Chapter 46

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Harry's POV (24 weeks 1 day)

   I watch Draco leave, scooping up the last of my eggs. Where could he possibly be going? Standing, I grab my plate and walk to the kitchen where I wash everything off.
   I immediately went back up to our room and change into some black joggers and a blue t-shirt that clings to my stomach showing my bump clearly. I usually wear baggier shirts so it's not as noticeable, but this one helped cover my neck a bit more.
    Just as I started my trek back down the stairs I hear the bell chime signaling that someone was at the door. I was able to convince Draco to turn it back on. He was scared it would scare me too much but he finally agreed when I told him he could lower the volume.
I made it to the last step as Herb rushes past "I've got it Harry" he shouts already at the door. Swinging it open, I walk into the view of the door to see Aspen with a white shirt and some yellow jeans.
"Hello" Herb squeaks as she waves back to him. "Thanks for getting the door Herb," I thank him, dismissing the elf because he refused to have anybody else open the door.
He nods his head and I look back up at Aspen getting a smile as she hands me the bag. She quickly turns away to leave but I stop her. "Hey if you're not too busy would you like to hang out..." I curse at myself for sounding like an antisocial teen. She quickly turns back to me with a grin.
"That would be great" she answers and I lead her into the dining room, setting the purse down. I pulled stuff out one by one. "Wait I didn't buy these," I say freaking out a bit.
"Don't worry I saw your list and finished buying what you needed" she whispers handing me the invitations.
"Wow... really? thank you so much," I whisper astonished, before sitting at the table next to her. Reaching across the table, I grab a piece of paper and hand it to her. "Want to help with invites?" I shrug. She nods her head up and down with excitement.
"Here's the list" I add and she takes it from me inspecting it.

1. Weasley Family
2. Snape
3. Neville
4. Remus and Sirius

"You're also invited if.... you want to come," I mumble fiddling with the invitations in my hands. "I would love that thanks, Harry," she cheers looking up from the list.
I perk up immediately and we both start on the invitations chatting about random stuff. Until the last invitation is written out and programmed.
They read -Dear______ you have been invited to our baby shower where we will be hosting a gender reveal. Hope to see you there. Will be held at the Malfoy Manor on August 2 -Sincerely Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

The one that went to Remus and Sirius I added a P.S saying Please don't kill Draco I'll explain everything once I see you next.

And for the Weasleys, I also added a P.S that said Hopefully I see you there and Ginny is welcome to come.

Clasping my hands together happily as we finish double-checking the last one. Before I can talk the door swings open and a tired Ron walks in. He has a black eye from the brawl before but he acts like it's not there.
  When I ask about it he keeps telling me not to worry and it doesn't even hurt but I've seen him touch it and wince in pain. He flashes me a tired smile and I make a small waving motion with my hand.
   As I turn back to Aspen he yelps and crashes to the floor. I snap my head back towards him with worry and he's staring intently at Aspen. Who is now looking away in discomfort?
   "Umm, this is Aspen the girl that got Draco and basically saved me," I introduce her, gesturing towards Aspen. She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and gives Ron a small wave.
   "Wait- so you can see her too.... thank Merlin," he sighs letting out a deep breath of relief. She looks towards me with wide eyes and I just roll my eyes.
  "Yes, Ron she is a real person," I groan, he's an idiot. He seems pleased with the answer and grabs a leftover piece of toast from this morning. I noticed the whole time he purposely tried to say as far away from Aspen as he could though.  Causing me to chuckle.
    He leaves using the other door leading to the living room passing behind us. I watch him eye Aspen and just before he leaves pokes her and runs out with wide eyes.
   She looks towards the door that was now closing on its own and then back to me with shocked eyes. "I'm sorry" was all I said through a frustrated sigh. She puts a hand on my shoulder and laughs. "It's fine I just didn't expect to meet someone with his level of weirdness today" she whispers continuing to laugh.

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