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-Katerina POV-

I had done a lot of stupid things in my 20 years on this planet, but this had to be the worst. The headache I felt was mind numbingly painful and I couldn't even open my eyes knowing the sun was so bright today. I had completely spiraled last night and I couldn't even remember how I got home. I could remember throwing back shots like it was water with Anada, Ezra and all my friends which had seemed like a great idea at the time but now I started to get queasy at the thought of alcohol. I felt like I could taste the vodka in my mouth and if I moved an inch from the position I was laying in, I would throw it up. The sun was relentless as it continued to rise higher in the sky, burning my eyes even through my eyelids. I figured my best chance at survival was to get up and eat something to soak up the contents of my stomach. I finally mustered up the courage to open my eyes but as soon as I opened and saw the tattooed arm around my waist, I proved myself wrong. THIS was the dumbest thing I had done in my 20 years on this planet.

My eyes widened as I looked at Neymar sleeping shirtless beside me and as I sat up and felt a draft on my naked body, I started to panic. The memories of seeing Neymar at the club last night started flooding back and all I could think of was the paparazzi seeing us leaving together. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my ability to breathe escaped me. There was no way those pictures weren't everywhere by now and that meant Damon would've seen them. I looked around frantically for my phone but all I saw was our clothes from last night all over the room.

He was snoring lightly so I delicately lifted his arm off of me and snaked out of his grasp so I didn't wake him. I felt so exposed since I couldn't pull the blanket out from under his leg without waking him up so I rushed over to get my dress and skipped into the bathroom to get dressed. I finally found my phone lying under my dress and the google alerts spoke for themselves.

'Neymar Jr. comes to ex's afterparty with two girls on his arm and leaves with Katerina! These lovebirds cant stay away from each other for too long.'

'Katerina Vera and Neymar Jr. rumored back together after Vera throws party of the year to celebrate her design debut.'

I quickly scrolled through my notifications expecting to see a message from Damon but to my surprise, there was nothing and that only made me more nervous. I stepped into my dress and zipped it up before I looked frantically for a makeup wipe to remove the disaster on my face. I remembered well and good what Neymar and I had done and while I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't enjoy every second of it, it shouldn't have happened. Not before I had a chance to tell my family about Damon and silence his not so idle threats. I finally found a wipe and cleaned my face. I ran my fingers through my hair to untangle it and when I was at least semi presentable, I peaked out to make sure he was still asleep.

I sighed relieved to see he hadn't moved and I picked up my phone and tie toed to the door. I slowly pulled the door closed behind me. "Filho," (son) I heard someone call in a thick Portuguese accent. I practically jumped out of my skin as I turned around to see who was standing at the end of the hallway. The man was about Neymar's height with a tan complexion and his facial features looked too much like Neymar for me to not know he was his father, Neymar Sr.. I had spoken to him so many times in passing when Neymar would call his parents but I had never officially met them and I certainly didn't expect to meet his father like this. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you were my son," he apologized, chuckling at my wide eyed expression.

"He- Um, he's still asleep," I whispered. I could feel my face heating up and I hated how easily I blushed.

He shook his head clearly displeased since it was well into the morning already. "Well, it's nice to finally see you in person, Katerina! I assume you two had quite the night," he raised an eyebrow, assessing my appearance. I felt like I was being judged and I knew he saw the headlines and the pictures of me and his son leaving a club drunk at 1 in the morning. It was not a good look, especially not when Neymar was facing a 7 match suspension and I was facing a sex tape scandal.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu