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-Katerina POV-

My few hours at Neymar's hotel were short but sweet. I returned back home sometime around 3 in the morning and entered a quiet and dark home. It was a full one, however, now that everyone had arrived from Santiago. I'd have to wait a few more hours to greet everyone, though. I carried my gown in my hands since Neymar had given me a much more comfortable sweatsuit to wear. I avoided making too much noise by taking the staircase in the kitchen that led directly up to the wing of the house my room was in. 

I smiled at the view of Anada sleeping peacefully in my bed. She was facing the chaise that was near the window, and I realized Javier was the one laying in it, with his long legs hanging off the end. They must've tried to wait up for me and dozed off in the process sometime after responding to my text that said I'd be home soon. Though I tried to be as quiet as possible, the soft clinking of the crytals of my gown caused Javier to shift in his sleep. He jolted awake and looked first at Anada before realizing I was standing a few feet away. "Katerina?" he whispered to confirm with squinted eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I whispered back.

He checked his phone and rubbed his eyes awake. "It's okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Oscar and I have been alternating hours to check on Iris but, I assume everything went well?" he said. 

I nodded with a smile. "And no one saw me in or out. Apparently Jose beefed up security at the hotel and they were able to escort me out."

"Mm, Katty is that you?" Anada mumbled and reached to tug on the string of the lamp on the side table. "I don't want to be on a plane again anytime soon. These time changes are kicking my ass," she groaned with her eyes still closed and ran her hand through her messy hair. When she opened them again, she saw Javier as though she was suprised to see him. She sat up and fixed her hair. "We were just up strategizing and waiting for you," she informed me. 

"I assumed as much," I chuckled quietly. "Is there anything new I should know?" I asked.

"About what?" they asked at the same time.

"About the plan," I answered slowly with furrowed eyebrows. 

Anada sighed and shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. We were hoping to make more progress with Sergio and my mom but our visit to Valparaiso was just a cringe fest of their love affair before Sergio left and beat us here to Paris. Javier told me he went to the AmFAR?" she said.

I pursed my lips at the recallection of that and nodded in affirmative before I sighed. "Jav, do you mind if I talk to Anada alone for a while?" I asked him.

"Of course," he said immediately. He got up and rubbed my arm. "I'm glad things went well with Neymar. Get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us," he told me and wished us good night. 

I closed the door behind him and turned back to Anada and said, "I think I have our smoking gun."

She shot up from the bed and followed me to my closet. "What are you talking about?" she asked as I moved a few bags from one of the shelf and revealed the hidden safe behind the wall. 

"Neymar told me that Sergio paid him a visit before the AmFAR tonight. Apparently he wanted Neymar to convince me to sit down and talk to him. I couldn't understand why he wanted us to talk so much until I ran into him at the AmFAR. He told me to read the letter. Do you remember?" I asked as I punched in the code to the safe. 

"The letter from the will? You kept them?!" she gasped. I finally retrieved the sealed envelopes and handed her the one with her name on it. 

"Neither one of us wanted to read them but I thought maybe one day,  we should have the ability to change our mind," I told her. "He told me to read the letter and find out the truth. So we're going to figure out what exactly that means."

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now