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-Katerina POV-

There was something different about waking up on the morning of a fashion show. The nervousness in my stomach was replaced by excitement and regardless of what happened, today was my day. After today, I was going to be known officially as a designer and the fact millions of people would be wearing my clothes was so surreal. After my weekly meeting with Lucas last night at the bank, I had put all negative thoughts out of my mind and I was committed to keeping it that way for the rest of my time in Barcelona. I trusted him to follow my instructions and since he had finalized all of my safety net requests, I wasn't worried about Damon stealing anything from me anymore. I was so committed to my positive mentality that I even met with one of Jose's friends at the store to finalize her birthday present--a custom Ferrari. Regardless of if she was mad at me or not, I spoiled my sister the same way she did me and I knew she was going to love it when she found out next week.

I truly was amazed at how much I was keeping track of with work and everything in between but the feeling of satisfaction I felt right now made it all worth it. I sighed contently as I looked around my bedroom, taking in the warmth of the sun through the window. I took it as a sign that the sun was out today since it had been cloudy all week and my mood was already boosted by the vibrant sunshine.

I smiled at my phone from so many congratulatory messages and I was most surprised to see a text from Clara congratulating me and saying she looked forward to seeing me next week in New York. It had been a while since we talked but I had started to hate her a little less considering how much she went through to warn me about her brother and I was starting to think she wasn't too bad of a person these days. I typed a quick reply and responded to a few of my friends and family's messages as well.

I saw a notification that my mom had tagged me in a post on Instagram and I gasped out loud when I saw the picture. It was a baby picture of me in the first dress my mom had ever made. She stood behind me pointing for me to smile at the camera and my dimples were deep in my chubby cheeks as I smiled for the picture. She captioned it, 'There's no day more special than your debut and there's no mother more proud than I am today. I love you, mija.' I liked the picture and was typing a quick comment when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I called as I propped myself up into a sitting position.

Ezra's head peaked in slowly and she smiled. "Remain calm," she started. I raised an eyebrow at her as she came in but as soon as I saw Anada walk in behind her, my face fell. "Hear me out! I think today is too important of a day for you two to be fighting so I am forcing you guys to work this out," she demanded.

"Well she's the one who has to apologize," we both said stubbornly.

Ezra face palmed herself. I sighed remembering my promise to not let negatively ruin the day so I decided to be the bigger person since I was her big sister. "I'm sorry for last night," I mumbled.

She looked at me probably debating my sincerity before she nodded. "I'm sorry for last night too," she sighed, "and I'm sorry for taking you to Neymar's house. I genuinely was trying to do the right thing and I swear I had nothing to do with the paps."

I nodded because hearing it back made me realize how insane the theory had been. Damon was trying to snake his way between us and I had given into it. "I accept your apology," I said.

Anada and Ezra shared a glance and I could tell Ezra was telling her to do something with her eyes. "Katty, there's something else," Anada said reluctantly. I frowned and gestured her to tell me. "I was upset and you've been really shady lately and you usually tell me everything but now it feels like you don't so that was why I was hurt-" she rambled.

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