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-Neymar POV-
I arrived back at my hotel toward midnight and was surprised to see Rafinha in the lobby.

"What are you doing out so late?" I questioned, becoming suspicious by his dressy attire.

"I could ask you the same thing, where were you tonight?"

"You first!"

He laughed before he nodded, "Remember Anada? Katerina's friend that I met at her party?" He asked. I nodded quickly.

"Well while you were trying to woo Katerina, she and I talked a lot and I really like her. I just dropped her home from a date. She's amazing, Neymar," his eyes were glowing with the thought of her. It was great to see him like this, I hadn't seen him this way in such a long time.

"Looks like you're whipped already," I laughed and he shoved me to the wall. We got into the elevator and pressed our level, "your turn," he said.

"I was just with a friend," I said calmly.

He looked at me like I had three heads, "a friend, seriously? This is your first time in Chile, you don't have friends here! You went to Alexis' house to go see Katerina, didn't you?"

I looked at my feet. "I knew it, you liked her since the first time you saw her." He was 100 percent right, he was standing with me the night of the party when I saw Kat dance with Alexis. He had made fun of me for staring saying my eyes would dry up if I didn't blink soon. I rolled my eyes remembering.

"Bro, just ask her out already! What are you waiting for?" He suggested. He was right, what was I waiting for? I was letting her games get to me, I knew she was only playing hard to get, when it really came down to it I knew she'd say yes in a heart beat. At least I hope.

"Okay, okay, you're right, I'll ask her out, the next time I see her," I replied.

"Good luck, she must be a tough nut to crack if you haven't asked her out by now."

"Thanks for the support, Raf," I rolled my eyes and entered the hotel room. He laughed and yelled a good night before entering his room and closing the door.

-Katerina POV-
The bright sun smacked me in the face as I heard my curtains being pulled back. I lifted the covers above my head as someone sat down at the foot of my bed, "good morning darling."

I let the covers down slowly as my eyes adjusted to the light, "morning mom, how was the dinner?"

"It was great, we missed you though. Are you feeling better?" I smiled and nodded. I was in a great mood today. Last night was the most fun in a long time, thanks to Neymar.

"Listen, Anada is waiting down stairs. How about you get ready and the three of us go out for brunch and some shopping? Tonight I'd like to have a family dinner, José and I have some news," she stood up and walked to me to kiss my forehead. I was curious if this 'news' had something to do with the office in Barcelona, but I didn't press further. My mom left the room and I got up and went straight to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I straightened my hair and put it in a high pony tail, and applied some mascara. I went to my closet to choose an outfit. I ended up wearing a white sun dress that had lace around the bottom. I wore my mid calf gladiator sandals and went to the kitchen.

I snuck behind Anada and grabbed her shoulders making her jump straight into the air, "you bitch!"

I laughed, "good morning to you too, is mom ready?"

"I'm ready, let's go," she called from the front door. Anada and I ran to the car prepared to fight over the passenger seat, I won, of course.

"So what's the news about?" I asked after we were seated at an outdoor table for brunch.
"You'll have to wait and see, but I think you both will be pleasantly surprised," she smiled and winked.

Anada and I exchanged looks but shrugged it off. The suspense was killing me, I couldn't wait anymore. "Does it have anything to do with the office you're opening in Barcelona?"
She eyed me wide eyed and sipped her iced tea before answering, "How did you know about that?"

"What office in Barcelona?" Anada questioned.

"Well José and I had talked it over and decided on opening an office there and making it the head quarters of Vera Industries, instead of the office here in Santiago."

"Uh, why? Wouldn't that mean you'd need to be there everyday?" Anada said.

"Yes, in fact that's why we decided to do this, see Barcelona is growing to be a fashion forward city in Europe and opening an office there is a great opportunity," she began to explain,"not to mention, José's business is has just opened an office there as well. But the major reason we decided this is for the two of you and Alexis."

Anada and I looked at each other confused then back at my mom.

"Well Alexis plays for Barcelona, and he also lives there. We figured the family should be together, considering how close you three are. Also, this way all of us could easily support him at his matches." It made sense to me, to be honest. Facing facts, Santiago wasn't a well known fashion city, but Europe held the fashion icons. Being close to Alexis and having all our family near by would be ideal. Plus I had lived in various countries before this, due to my moms past husbands, so the transition wouldn't be hard for me. I looked at Anada who was smiling ear to ear, "so we're moving to Barcelona?" She asked.

"Yes, in two weeks time we'll be traveling to Barcelona," my mom nodded.

I had mixed feelings about this. Sure I wanted to be in Barcelona, it's a gorgeous city and I'd be able to visit Alexis more often. But Santiago was my home, I was born here and I spent most of my life here, no matter where my mom, Anada and I moved, we always ended up back in Santiago. The idea popped into my head that I'd see Neymar more often too, but I didn't want to dwell on that thought, as I convinced myself I wasn't interested in being with him.

We finished out brunch and drove to the mall strip. After a few hours of successful shopping, we decided to head home to start preparing dinner. Anada drove while I sat in the passenger seat with my mom in the back making calls to some extended family to invite them, last she called Alexis to let him know about the dinner.

We got home and headed straight into the kitchen just in time to see José and Alexis with puzzled expressions lifting a whole chicken, inspecting it. We burst into laughter and they looked up, "thank god, we tried to start cooking but we don't exactly know what to do.." José said.

My mom laughed and walked over to peck him on the lips, "we can tell dear."

I smiled, it was time for some quality bonding between the Sanchez-Vera family.

A/N: uh oh, while Neymar has decided to finally ask her out, Katerina seems to have already friend-zoned him?

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