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-Katerina POV-

"I've never really realized how much depth Clara has," Oscar spoke softly when we got back in the car after the funeral service.

"That was such a beautiful eulogy," I agreed.

"She put up such a facade all through school. I mean, we all thought she was-"

"A bitch," I finished his sentence. He nodded. "She definitely tried hard to be one but I think at the end of the day, she's just lonely."

"You did the right thing by offering for her to stay with your family," he said to me, "whether or not she takes you up on that offer is another story."

"She and I have been through a lot but I consider her a friend. At least she knows the door is open," I explained honestly.

"Well, you have a pretty loose definition of friend these days so," he muttered, biting his lip cautiously to avoid a laugh.

"Hell is hot you know," I frowned.

"Speaking from experience?" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "You were tapping your heel nonstop in there that I'm surprised you even paid attention to Clara's eulogy. Are you really that worried about what happened with Neymar?" he asked me in a more serious tone.

"Oscar, there are a million things going on right now! Damon could've been there today—he wasn't but still. My dad could've been there!"

"Jose?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, no, my bio dad," I said. His head tilted to the side. "Oh, yeah, turns out my dad's not dead. You missed that episode last night. It was a whole thing, Anada passed out at the mere sight of him," I sighed.

His jaw dropped as he tried to wrap his brain around that. "Okay- Jesus Christ, wow- okay, let's ignore all of that for right now and focus on what was worrying you."

"Yes, okay fine! I was worried about what happened with Neymar," I reluctantly admitted covering my face, "now tell me what to do."

He didn't answer my literal cry for help but instead took out his phone. He put it to his ear and I watched him curiously. "Anada, hey, birthday girl.... Everything's fine, just wanted to let you know the funeral was over. Yeah, it was good. Very touching service... How's your birthday going?" he said nonchalantly. I shook my head profusely and mouthed at him not to say anything because she was probably with Neymar. "Oh, you're with Neymar right now?" he asked her. My eyes widened and I tried to grab the phone from him. He clicked the mute button and swatted my hands away. "She told me he made her breakfast, relax!" he shushed me and unmuted himself. "That's nice of him. Listen, I'm going to take Katerina to lunch and I was calling to make sure that was okay given all the birthday traditions you have but it seems Neymar is holding them up for you. He's a good friend," he said. I'd never heard him use the word friend so many times in one sitting. "Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna buy her a new phone and have her text you. Ciao," he said and ended the call.

"Anada told me to get you a cellphone because she can't go a minute without talking to you. We need to get out of these funeral clothes first though," he said and backed out of the parking spot.

"Oh my god, she knows. He said something!" I gasped.

"Remember when I said rest? That didn't only mean sleep. It meant literally to rest your mind. You take all of those thoughts that are floating around and you put them in a box until later. For the next few hours, that's what we're going to do," he told me.

At first, I thought it was something easier said than done, but then I realized he was taking us to Distrito del Lujo Parque Arauco, the best shopping center in Santiago. I felt a hole in my pocket where my credit card used to be as we walked into Fendi. "Can't believe I'm doing this right now, but here," he said, handing me his black card.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن