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-Neymar POV-
My night had gone by rather sleeplessly. After my short conversation with Katerina, I was worried about her. I kept an eye on her while she slept in my arms but she slept peacefully. Though, I had a bad feeling that it was worse than she was letting on. It was obvious, however, that she would try to refuse to talk about it no matter how many times I asked.

When I woke up, however, she was already awake and in a rather good mood so I forgot the subject altogether. I had to take Davi to the airport since he had an early flight back home to São Paulo. He cried for an hour before I was able to get him out of Katerina's arms. If he had his way, she would be on the plane going with him. Yet if I had my way, he would be with me all the time but I knew he needed time with his mother as well. It was bittersweet for everyone but it was just the way it had to be done.

It was a convenience of money to be able to own my own private plane and it benefitted Davi's, and my family's, constant travels. Once his flight nanny had taken him and the plane took off, I arrived at Camp Nou.

I was walking out of the locker room in my training gear when I saw a girl by the end of the tunnel. I knew it wasn't Kat because her outfit was different than Katerina's today and she had long black hair. She wore black jeans and a pink bomber jacket. It looked like she was ready to leave but as soon as she turned around to walk to the exit, she turned back. However, I saw her face just in time. "Anada?" I asked, shocked.

She jumped and turned around to face me. "Lover boy! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, sounding nervous.

"Huh? This is my training session. What are you doing here," I frowned in confusion. She looked around like she was trying to stall for time. I furrowed my eyebrows until someone behind her on the pitch caught my eye. "You came with Rafinha," I smirked, finally putting it together.

"I'd love to stay at chat but I'm late for a meeting," she said lightning fast before she slipped her aviators on and stepped around me.

"Mhm, of course. Have fun, Martinez," I shouted sarcastically while she walked away swiftly. She waved back at me without turning around and I shook my head. At this point, I was just going to stay out of it until the two of them figured it out for themselves.

"Bro, you look tired," Rafinha noticed when I joined everyone on the pitch.

"Yeah you're barely moving today, man," Dani added.

"I guess Kat must've given you your own workout last night, huh," Geri smirked deviously as he nudged my side.

"Guys, she's still my sister. Don't say stuff like that," Alexis gagged.

"I didn't sleep too much last night," I sighed, "not for that reason Geri." I shot him a look. "Davi was having nightmares."

"Poor kid. With a dad as ugly as you, it's no wonder," Dani said cheekily, earning a few chuckles.

Unfortunately, because of that slick comment, he left himself open and I quickly stole possession of the ball. "Who's laughing now," I smirked before passing it to Leo.

Morning training went by smoothly. Luis Enrique gave us some strategic advice for our upcoming match against Roma and once our quick physical checks, we were released for a lunch break.

-Katerina POV-
My morning had been so preoccupied with meetings that I barely had a break for lunch. However, there was no time to quench my hunger. I had made a few notes since the last time I'd seen Damon to keep myself on track with my plan. After seeing him, I'd come to a definite realization that I wasn't going to be toyed around with whatsoever. Therefore, I planned on outsmarting the biggest fraud I knew. It was going to take a lot of scheming and a lot of money but the end result would be worth it, though I didn't actually know what was waiting for me in the end. All I knew right now was that I was on my own with this and I was hoping that that was enough.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now