Chapter 172

840 44 78

May 28th
Harry (7 months)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

(A small warning ⚠️ )

Draco's POV
What the fuck is wrong with me. Did I really just let that happen? I bring a hand to my face wiping some tears from my cheeks.... And I'm crying. I feel like such a failure as an uncle, and a teacher. Granted she wasn't in my class, but I should have known.
Once I get to the manor I contemplate actually going inside, and facing everybody when the door swings open. My eyes widen in a panicked state as I walk through the door past the common room, and straight to our room. I sigh in relief when I see it's empty, and run into the bathroom quickly casting a locking charm hoping to keep everyone out.

Harry's POV

Sitting on the couch I was playing with Atlas when Dray went speeding by. "You're late? what happened?" I ask, not getting a response. Did he not hear me. "Hey baby, I'm gonna go check on daddy. Can you stay out here or go to your room?" I coo at the child tickling his sides.
"Okie" he laughs flopping on to his back. With that I struggle to stand up making my way over to our room. Peeking through the door "Dray" I call surprised when I find an empty room. I fully step into the bedroom leaving the door open while taking a quick sweep of the area.
The bathroom door was closed which scared me in a way. "Dray!" I call again walking to the door. When I don't get an answer I try the door knob sucking in a breath when it's locked. "Draco!" I shout pounding on the door. "I'm okay dear" he calls back meekly.
"No you're not," I whisper, leaning my head against the door. "Harry, I'm fine." He grumbles, making me take a step back. "I-uh can I come in?" I whisper, rubbing my arm nervously. I already know how this is going to end.
"I just want some time to be alone" he groans, his voice cracking like he's close to crying, "Ok... do you want me to get you something?" I continue to pry immediately regretting it when something slams against the door making me jump.
"Harry I want to be alone! I need time to process some things!" he shouts angrily. I feel a pang in my heart but continue "Yes, sorry" I whisper attempting to silently sit against the wall. "Fuck!" Draco yells as I place a hand over my mouth trying to hold back tears.
I'm just emotional he didn't mean it. I hate how I'm like this. I silently let tears run down my face as Draco continues to yell and cuss blaming himself for everything. I just don't know what everything is...
Minutes go by as I patiently wait. I didn't want to leave him just in case something bad happened. I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself. The minutes soon turn into an hour as his sobs become muffled. "D-Draco'' I whisper, turning towards the door, placing a hand over my swollen stomach.
"Have you been there the whole time" he asks cutting his cries off immediately. "Y-yes i'm sorry" I apologize waiting for him to blow up. "Did I make you cry?" He questions me sucking in a breath. I dart my eyes to the floor before answering. "No" I lied, biting my lip.
"You're lying" he catches on quickly making me internally groan. Before I can defend myself a toddler walks through the door. "Dada?" he yawns looking at me. Atlas had a schedule he didn't go to bed until after Draco got home. Yet Dray went so quickly Atlas never actually saw him.
"He's busy right now" I tell the boy. He runs over to the door sitting against it. "Okie" he smiles looking up to me. "Dada'' he says again as shuffling is heard in the bathroom. "Yeah bud" he wearily answers him.
"I bove oo" He giggles kicking his feet before yawning again. "I love you too buddy" Draco chuckles making the toddler get bouncy. "Do you want to talk about it?" I hesitate, not getting an answer for the first few minutes. Eventually he sighs before mumbling the counterspell. The door knob slowly turns startling the boy who was leaning against it. Atlas quickly falls on to his hands and crawls away turning to wait for his dad.
I stay on the ground too tired and worn to move. The door slowly opens, a very distraught and devastated Draco stepping out of it. "Oh no" Atlas mumbles hopping on to his feet. He quickly wobbles over to his dad grabbing his leg.
"It's okay" he whispers, squeezing his leg for a hug. "I wish it was buddy" he lets out in a hushed tone ruffling the boy's hair. Atlas's face turns into a pout as his grip becomes even tighter. My husband then looks at me, his face dropping again.
I dart my eyes away suddenly feeling guilty. Did I do something? He closes the bathroom door again sinking down to the floor. "Did... Did I do something?" I ask, refusing to make eye contact with him.
His hand quickly grips mine pulling it into his lap. "You didn't do anything" he whispers, forcing a smile onto his face as our toddler tries to find a comfortable spot between us. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask looking back up to his face.
Dray leans his head against the door and bit his lip, obviously stressed out. "I-I just... sorry" he mumbles letting his head drop. "Take your time" I smile, rubbing a hand over his cheek. Freeing my other hand from his, I take the hyper child sitting next to me. Atlas immediately pouts which forces me to ignore the child for a second laying Draco's head on my lap.
Picking the now bored child up I give him to Dray who cuddles him like a teddy bear. I hold a hand over my stomach groaning when I feel a huge kick. "You okay," he asks, trying to sit up. "Im fine, we're talking about you right now" I reply quickly pushing him back down.
Draco takes another deep breath before continuing. "I always say I'm going t-to protect.... protect you, yet I never do... I've failed you over, and over again" he cries trying to wipe tears off of his cheeks while cradling the child who was worriedly staring at his crying dad.
"Don't say that you've always been there to protect us, you came to save me, and Atlas immediately" I whisper hating to see him like this. "What happened?'' I question him a little further as he freezes. "W-what do you mean? '' he shoots up, making me immediately push him back down. "There's more to this story... you wouldn't just randomly bring that up" I mumble getting a little too confident for my liking.
"I-" he cuts himself off trying to hold in his crying. "We went to Hogsmeade today with our 1st hours.... Which means Octavia was with m-me" he explains before taking a break. I move my hand to his hair massaging his scalp.
"Willow..." he starts off but immediately gets choked up. I feel myself tense up. "Is she o-okay" I stutter, tears already starting to well up in my eyes. "There was this wizard, and she c-couldn't fight him off" he whimpers closing his eyes keeping Atlas as close to him as possible
"Draco, you're scaring me! Is she okay?" I cry repeating my earlier question while at the same time trying to comfort a sobbing Draco. "She's okay she was saved by the rest of her class when they found her" He sobs moving his arms to cover his face.
Atlas slips off of his dad and tries to scoot closer to hug him. He flopped his body over Dray's chest attempting to reassure him. "That's good isn't it..." I rushed out not really wanting to hear if there was more. "Once I heard what had happened I grabbed Octavia and we ran to where she was. Some of her girl classmates were covering her with their robes forcing the others to look away as" he whispers meekly staring up to the ceiling with a blank expression.
"As Octavia ran to comfort her trembling and crying girlfriend I asked who their teacher was.... It ended up being Trelawney and she went off to get Minerva... something about finding the guy" he trembles as I just continue to nod understanding where the story was going.
"She's such a tough girl... she was just too small for him" He adds, choking out a sob. "Dray I'm so-" he cuts me off gripping onto his heart. "He touched her Harry! If her classmates wouldn't have realized she was gone he would have gotten his way with her! She was naked... who knows what he did and what he would have..." he began shouting before cutting himself off.
"Did they find him?" I hesitantly asked Draco, making him chuckle, which really surprised me.
"Yes I did find him... and he will never be found again"

(^^^^You can interpret the last sentence how you want ^^^^^)

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