Chapter 84

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Atlas (5 months 3 weeks)
Ron (15 weeks)

  Harry's POV

I hear movement around me and rub my eyes sitting up from the bed. Squinting my eyes until I adjust to the darkness and see Draco standing next to Atlas's crib.  "Daddy will see you when he gets back from work little prince" Draco whispers kissing his fingertips and placing them on I assume Atlas's forehead.
  I smile a tired grin as Draco turns around to leave we make eye contact and he jumps four feet in the air putting a hand over his mouth. "Bloody hell, Harry you scared me". He whisper-shouts as I continue to smile scratching my shoulder with my hand.
  "Sorry" I whisper-shout back as he puts a hand to his heart calming himself. I chuckle and make grabby hands towards him "were you really gonna leave without giving me a kiss" I whine with a pout as he shakes his head with a smile.
  "Actually I did kiss you but you were asleep" he corrects me leaning closer until our lips were centimeters apart "and I must say it's so much better kissing you when you're awake" he chuckles closing the gap between us.
  He pulls away leaning against the bed "now go back to bed I'll see you later, ok?" he coos with a goofy grin as I nod back to him.  "I love you, my queen," he bows, before heading for the door.
  "I love you too" I giggle at the name before falling back into the bed completely exhausted.... but it didn't feel the same without the warmth of him there. I sigh and get off of the bed walking over to Atlas's cradle.
  I lean over expecting to see a sleeping baby, but instead I find him now on his stomach awake with a tired expression on his face. He was asleep literally two seconds ago, I laugh to myself.
  He turns his head to me and lays down not able to support it quite yet, so close. "Can't sleep without daddy either can you" I whisper as he reaches for me with a hand.
  "Wanna come sleep with papa," I ask and I receive a small gurgle in return. I take that as a yes and pick Atlas up taking him to our bed.  I lay him down on his back taking the blankets off of Draco's side completely along with pillows.
  I then climb into the bed putting the blanket on my feet and the rest as far away from Atlas as possible because without Draco there I worried about everything ten times more.
  He looks over to me a happy smile now displayed across his face. I laugh giving him my pinky as he holds onto it falling asleep immediately.  "Night night little one" I whisper before soon dozing off.


I'm bored I'm so insanely bored and I think Atlas is to. I set the book I was reading down to see the small child playing with his feet again his face showing a look of total amazement.
  "Atlas, baby what are you doing," I say and he stops staring at his feet to look at me. I freeze at that very moment. Maybe it was just a coincidence. I stand from the couch.
  Walking into the dining room quickly, only to make my way back to see Atlas had returned to playing with his feet.  I stand next to a side table on the opposite side of where I was and take a deep breath.  "Atlas" I call and he drops his feet and struggles to turn himself to look at me!
  My hand flies to my mouth as I feel tears prick the corner of my eyes.  "He recognized his name" I mumble to myself. Oh my Merlin I'm so happy I don't even know- "Ron" I shout waiting a few seconds before I get a reply. "What!" He yells back "come to the common room" I cup my hands around my mouth to make myself louder.
  I don't get an answer, but I assume he's coming.  I put my hand on my cheek as they hurt from smiling so much. Ron waddles over from the hallway he was in with Blaise trailing behind him.
  "What's up?" he questions and I just continue to smile before pointing to Atlas who was once again... playing with his feet. "Call his name," I say quickly as Ron gives me a confused look. I think Blaise understood because his face lit up as he looked at me.
  "Umm ok... Atlas?" Ron says unsure as the baby lets go of his feet once again turning to us with a giggle. He thinks we're playing some sort of game as I clap encouraging him. A happy feeling running through my body.
  Ron looks at me with pure joy "he's answering now" he shouts hugging me as Blaise comes over and does the same. Blaise grabs my shoulders "you should go surprise Draco!" he suggests as I feel my face light up again.  "You're right" I cheer picking up Atlas's play area.
  I call for a carriage and put my shoes on rushing around the house as all three of us take turns getting the baby's attention. Eventually, Blaise and Ron had to go back and finish setting up their new room though.
  I grab Atlas and rush outside extremely excited before I look down and realize he's still in his diaper.  Herb opens the door for me immediately as I apologize to him and run to our room.
  A new surge of energy is going through my body as I quickly dress the boy grabbing his blanket, bottle, rattle, and pacifier.

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