomach, and I flinch, moving my hand back over the armrest behind me hoping Dray will take the hint and grab it.
  I instantly feel the warmth of his hand, his thumb caressing the side of mine. "My Harry you're getting big fast" she chuckles and I just smile in return before closing my eyes. I feel the couch shift meaning she was standing up and getting ready for the next part.
   She mumbles a few words and the tip of her wand rubs a circular motion on my stomach.  My body immediately clenches up. She always assures me that it's normal but it still freaks me out every time.
It's not painful just insanely uncomfortable like it's not supposed to be like this and I constantly want to just stretch out but it won't help anything.
    After the first minute, I open my eyes and see her staring at the walls in a deep concentration. I turn to my side to see Draco now sitting on the floor. He must have moved down there.  Gosh, I got so lost in my thoughts I couldn't even feel him move. I close my eyes again and let out a breath, which I had apparently been holding.
Before I knew it, my body began to relax and I opened my eyes to see Ophelia blinking at a lighting fast speed. I mean she somehow keeps them open for 10-15 minutes at my appointments, at least.
  Draco now has his head resting on the couch still clutching onto my hand.  "As I said before 1 child," she cheers with excitement.
  Dray's head shot up and he was now staring intensely at Ophelia. I felt the same way though. Now propped up on my elbows waiting for the big news we had been waiting for all day.
"So do you want to know the gender n-" I cut her off with a quick "yes" and Dray does the same but with a shout.
She chuckles and looks between the both of us waiting in anticipation. "Congratulations to both of you and your little boy," she smiles with a little bow.
I pump my fist into the air "yes" I shout, looking to Ophelia again with gleaming eyes. "Oh dear are you-" Ophelia starts to say something but it's cut off by a thump.
I turn to Draco who is now passed out on the floor. I mentally and physically facepalm. "Now I'm scared to see how bad he will be at the labor," Ophelia chuckles worriedly.
I giggle before standing up from the couch and going to sit on the floor resting Draco's head on my lap. "Feel free to stay as long as you need," she continues with a huge smile before walking into the kitchen.
  "I'll get some tea for you" she shouts from the kitchen.

   Blaise's POV
    I need Draco I feel like I'm babysitting three kids. I lost Ron earlier as he started chasing the twins because of some prank. "Well... when in doubt of Ron's location check the kitchen" I whisper to myself.
   Walking past the library, I make my way through the common room picking up a mini table the boys had knocked down while chasing each other.
   Swinging open the door to the kitchen, I'm greeted by hissing. "GET OFF THE FRIDGE AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN YOU GIT" Ron screams at I think Fred.... yeah that's Fred.
   Fred opens his mouth to say something but George beats him to it. "You a man... funny," he smirks.  I look back to Ron just to whip my head back towards George... I just realized he was crouched on top of a cabinet.
   I groan and walk to Ron to go drag him to bed but before I can I hear a yelp and Fred falls to the ground with a groan.
  George looks worried, but you could tell he was trying not to laugh. Unlike Ron who's just laughing like a maniac. Nobody seemed to notice I was even here yet! That's it time to pull a Draco.
   "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" I yell trying to sound as angry as I can. George jumps and almost slips off of his little hiding spot. Fred just groans again.
  Ron turns around real quick and gives me a wide-eyed look. "BLOODY HELL I thought you were ferret for a minute," he sighs putting a hand over his heart.
   "Ok... and how did you fall?" I ask Fred as he sits up and rubs his elbow. "This chicken shit threw a spatula at me" he whines. I turn to Ron wide-eyed, getting a chuckle from before he narrows his eyes back at Fred.
   "What did you just call me!?!" He asks anger clearly rising in his voice with every word. I watch Fred jump up and scramble back onto the Fridge.  Almost falling right back off again.
   Ron lunges forward and tries climbing the fridge, but knowing him he will just fall off and hurt himself. I'm not even gonna let him try.
   He reached the counter and gets on top of it but before he can continue I step in "Ronald Weasley" I shout with the sternest voice I could muster. "OOOOOO your in trouble," the twins say in unison. Ron stops mid-step and looks at me with a confused looked.
  I walk over to the counter just to grab him and throw him over my shoulder. "Babe let me gooooo" he whines, wiggling around. I tighten my grip on him and he seemed to figure out I wasn't letting go, so he stopped his struggling.
Walking out the door I hear the twins snickering.  I turn my head to yell at them. "Behave or I'll let him go and I'll help him to" I shout and the snickering stops immediately.
  Now it was Ron's turn to chuckle he's facing the other way or I would have sent him a glare. Making my way up the stairs, I almost drop Ron but I'm not going to tell him that part.  I push the door to our room open and throw Ron onto the bed.
    He sits up and yawns. Before standing back up and walking over to me. I raise my eyebrows questioning him, as he wraps his arms loosely around my neck.
  Bringing himself closer to me. I place my hands at his hips and he gives me a smirk. "Do you need something Ron?" I ask with a smile.
   He chuckles not breaking eye contact with me "you know your really hot when you get all mad and tough" he whispers leaning closer to me.
   Our lips touch and I pull him closer to me by the waist until our bodies are touching. I bite his lip causing him to groan before I slide my tongue over his bottom lip.
  He easily gives in and I explore his mouth like it's the last thing I'll ever do. Pulling back with a smirk, he does the same catching his breath. Only to lean in again, this time I turn away.
   He gives me another confused look and I smile. "Time for you to go to bed you've been running around all day," I inform Ron releasing him from my grip. "Babyyy you can't do this to me plus it's only 9" he whines stomping his foot like a child. "If your gonna run around and act like a child then we can't do adult things" I whisper back with a wink becoming extremely close to his lips. Only for me to pull back again getting another whine in response.
   I pick him back up and toss him back onto the bed. He gets underneath the covers and yawns instantly.  "I'm gonna wait for Draco and Harry in the common room.  I'll be back up in a bit I love you" I said pecking his lips one last time before heading out the door.
    Hearing a muffled "I love you too" as I close the door behind me.

A/N for those who wanted a girl I'm sorry but when I went to look for pictures I could only find ones of Harry and Draco with a son so their first child will be a boy *cough cough* key words "their first child"

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