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-Katerina POV-

"Perfect! That was flawless," I applauded as the models concluded their rehearsal. I was proud of the team and from the look of the critics that were reviewing the collection, I could tell they were impressed as well. After a few short interviews, I called my mom to give her the good news.

"Oh, gracias a Dios! I'm so proud of you, honey. Tomorrow will be another excellent debut," she commended me in a sweet voice. Too sweet of a voice.

"Thanks, mom," I mumbled, "but what's with the peppy voice?"

"There's no peppy voice," she denied.

"Mom, you didn't even sound like this when I got my first Vogue cover. What's up? What's going on in Valparaiso?" I cut to the chase.

She paused and sighed. "Sweetheart, where are you right now?" she asked.

"I'm still at the venue. Why? You're freaking me out," I said lowly, glancing around in paranoia.

"Katerina, your father and Isabella don't know that we've redivided the shares and Jose and I had to keep it that way. We need to keep your father on our side if we're going to move forward with prosecuting the Salvez family. We agreed to an impasse and I had to prevent your father from suspecting anything other than good faith... so I agreed," she said vaguely. I stayed silent until she finished her thought. "I agreed for him to go and see you in Paris."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I exclaimed in shock. Kate, who was nearby jumped at my outburst and I scurried away into a private corner. "Mom, this is the day before haute couture! The AmFAR event is tonight! Do I need to remind you he's a wanted fugitive?! The press will eat us alive--more than they already have been!"

"I know, mija-"

"Mom, I'm kind of in the middle of my own warzone right now and I really don't feel like playing a fake game of touch and go with my absentee father," I frowned.

Alexis squinted his eyes at me from a few feet away, probably sensing my stress, and came over to me. "Is that mom?" he mouthed and I nodded. He took the phone from me and I watched his facial expression change once she filled him in. He sighed and hung up. "Well, your dad's coming.." he mumbled.

"Yep. My dad's coming," I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"She says, remember the plan. You wanna fill me in on the plan?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Pardon my interruption. Katerina, your car is waiting outside to take you both home. I coordinated your glam team for the AmFAR event and they'll be set up at your penthouse," Kate said to us.

"Thanks, Kate. Oh, uh, this is my brother, Alexis. Hermano, my new assistant, Kate," I introduced them as I started walking towards the exit. "I'll fill you in on the way," I whispered to him.

The three of us piled into the car and Kate had lunch waiting for us in the car. I'd forgotten to eat with all of the morning chaos and I was tremendously appreciative. I scarfed down the salad while Alexis and I caught up. For a moment, it felt like a normal ride home and not like doomsday was waiting for me when I got there. The only relief I got was seeing Neymar had left by the time we got home.


-Neymar POV-

The Dior photoshoot went smoother than expected despite my late arrival. The team asked me to shoot a few looks from their haute couture collection that debuted today and I found myself getting along well with the design team, talking in jargon I'd learned from Katerina about design concepts and fabrics. She and I went to the Dior event last month as a couple but today, I'd be going to the AmFAR event alone. I wasn't too thrilled about the fact I'd have to see her there but not have her on my arm. At least I knew we could be civil near each other, I think.

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